What is the opposite of liberal? All I ever hear on this board is "libtard this...

What is the opposite of liberal? All I ever hear on this board is "libtard this, libtard that" So what are you label throwers even proponents of? What label are you open to yourself be given? Shit seems entirely redundant outside of of a USA setting but let's hear it.


Sup Forums is exactly the same as what it despises, in a sense Sup Forums despises itself

>you a fucking retard OP?

How do you not know the opposite of liberal?? Serious question too. Tell us.

Well. Your Democrats are right wing and your Republicans are far right wing. Please note the USA setting stipulation in my OP.

The difference between Sup Forums and SJWs is that Sup Forums doesn't want censorship. It fears nothing said against it because it knows it's right.

>authoritarians masquerading as conservatives
try again fgt pls

How are you defining left and right, because under that regime monarchy would be far left (which is pretty ironic when you think about it)...

What does that have to do with the question? Christ you are thick.

there's liberals and then there's idiots

Still have no idea wtf you're asking? Are you trying to compare USA liberalism to other countries version or the same "word"? Or inferring maybe our liberals are your conservatives?

I mean you may as well ask how close to an apple does a hamburger taste... it's a nonsensical comparison.

As a side.. some countires may not be aware some words, though the same, have differnat meanings in other countries.

Tell a britard you want to smoke a fag.... now tell an Amerifat the same shit.. now go ask why they isn't da same on the internet hurr durr.

>liberals masquerading as conservatives because they were cucked out of the label by faggots and their old enemies are the only ones that give them the time of day anymore

Alt-right, stormweenie, populist, fascistcuck, governmentcuck

Just give me the label that best represents you.

Sup Forumsack.

Or Sup Forumstard if you want to get cute.


>Sup Forums doesn't want censorship
>kokoko we want to stop anti-kremlin dissents because they lie putin-sama peronally told me russia is a white christian paradise, no oligarchs and jews, ok
>kokoko if you say that assad is a genocidal maniac and faggot you're a jew and support is
>say yes to tougher libel laws so librul media can't demean our god emperor Drumpf
Polcucks, not even once.

>Say something
>get called a faggot on Sup Forums of all places
>CENSORSHIP!!!!! ;^(((((((((

>say something controversial for poltards
>get encircled by a bandwagon of triggered autists spewing the same bullshit and lame one-liners doesn't matter if you back up your posts with arguments or just baiting

Why are you lumping in censoring legitimate opinions with coming up with counter-arguments, using ridicule, and censoring proven slanderous lies?

I wouldn't expect a soviet to understand how freedom works

I'm the worst meme
I'm a libertarian

>Say unpopular opinion
>People call you bad names
>No posts are removed or algorithms tinkered
Yeah that sure sounds like censorship to me

Yet here you are, free to post whatever you like.

Freedom of speech doesn't include a requirement for everyone to gather round and suck you off. They too have he right to call you a faggot if they want to.

Russias corrupt as fuck but socially it's a lot more stable due to its homogeneity.

Assads acting in the interest of syria, it's brutal but his people are retarded, if the syrians deserved a free society they wouldn't shit over other free societies they migrate to.

The media needs tougher libel laws because the fuckers aren't remotely independent at present, if they had a shred of integrity and gave both sides equal treatment then we'd have no issue with them regulating themselves. Laws against promoting propaganda as news is not the same as censorship.

Because poltards have a completely butchered and misled notion about freedom of speech. Protip: the ability to spam your memes everywhere isn't exactly what you call freedom of speech.
Don't you get it? This board is a circlejerk where you get punished by the majority for wrong views, well, it looks exactly like an online version of the soviet camp discipline except you don't get banned and sent to GULAG.
>Freedom of speech doesn't include a requirement for everyone to gather round and suck you off.
Freedom of speech does include a requirement to be neutral and give the benefit of the doubt at least in some cases, and don't instantly chimp out at something you don't like.

>Censorship is calling someone a faggot

>Freedom of speech does include a requirement to be neutral and give the benefit of the doubt
Holy shit, this better be bait, because it's the exact opposite of that, you fucking retard. It's FREE SPEACH. What about that is hard to understand?

the kids on here don't believe in anything, they're just contrarians

>Freedom of speech does include a requirement to be neutral and give the benefit of the doubt at least in some cases, and don't instantly chimp out at something you don't like.

No it doesn't. Freedom of speech is exactly what is stated. You can say what you like and not get carted off to prison or excluded from the debate because of it. It does not place any restrictions on the other side. In a formal setting there's certain courtesies extended, like not calling your opponent a faggot, but that's just being polite and is not itself a part of the concept of free speech.

Comeon man, you can't be serious?

You are posting on a board that imbues you with a level of free speech unfathomable virtually anywhere else on the internet, but compare it to people who want to declare anything midly offensive hatespeech?

>This I like to believe as it affords me a sense of superiority that allows me to dismiss everyone else out of hand

>Freedom of speech does include a requirement to be neutral and give the benefit of the doubt at least in some cases

Freedom of speech is just speech without restraint or censorship. The expectation that you must be neutral in your speech example of a restraint on speech, as is most forms of political correctness.

Libtard =/= liberal.

Libtard = retarded liberal.

>Freedom of speech does include a requirement to be neutral
Retarded faggot. Doesn't even know what "freedom of speech" is.

It's not "the other party has to give the benefit of the doubt."

It's not "you must be neutral."

Or is this really what Russia defines as free speech? I doubt it, but I don't live there, so who knows?

>the majority is against you when you go against their ideas

Color me surprised

>Freedom of speech does include a requirement to be neutral and give the benefit of the doubt at least in some cases
Yes in court cases and legal matters, otherwise people can say what they want whenever as long as it isn't an explicit call to action, a specific credible threat, or a slanderous falsehood.

Guys stop you're censoring him

L0L retard

>liberals masquerading as conservatives
L0L retard

Fuck you

You get redacted


Or conservative

Excellent post, you really cut right to the heart of my argument there.

Your shining intelligence is truly blinding.

Except that's wrong. anti-SJWs consist of right wing, left wing and centrist individuals. This isn't even debatable, the major Anti-SJWs these days are Milo (semi-right but non-Sup Forums) and Sargon of Akkad (semi-left) and guys like RamzPaul, who is hard right.

If you're claiming that leftists, centrists and right-winger are all identical to SJWs, you're basically saying that all ideologies are exactly identical regardless of where they are on the spectrum.

If your definition is that loose, your definition is meaningless. You clearly have difficulty seeing reality.

Wow, Russian Leftist doesn't know what censorship is. color me surprised, losers have o conception of how winners act.

Censorship is when you are silenced. You mistake being defeated in a marketplace of ideas for being censored.

It's a stupid image that keep doing the rounds for some reason, likely made by some "enlightened centrist".

It boils down to "both of these groups have strong opinions about something. This makes them identical. The true path is to not really care about anything at all".

>What is the opposite of liberal?

To be fair, Milo is about as alt-right as it gets. Pretty funny that the closest celebrity to the average Sup Forumsack is a dirty fag.

independent socialist

I would have thought after being counter-argued to the point of redundancy that nihilism would just fuck off.

no one likes milo, some redditors think its funny how he annoys leftists though

No, Milo is NOT Alt-Right and he doesn't identify as such. The Alt-Right is non-mainstream Conservatives, Milo has explicitly said in his own report on the Alt-Right that he doesn't represent them. He's a traditional Conservative who is interested in their affairs.

Dick Spencer is Alt-Right. Jared Taylor is Alt-Right. Pat Buchanen is Alt-Right. Milo Yiannapulous is a garden variety Conservative with some unconventional sympathies.


>all these delicious (you')s
>Freedom of speech is just speech without restraint or censorship
Could spamming a thread with gibberish be accounted for using freedom of speech? It disrupts an ability of people to have a conversation. Is it censorship to ban a spammer?

Sup Forums has a set of global rules for banning people saying stuff that's not permitted, like racism, or posting content not relevant to the boards specialty. Sup Forums rules are:

>Debate and discussion related to politics and current events is welcome.
>You are free to speak your mind, but do not attack other users. You may challenge one another, but keep it civil!
>Posting pornography is not permitted. This is a politics board, not a porn board.

How can you say that this board truly has freedom of speech when it clearly has a rule to ban users based on their attitude towards other users or free to do so when you have elaborated your opinion on the matters and posted a pic portraying sexual intercourse which could be related to a slander you wanted to talk about? If anything, you guys are in deep denial about your perpetuating self-censorship even if de facto there's rather a risk for you to get banned by janitors than an immenient retribution.

>Could spamming a thread with gibberish be accounted for using freedom of speech? It disrupts an ability of people to have a conversation. Is it censorship to ban a spammer?

I would argue that it doesn't disrupt speech for me. I can decipher what is gibberish and what isn't. If someone is spamming gibberish in a thread I will hide it, or ignore it. I don't have to go to the administration to be able to use this site.

Banning spammers wasn't the original argument. You floated the idea that having more than one reply was an effort to censor someone. You conflate dismissive speech with gibberish for whatever reason.

Gibberish does not halt me from having an argument as I can decipher what is and is not gibberish, and I can then hide the gibberish to get to the actual response. I have the will and the tools to endure gibberish it seems.

>How can you say that this board truly has freedom of speech when it clearly has a rule to ban users based on their attitude towards other users or free to do so when you have elaborated your opinion on the matters and posted a pic portraying sexual intercourse which could be related to a slander you wanted to talk about? If anything, you guys are in deep denial about your perpetuating self-censorship even if de facto there's rather a risk for you to get banned by janitors than an immenient retribution.

I can tell you are an outsider from your verbatim reading of the rules. The only people who I've seen banned on Sup Forums have been people who are underage, post CP, post anime in Sup Forums, post Sup Forums in not Sup Forums, or was carelessly new.

Your entire argument is stupid and I feel stupid for wasting my time thinking about it. You clearly don't know how to use this site and have wasted everyone's time and energy (as little as it cost).

Allahu Akbar!

The U.S. must take Monroe Doctrine now.
The U.S. must withdraw American Forces from all Foreign Countries now.

Stop America's doing its all wars now!

I love American99% and the U.S.

Japan, Germany and China are evil empires.
Islamists' true enemies are Japan, Germany, China, top1%, Wall-Street, American-Military-Industry and DOD!

Allahu Akbar!

White nationalist
conservative(in the true sense)

that covers most non-cucks on the board