Every month this year has been the hottest in recorded history
And Republicans will STILL deny climate change
Every month this year has been the hottest in recorded history
And Republicans will STILL deny climate change
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Anthropogenic climate change is a myth. No one denies normal climate change you fucking mong. Al Gore said we would all be underwater by now but surprise surprise the sea levels haven't risen at all. If you cunts really cared about climate change, you would be obsessing over the livestock industry which is responsible for insane amounts of land clearing, water usage and GHG emissions (not just at atmospheric carbon)
>with respect to a 1981-2010 base period
>in recorded history
In the whole 166 years of recorded temperature?
Nothing before that matters. God put those bones in the ground to trick you.
definitely real, lots of more bears coming from the north here in Alaska and fishing is getting worse
people who deny this live in areas unaffected
Who cares. When it gets really bad, I'll be able to sit back comfortably several hundred miles north while you alt right fucktards and your inbred bible thumping siblings live with mass climate immigration, fresh water shortages, and desertification. Not my fault you retards would rather spend money building a multimillion dollar ark in kentucky.
please man, don't even troll about this. The damage is too great
>Who cares
your children will, if you end up having any
Vice doing climatology. Lel. BTW, in Cambrian the estimated average temperature was 22° C.
Prove it's man made faggot
>In the whole 166 years of recorded temperature?
>166 years
Yeah it's fucking nothing.
There was a Roman warm period that peaked considerably higher than we are now, and a Minoan one before that which was even higher. And the rates the temperature rose at was just as high.
There was a little ice age in the XVIIth century when Thames was frozen, a period called Maunder Minimum. There is a strong positive correlations between solar activity and the climate altough IPCC minimize the role of Sun in Earth's climate.
prove it's not, achmed
We need another ice age soon
Wew lads, 14 more years apparently.
>in recorded history
The thing I want to know, alltho planet is getting hotter, is if this is man made or just normal way how earth 'breaths'. Cold > Warm > Cold > Warm etc.
Are you saying that my archeaobacteria will all be ok then? Great, no worries, just the other billions of years of evolution to worry about.
But is there proof we're causing it, literally nobody denies it's getting hotter
Are they actually going to release their methodology or are they just going to say 'trust us' and get busted for changing how they collect data again...
All I wanna know as well. They blame it on co2,
Plant more trees, problem solved.
Its been like coldest and wettest summer in this millenia this year. We had 2 weeks of sub 25c temperatures at beginning of summer, then its just been raining and cloudy most time15-20c. Even with clear skies it barely went over 22c
I wish we had warmth.
No one denies it you cunt. Whether it's caused by man or not is up for debate. There have been vast climate changes on this planet before industrialization. Global Warming, on the other hand, was fucking bullshit and the reason it's called Climate Change now is so people can still use it as a weapon politically even though they were wrong before.
>prove a negative
american education!
Bullshit. This year has been colder than the previous year here
Denmark is 2 mm of rain away of setting record for having the wettest summer ever.
Not sure what my point is, but its pretty wet and cold over here.
Also, merica you are a silly baboon
Opinion discarded
Mankind is doing a lot to hurt the natural systems of the planet, particularly the oceans. But saying that mankind is causing CLIMATE change is nubile and fantastic.
Well done, the rest of us can take a break from this shit thread now.
It's called weather, burgerboy.
>american geographers
>not understanding the difference between weather and climate
Did global warming forgot to affect my city? Because it's been one shitty August so far.
>t. Royal Dutch Shill
July was pretty cold here in Germany. I don't trust those stats. Made by Jews for sure.
>The earth is flat because i don't see any curvature right where i stand.
>my girlfriend doesn't prep herself for the BBC each day because i don't see her doing so
It's a-almost as if, as if there is another effect at work here
Almost like there's some sort of periodic warm period that occurs every 10 years or so
Almost like an el nino
Explain cambrian layer or shut your face.
but every year for the last few has been the hottest on record
Absolute bullshit. I work outside this has been the coolest summer i can remember. Its currently under 75 deg high of 85 when its normally 100+. Its been like this all week.
$100 says they jewed the data.
False Equivalency.
JUST imagine living in siberia kek you can't even profit this climate change
I've read they have floaty grass fields over there. Russians will be floating in the sky like in Bioshock Infinite soon.
give me another sauce. i won't click on that shit
How about you do something about it instead of shilling of Sup Forums. Sage in all fields.
There's no evidence to suggest that climate change is man-made. First you call it global warming then change it to climate change since your data didn't initially support the claims.
Lol, liberals really try hard.
The only reason climate change and global warming theories exist is because leftists cant into private enterprise. So they want to implement the use of "environmental" products as much as possible.
I guess when you're an atheist, you have to make up your own religion based around the weather and climate.
Pretty much.
Athiests are desperate for any validation that we matter.
Global warming is sin, and the singularity is the promised land if we are not consumed by our sin.
It's depressing as fuck to watch "scientists" act like global warming is 100% man made and that our shitty knowledge of history should be discounted as a coincidence up until now.
It's actually been about normal where I live. If anything it dipped relatively low during what's normally 100° days down to like high 80s. Non issue. More worried about real issues, like people getting their heads cut off and losing our 2nd amendment rights.
recorded history is 200 years you insipid faggot, prove that its man made and I'll be impressed
Id prefer one set off by a Yellowstone eruption since it would cause years of unending volcanic winter and plunge the Earth into a 1000 year + cold spell but I guess I'm too hopeful
Well there's two reasons for that
>We're coming out of a small and recent cooling period and have been for the past hundred and fifty years or so
>When you have a small data set, the more you expand the data set the greater the outliers you will get, thus new records being made for hot or cold really don't matter. The rate at which those extreme outliers crop up is important but we really don't have enough data to make any reasonable judgments on that
>In the whole 166 years of recorded temperature?
you mean the millions from ice bore holes?
we're also still coming out of an ice age as well and the climate is something completely out of our control. I think what you're really doing here is being a useful idiot by allowing governments to shift mass wealth out of their countries and into the "green" energy companies they own so they can live with all the wealth and in all the luxury fit for kings while the rest of the 7 billion people on the planet can live under them as a bunch of filthy pre-industrial tribals
that map is from NOAA you dumb kraut
the cause is the mystery here, not the fact that is it happening or not. did we do it? no concrete proof
a nuclear winter should fix that climate change problem
>the ice age happened 166 years ago
American education
>Have a really intense winter
"Lmao Republicans, global warming doesn't mean literal warming!!"
>Have hot summer
"Cant you see it's happening???"