Every month this year has been the hottest in recorded history

Every month this year has been the hottest in recorded history


And Republicans will STILL deny climate change

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Anthropogenic climate change is a myth. No one denies normal climate change you fucking mong. Al Gore said we would all be underwater by now but surprise surprise the sea levels haven't risen at all. If you cunts really cared about climate change, you would be obsessing over the livestock industry which is responsible for insane amounts of land clearing, water usage and GHG emissions (not just at atmospheric carbon)

>with respect to a 1981-2010 base period

>in recorded history

In the whole 166 years of recorded temperature?

Nothing before that matters. God put those bones in the ground to trick you.

definitely real, lots of more bears coming from the north here in Alaska and fishing is getting worse

people who deny this live in areas unaffected

Who cares. When it gets really bad, I'll be able to sit back comfortably several hundred miles north while you alt right fucktards and your inbred bible thumping siblings live with mass climate immigration, fresh water shortages, and desertification. Not my fault you retards would rather spend money building a multimillion dollar ark in kentucky.

please man, don't even troll about this. The damage is too great

>Who cares
your children will, if you end up having any

Vice doing climatology. Lel. BTW, in Cambrian the estimated average temperature was 22° C.

Prove it's man made faggot