Scientists examined how susceptible some jobs are to computerisation. List is at the end of this article if you want to look up your job.
THE FUTURE OF EMPLOYMENT. 702 jobs checked
bumping for interest
are they that autistic
half the fucking thing is verbal diarrhea about some historic irrelevant bullshit
TLRR it for me OP you faggot
List is at the end of this article if you want to look up your job.
Automation is coming for every job it can. No wage is low enough when you are competing against an engeneered hyper efficient machine.
Once they master machine vision, allowing robots to operate in the world like we do, using vision to build a map of the world around us and identify items of interest its all ogre. We would have to compete on an energy consumption basis and no organic body and highly generalised brain could compete against electrical power and specialised processors.
Shit is going to hit the fan when machine vision finally arrives.
>Job Rank - 671
>Probability of Employment - 0.98%
Well fuck..
labour participation rate is higher than it was in the 1970s explain that mincome dudeweed faggets
Good. We want robots making our stuff. Then everything's cheaper. You could have 100 men harvesting a field, or one man doing it with a combine harvester. You wouldn't argue for preventing the invention of harvesters because it takes peoples' jobs.
Safe as fucking houses, neet scum