ISIS using human shields, what do you think Sup Forums ? ISIS using human shields, what do you think Sup Forums ?

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why dont you just spray napalm on them like bugspray on roaches?

CBU87s and napalm. Do it once and the "civillians" will refuse to comply with ISIS again. Fuck em.

well I could tolerate the beheadings and sex slaves and murder of innocents but human shields is too far i am now #cruzmissile

Allies burned 120000 German alive in Dresden but now they just don't kill ISIS just because there are a dozen civilians around them

ISIS 1 Germany 0

wow an insurgent group using guerilla tactics no way

So maybe Obama will "conquer" ISIS just in time for election season eh?

ROE are joke, just do a couple napalm runs and see how much civilian support ISIS have. There's also the off chance that these 'moderate' muslims around ISIS are held at gunpoint and unable to leave the convoy. In which case, the coalition should just do the napalm run anyway.

Future labour force for western countries, don't want to destroy such a valuable asset.

The Solution to terrorims is vastly superior terrorism. That column should have been destroyed along with every population centre under ISIS control.

It would probably save more lives in the long run.

Wtf happened in that webm user

crane collapsed

Baals justice happened. the muzzies were tinkering with forces they dont understand, they should not have gotten the ark out of there.

dont listen to the disinfo.

A bad strawberry jam spill

We have to keep the MUH CIVILIANS narrative going to shit on nations we don't like, such as Syria/Russia/Libya/Iraq. Otherwise we'd bomb them to dust.

Wonder where they are headed fampais

What's new?

Wasn't one of their first tactics to keep civilians in cages on top of buildings to prevent getting bombed?

If a tactic works, it's a good one.

are they cowards for escaping with civilians or are we cowards for not bombing them?

Where are the human shields?

a wonderful day in mecca

Nerve gas

I wonder where all those ISIS terrorists are fleeing.

>Refugees Welcome