I have been to TEDtalks live in the past. I just do not understand how they ended up so much on the left.
Why are TEDtalks so fucking leftwing communist?
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because facts are left and right is wrong.
the cold dead stare of a commie
I used to love TED talks. They're now shit PR campaigns or propaganda.
It's because anyone can do a TEDtalk. Leftists can speak without fear of public opprobrium ergo they do most of the talking.
Something about academia and education draws the leftists. Probably because it avoids doing any actual work you can be held accountable for. Leftists lately have taken over leadership positions and their bigotry censors all opposing views
Academics are a sheltered people they tend to be leftists because they can read about tyranny and oppression and have it remain an abstraction to them even as civil liberties are eroded around them. They can't imagine their lived experiences to be anything but safe even having read extensively in violence. This is also why women tend to be leftists too. Their world, in the first world at least, is generally safe so they have to create boogey "men" to be sheltered from. Take rape for example. It's actually way more likely that she will be raped by someone she knows, but the narrative that gets pushed is the random attacker on the street. Men are in fact more likely to face violence in the street than women, but it is treated as almost a non issue. With the random attacker narrative women can agitate for a stronger state to protect them, whereas the known attacker gets boiled down to a relationship issue. There's info graphics on this somewhere...
Facts are apolitical. The tendency of science to lean left is a more modern development very closely tied to confirmation bias, as most scientific journals publish only NWO feelgood bullshit so researches waste their times trying to desperately confirm same vague result that says all genders and races are exactly the same or some other stupid narrative fuel.
Which also coincides with the fact that TED talks has stopped talking a lot about real sciences and is now mostly flooded with social sciences and physiotherapy and consumerist sciences.
>Probably because it avoids doing any actual work you can be held accountable for
The "feel good" talks get the most views, therefore those who deal in feelings rather than dry science dominate.
Smarter, more successful people tend to be liberal. Gates, Buffett, Einstein, Asimov.
>liberal. Gates, Buffett, Einstein, Asimov.
you mean Jewish, right?
>Academics are a sheltered people
This. Most academics are by nature ideas people. Their connection to reality is often rather thin spread.
dry science is problematic because it doesn't include the 23.450th Indian woman who explains how internet changed the life of the women from her village.
Such lectures really makes the feminist think, uh...
Sorry many of us got an education instead of working in a shitty factory, marrying the 300 pound trailer park queen and drinking shitty beer on my porch on the weekends for "fun" all the while blaming blacks and mexicans for my miserable existence. I sure wish I lived the conservative lifestyle.
the right wing cannot into science, nothing new.
>le epic lazy unaccountable librul academic conspiracy meme
Argument from authority.
> Gender studies, African studies, history of arts...
> science
>whereas the known attacker gets boiled down to a relationship issue
Fun Fact: Feminists got Masochistic Personality Disorder removed from the DSM of psychiatric disorders because the diagnosis raised inconvenient questions about why battered/raped women kept willfully returning to their "attackers" after "escaping."
>da joos
Communism is the opposite of liberal when it comes to economy.
>le epic shitty degrees meme
Gates & Buffett live in the ghetto to benefit from cultural enrichment ?
No. So they *are* conservative.
They do *preach*, however, very liberal values.
Yes, Jews tend to be smarter too.
An argument from authority is when someone claims a statement is true because it is said by an authority on the subject. I didn't do that. I pointed out several people who are generally regarded as smart or successful and said they were dems.
>there are thousands of distinct animal species that are more genetically similar than "humans" of various races
>"right wing can't into science"
More like the left wing is in denial about biology and how homo sapiens are not exempt from it.
Social science major detected.
why is this cunt so ugly
In that case, it's begging the question, which is why that's the case.
Most upper class/rich neighbourhoods are liberal (grew up in one). The trailer park shit holes with confederate flags and Bush/Cheney/ bumper stickers were for conservatards.
Some people describe TED as a cult. Does that explain it for you, OP?
IMO this is the best TED talk because Sam nailed the format of like 95% of all TED talks ever.
Because the one sided presentation format is exactly the sort of environment leftwing politics thrives in.
Not an argument.
How do any of your posts up until now constitute arguments?
Have you seen the Onion Talks? I think they're an even better parody.
7/10 kekked
clever play on words
> Most upper class/rich neighbourhoods are liberal (grew up in one).
They organized themselves to live very, very far from any diversity.
They *are* conservative.
They *say* liberal things.
but brexit still hasn't happened and won't before at least 2019
and then they say it'll need a 7 to 9 years of transition before finalizing brexit.
so why make that ted talk ?
that's tedx.
you gotta get invited to ted talks
>there are thousands of distinct animal species that are more genetically similar than "humans" of various races
Source? I'm pretty sure this is literally impossible based on definitions of species
Okay? I was being serious.
OP asked why people in TEDtalks end up in the left, and you give a general principle about the smarter and more successful being leftist, which begs the question of why this happens.
tedtalks got stale very fast. they were originally very selective about who was able to give a presentation. then i saw a few ted talks go viral on facebook maybe 7 years ago. that was the end of it. ted talks became a big money operation. they invite as many speakers as possible. then they started tedx which basically outsources the selection process to any fuckwit that wants to organize a tedx event. sam hyde dealt the finishing blow. he proved that they will now give time to literally any moron that wants to speak and totally dismantled the ted talk speaking style that every presenter seems to adopt when they give a ted talk.
>social science at TED talks
there's your problem
Right wing people want to make money. They go into the private sector and actually implement their ideas. Left wing people stay in the theoretical phase and preach their shit in places where ideas don't need to work, like academia and news outlets. And they rely on the government to support them because the government is not interested in what works, it's interested in what they think will work, so they'll be willing to throw good money after bad to fund left wing ideas that NEVER work or to support any argument the modern left is making.
Like that article saying white people should not be having kids because it does more to stop global warming.
Mine had gays, blacks, Hispanics, jews, etc. Not every upper class neighbourhood lives in some all white, christian fantasy land where everyone watches fox news. There's actually a real world out there beyond your mom's basement.
Taxonomy does not use genetic distance to classify race. They use guidelines - geographical location, ecological niche, interbreeding, ancestry, physical appearance, anatomy, breeding method et cetera.
Humans don't suit these guidelines well. And no we do not look significantly different relative to different species, a flat nose and black skin is nothing compared to having ten times the body mass and venom.
Human races are not different species because modern humans are already a sub species, homo sapiens sapiens.
That's a lot of chaff and bullshit. If humans were any other animal, you'd be damn sure we'd be more than one species.
I give 1 a 5/10, 2's missing something. I give it a 4 for effort. Sam Hyde's talk is better IMO, hard to believe given my opinion of his shitty comedy. AFAIK he wasn't supposed to be there but they let him talk anyway.
I don't think you know what you're talking about.
High tech corporations like IBM have dedicated R&D sectors. Researchers there don't earn any money from inventions other than indirectly through job advancement. And universities sell their inventions all the time.
Most of the scientific breakthroughs happen at academic institutions. Look at the Nobel prize list of institutions associated with at time of award. It's 95% universities.
Right wingers become hedge fund managers or run shitty "Christian" bakeries in fly over states. Liberals go into science fields and leading technological innovation.
>Mine had gays, blacks, Hispanics, jews, etc. Not every upper class neighbourhood lives in some all white, christian fantasy land where everyone watches fox news. There's actually a real world out there beyond your mom's basement.
what upper class neighborhood do you speak of? if you're in the city, then yes but those people are more upper-middle class. most of the actual upper class will live outside the city though so niggers arent a train ride away from your neighborhood. and those upper class neighborhoods outside the city? all white.
Only because universities are the gatekeepers for those professions and have been completely hijacked by subversive Marxists who demand ideological conformity.
>if humans were another animal we'd be more than one species
What? How can humans be another animal?
Frankly only politicals care about this shit. Taxonomy is glorified bookkeeping that technically isn't even science. It has vague defintions and very little use. The genetic lineage researchers/anthropologists have quietly moved to using ethnicity and race is left to criminology statisticians.
Stop being deliberately obtuse.
because the TED founders are fuckig cult leaders who are forcing their ideas and ideology into every fucking part of TED. Just listen to this guy talking to Joe Rogan
>wasn't allowed to leave
>had room mate asigned to him
>wasn't paid, but had to pay himself
>was introduced to certain people, but wasn't allowed to chose conversation topic
>Liberals go into science fields and leading technological innovation.
i work in R&D for a small chemical company. most of the engineers i meet lean conservative. it's the computer science faggots that are mostly liberal and created the stereotype that everyone in science is a leftist faggot.
>muh Marxism
Can this meme already die? There are practically no communist states left except China which has gone through major liberalisation. 95% of academia is not on economic science and theory. Who the hell is supposedly teaching Marxism?
Countering with Peter Thiel, the Koch Bros, Edward Teller, and Robert Heinlein.
It was rural, in the south. Again, outside of stormfag lore is a real world where not everyone hates others because they're different. The only people who worrying about this shit are the poor/uneducated. I doubt you live in some upper class neighbourhood. If you happen to live in a redneckish neighbourhood congratulations- you're the same as the black ghetto.
Because what's his face got away with No Man's Sky. That's pretty much like every TED talk.
United States universities were subverted during the cold war as a psy-op. That's why feminism uses the same "class war" rhetoric as communists. There are still many openly Marxist professors in the US.
But, you won't believe anything, and will say something dumb and feign stupidity instead, so ram your nose up your butthole and leave.
Thanks for exposing yourself as a retard so early into your post so that I could save time by ending my reading right then and there.
Yes, science and education are "marxist". You seem to know the truth. Get the word out stormfag. I'm sure people will take you seriously and listen to your alternative.
Not an upper-class neighboorhood then.
Probably full of lower-middle class public servants, who flatter themselves about being "upper-class" and "the elite" because they have a 2-year college degree.
> Universities are hijacked by marxists
Lesson of the day : shills all are overwhelmingly low-level social science graduates struggling with formal logic.
Who decided, somehow, to argue with a board full of geek, techies and engineers... Okay...
>the upper class hispanics
what did they do?
>the upper class niggers
what did they do?
>jews in the south
like one family?
im in an upper-middle class neighborhood in the city. literally the only reason we have niggers and hispanics here is because of section 8 housing. i can go 20 minutes outside the city to some of the richest areas in the country and i sometimes do to RP as a trust fund fuckwit. and guess what? they're all white. the upper class neighborhood you have dreamed up in your head is just that, a fantasy. having 1 black family or 1 hispanic family doesnt count as diversity.
and here we have one guy talking about actual cencorship: youtube.com
Of course TED is a private company offering a service and they can just chose what they want to show and what they don't want to show. No problem here. The only problem i have is, that TED has gotten a holier than thou reputation with many people taking everything on TED for granted. If more people knew about TEDs problems, i wouldn't really have a big problem with it
meant for
As for , it was a standard biology lecture I was listening to recently where the professor was explaining evidence for evolution, and gave an example of a large lake where high speciation of an aquatic animal had occurred--400 different species--in under 60,000 years. He also said as an aside that those distinct species were closer genetically than any two random humans you could pick on a subway. I'm sure there are better sources, but something like that is the most clear way you'll hear that truth expressed.
Because TED Talks are performed mostly by smart people, who also tend to be on the left. Not saying they're on the left because they're smart, there's just a lot more leftist smart people than rightwing smart people for some reason.
Because Jews/Kikes are disgusting despicable grotesque subhumans that revel in filth and all manner of societal degeneracy, because they're Wicked fucking parasites and the literal biological seed of Satan the Devil.
Got to 1:39 before I had to quit watching:
>The most tragic element of it: levels of xenophobia and racist abuse in the streets of Britain at a level that I have never seen before in my lifetime.
This has already been debunked. Most of the post-Brexit "hate crimes" were people calling the police to complain about Nigel Farage and ukip. There were little-to-no actual hate crimes taking place. This guy is a bullshit artist.
The only TED talks you need to watch are Sam Hyde and maybe that woman who describes how cool it is to have a stroke.
the best ted talks are the ones where scientists talk about their research or inventors show off their prototypes.
Paradigm Shift 2070 properly lampooned these smug assholes. TED talks are by adults who think like undergrads and picked up a couple pieces of trivia to impress each other with. The best part is they are on the hook for nothing except this public speaking event, so there is no pressure to not lie big
How? I'm not a newfag (maybe a year so on here) but still relatively new, and I don't understand shit about sam hyde or all the memes about him.
TL;DR version?
I thought the working man was supposed to be the champion of the Democratic Party, user?
Liberal/normal fag satire comedian.
Sam Hyde is an infamous terrorist who is the perpetrator of nearly every mass shooting and terrorist attack over the last ten years.
He is still at large and nobody knows how he keeps getting away with it.
"Science" comes from the Latin scio/scire (I know), so despite not being hard sciences by any definition, they do qualify.
Oh, here's a joke that I cooked up: What's the difference between an art major and a STEM major?
A STEM major can't falsely accuse someone of rape, carry a mattress around for a year, and get a master's degree for it.
These people aren't that smart. Most of their talks are outright false and they only get away with it because it's social suicide to challenge them. (((smart))) people avoid that shit altogether
If anyone wants a TLDW
>Hello fellow leftists. After the Brexit vote I realized that there are actually a lot more pissed off white people than we imagined. It turns out that not every single part of western civilization is a liberal echo chamber and they are well aware of our globalization scheme. I think the answer is to continue peddling our "inclusive, multicultural" propaganda, but to an even greater extent. We definitely shouldn't consider that these people may actually be correct. It's obvious that they are uneducated and don't fully understand how great globalization truly is. Thank you for your time.
>it's those who embrace globalization and those who fear it
>thunderous applause
of course it could never be stated as
>it's those who embrace nationalism and those who fear it
No, there are a lot more leftists intellectuals shoved into your face by the media that right wing individuals. Being conservative in this country has become a death sentence.
>you gotta get invited to ted talks
you mean you have to join the cult
Plus, about half way through he admits that his "job" is working with "refugees"... and that he realizes if you could only convince people that they are better off taking in 1 million "refugees" then they would even take in another 1 million. And that the problem now just is to actually convince them - but he then stops and doesn't even say HOW he would convince anyone that it is good for them to let in 1 million unskilled, uneducted Muslims.
Like I said, I'm not that much of a newfag..I see that shit all the time.
>giving millions to bushniggers in africa
Sorry didn't realize that you went to American schools and universities. Guess i really am a racist after all
go to hell you disgusting race traitors there is plenty of reasons to hate someone because of their differences:
What an anglo pig fuck.
You are lying or grossly overstating what was happening at the time.
What you are talking about is demographics change in some of the middle class areas. A good personal example is where my military sister lived. The area is very nice with huge houses but the problem is military families are given the houses. Back before moving the area was filled with whites only now it is filled with all military niggers.
And? Our conservatives tend towards philanthropy over demanding our government do shit for people.
This is very accurate, but there's a bit more emphasis on sucking off globalization
Because, your know, any large economic group says that liberal international economies, and free migration that puts pressure on the worker class, is clearly good for the people.