You guys like my new truck decal...

You guys like my new truck decal? I estimate my chances of being involved in a justifiable homicide just increased about 6000%



>American flag pole in backyard

bad photoshop

>how to pull too much aggro

I hope you have prayer pots for days.

Come again?

Damn right

You did this in Paint, didn't you?


lol. I keep this strapped to my steering column

I can tell it was done in paint from the thumbnail. Poor work OP.

Lets start a kickstarter to get OP's whole truck resprayed FUCKBLM all over. In fluorescent yellow.

Haha, what the fuck. Your head/neck looks like they should be on someone about 100lbs more than you.

sick photoshop fagget

DYEL faggot

And no its not photoshopped you autists

>not even the same person .pneg

Are you trolling or retarded?

He's activating Bane mode.


>ripped arms
>skinny boy waist and torso
So this what /fit/ calls a curlbro?

Nice decal, user.

How'd you get it to be immune to the shade and a different perpective from the rest of your vehicle?

Nice proportions.
Top fucking lel.

>doesn't know what pray pots are

How do you expect to keep protect from melee up if you're going to be ganged up by the local coons.

>puts hate speech on truck
Congratulations, now you'll never win any criminal trial brought against you.

Do more chest and torso, but otherwise good work on being healthy and fighting the good fight!

God bless you user, please be careful and don't get shot.


Them niggards is triggards already.

Hope hes 99 str irl

>implying i don't recognize snapchat's camera quality

>Congress shall make no lawrespecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Stay cucked slope

I can state, without any doubt, that OP lives in an area that does not have many black people.

What truck do you have?

The only one who's gonna be justifiably homicided is you when a poor young black man who dindu nuffin has no choice to defend himself against a violent racist who doesn't believe black lives truly matter as he was screaming "fuck niggers" according to all of the impoverished young ghetto children of the world who witnessed your terrible hate crime.


This thread basically belongs in /soc/ aka /cancertown/

Yeah, LA, not many niggers around here /sarcasm

I went to /soc/ once. Nothing but dick rate threads, 47 different Kik threads, and threads where sad, fat women camwhored for attention from white knights.

Why does that place exist?

Nigga that's very obviously text pasted over a picture of a truck
Unironically kill yourself

Id ride shotty with you op AR15 with me and LCR 357 magnum on my side

post a picture of your truck with a black in the same picture. I realize that's probably inconvenient right now, but make another gay thread tomorrow.

I realize that you personally are not afraid of one black person. But you cannot leave that truck unattended anywhere. and heaven forbid you encounter a pack of jamals.

anyway, another gay thread later this week, with your truck motionless near black males.

that looks like ms paint

I cant tell his size. Youre an idiot

The photographer could be THICC.

Yeah this is fake. The letters would be that vivid if they were actually stickers on the truck in real life

That's a good way to get your window smashed out. Not that it's justified, but people that would antagonize are generally petulant.

Why did you pull your pants down to take a picture?

That's some fucking bad photoshop, literally just typed a message and dragged it to the window looks like the work of a 12 year old in MS paint

Put some effort in next time

Are you an actual retard OP, or just an 'Elvis in Vegas' tier imitator of tards?

>putting stickers on your car

>>putting stickers on your car

/o/ has an eternal thread for stickers on cars.


>Making WAT racing stickers and literally putting them on your vehicle

Wow /o/ is cancer

You're too stupid for words. Stick to flinging poo.

>blacks are illiterate.
>no imminent danger.

Give us a different angle of that picture you lying sack of shit

what did he mean by this

now everyone look at this guy. this is what we need for the upcoming race war, not angry skeletons

Yea.... It's a horrible epidemic....

what do you think of my new stickers Sup Forums?

That's a grillauto.
You can tell by the #parkskillz.

the stickers are fine but please work on your parking.

>only discernible face feature is the nose

Wow, I'm shocked.

What about my car? I thought it was pretty cool.

Decals are perfect, but the parking is a little off



I think you are an obnoxious faggot. I hate blm but I point and laugh at these people every time I drive by.