>go to vk, main russian network
>see this in recommended almost every time you log in
it's gone too far now
Russland ja
Other urls found in this thread:
These people are parasites
This is how they will weasel their way into your country, through your women. Beat them away when you see them or you will end up like US, France, and Germany
all the more reason to kill them
This shit is relentless
prove your might once again goppy
>how much are you privileged
Fucking cancer. Roskomnadzor should ban these fags asap
Russia is multicultural. There is no place for fascists. Don't like it? Go to Ukraine.
what buzzfeed doing in Russia.
They promote only denerates.
>Russia is multicultural
>Ukraine is fascist
I don't use VK, but what the fuck?
>russia is multicultural
Yo have to go back, Taras.
Your post made me and my wife's son think
How is Magomed? Did he cucked your whole family yet?
Get rid of the cancer before it spreads
Wow this is what Russian shit posting looks like
It's kinda multicultural but every "foreign" culture is russified to the max thanks to russian hegemony in soviet times. You see baltics constantly being butthurt by being replaced with Russians and islamic state like Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan have >10% russians. Russians are pretty good in enforcing their ways and colonizing their neighbours.
Why is Buzzfeed here?
>Russia is multicultural.
No, Russia is Imperialist. Always has been this way.
>Somebody tries to leave federation
>They get bombed into dust
Yes, Imperialist.
Rasputin ... I'm disappointed now.
what are you talking about? nobody is leaving because we have a lot of poor republics who benefit from our union. we share our wealth with them
Chechens and Tatars tried leaving before. In Tatars case they got immediately shut down by Yeltsin, Chechens it took longer wars, and there was also issues in Dagestan.
Also advocating for separatism is illegal under Russian law.
Pretending Russia is "multicultural" in the same mode of for example France is retarded. Russia has more than one culture because of its commitment to Imperialism, and that is the form in which the cultural exchange takes.
Chechnya and Dagestan tried to secede through force, thats why it backfired.
I dunno about Yeltsin, he probably was more imperialistic, but he is long gone (also a lot of people are not fond of him).
I have no idea why you call our country "imperialistic"
Because it is Imperial. I am not saying it critically. Just stating a fact. Personally I hold you are either part of one countries empire or you have your own so for me it is fine.
But to pretend the nature of Russia is not Imperialistic seems to deny reality to me.
Considering that "imperialism" is a vague buzzword you can call almost any country with various nationalities in it "imperialist".
> you can call almost any country with various nationalities in it "imperialist".
Most countries, except the weaker ones or ones which give up their imperialism intentionally, are somewhat imperialist, they have to be, or they would fall to pieces, like what happened with the Soviet Union or the British Empire, when you give up a commitment to imperial policy the country collapses, because the country was imperially based. Imperialism is a buzzword only because of the Communist legacy, who used it as propaganda word, in reality it generally describes the behaviour of the Russian state quite well (as well as other states, for example the USA) in their actions in regard to other states and those who would form states.
Can confirm, just went on VK and saw the video under "editor's choice."
It's one of those race-mixing Buzzfeed videos dubbed into Russian.
At least some of the comments seem pretty redpilled.
Who is the editor?
>Who is the editor?
Я нe знaю, этo "выбop peдaкции," the video was made by Buzzfeed though.
It only has 876 like though, so someone at vkontakte had to have chosen it to be on the front page under videos.
Probably a random Jew.
I think it's just a video from regular American buzzfeed, that they translated and put up on their vkontakte page.
>go to vk
such imperialist, much ethnic russian domination
i suggest you exit your manyaworld at once
How did buzzfeed crawl its way into VK. The Juden must be trying so hard
Dogs and cats together?
Absolutely haram.
first twerking, now this
Russia is new target - watch out russbros
Dont mind me im just a bee, buzz buzz