Greek leader for Civilization VI confirmed. It won't be Alexander or Pericles or Leonidas, instead it will be Gorgo...

Greek leader for Civilization VI confirmed. It won't be Alexander or Pericles or Leonidas, instead it will be Gorgo, Queen of Sparta.
You may know her as the mother of Leonidas' children.

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I think the political influence behind this decision is obvious.

Pericles is there too, two leaders for Greece

Gorgo is a retarded choice though

>just above Gorgo
Oh boy

Oh shit, I didn't actually notice it. This changes things a bit, maybe they'll have alternative leaders for each civilization?

And technically Gorgo was the queen, and Leonidas was just her husband. She inherited it from her father, he married into royalty. Not sure who was "in charge", but on paper she was.

Its just an odd choice because
1. She isn't historically relevant. We don't know much about her, and she didn't do much from what we know.
2. She isn't famous. Its not like she is in pop culture, justifying her inclusion for economic reasons, to sell more.
3. There are alternatives. Its not like Carthage and Dido, or Zulu and Shaka, where you are stuck with one obvious choice. There are more sensible, and more popular greek and even spartan leaders.

Overall I feel its them trying to fill the woman quota, and it feels bad.

Wasn't she featured in the movie 300 ? probably the only reason she is in the game

Yeah she didnt really do anything.

Theodora for the Byzantines, while still rather nonsensical, had more reason for existing than this.

Yes, she is in 300, in a minor support role.
What she does there is say goodbye to Leonidas, have sex with the deputy, and kill the deputy she had sex with because he doesn't give what he promised for fucking her.
Those are the three scenes she is in.

I can see that Dido rules Carthage, and Hannibal is only a general, and that perhaps they are trying to sell Gorgo as leading Sparta, and Leonidas being just a general.
But Leonidas was king. And in pop culture, he is far more famous, and in historical sources, he is far more references, and in practice, he did far more, and made decisions, and made a difference.

I don't like it, man.

He was also one of the few spartan kings to undergo the agoge, as he had two older brothers, and no one expected him to become a ruler.

He married to become a king, he wasn't born into royalty.
His wife Gorgo is the royalty, he is just her executive guy in a way. I imagine thats the straw used to select her over him.

Yes, clearly the Gerousia have returned and are trying to delegitimise Leonidas so he can be deplosed.

His family was nobility though. With ruler I meant becoming head of the family.


ok, after DICE and Niggafield 1, here comes wymin dominated the world hol up : the game

>hex based civ

still haven't lowered myself to your level op

Fuck you, hexes are the best thing to happen to the series.

>wife of the king
>the king

Might as well have Michelle Obama as leader of the Americans.

>Greeks write a play about how Athens goes to shit under female rule
>lol lets make a Greek female ruler

You'd better believe they'll have Hilary or Obama in the future


>There are more sensible, and more popular greek and even spartan leaders.


Did they have more sensible FEMALE Greek leaders?

Yes, it's just one more quota.

we're getting jadwiga for some ungodly reason

the only things she did was getting coronated as a king, building a shitload of churches, being 1.80m, dying in her twenties and getting beatified as a saint

>attacking citystates
they better still give their bonus like an ally. its shit ability just "for their fertile lands"

Grüße I'm Angela Merkel of Germany just fuck my shit up.

>Rapefugee train
-Neighbor civs/cities lose one population every 25 turns
-every rapefugee costs you x100 gold for the rest of the game

I hope there will be more than one leader for a nation

You are thinking about Civilization V balance. For all we know it will be more worthwhile to conquer city states in this one.

Nah, they stay away from modern leaders as not to cause too much controversy.

-Special Building Refugee Shelter increases cultural growth by 50%

Who's the Canadian leader? (I hope it's Frontenac!)

How about:
>UA: Whenever another civilization captures a city, all the lost citizens join your closest city as Unemployed specialists.
>UB: Propaganda Central: Unemployed specialists in this city don't produce unhappiness, and they give culture.

> canada
> relevant enough to make the core civ game


A part of me knew that, but still I was hoping.

It's because the director is a feminist woman.

> Greek leader : Gorgo
> France leader : Catherine de Medicis

Well, is it me or there is some kind of an agenda ?

It's garbage, with cucks all over. You can also play as stalin and Mao. Just don't play it or at the very least pirate it. Nothing else to say really

>Catherine de Medici
while there is undeniably some agenda this is actually pretty decent choice
read up on her a bit

t. /his/

Who needs civ when you can kidnap and rape christian lolis as a muslim in CK2. It's like real life!

No, you are imagining things.

Mao did nothing wrong.

you should work at Firaxis
or at least make this mod once Civ6 comes out

>reading the list OP screen capped
>3 women
>13 men
>hurr feminists are ruining civ
>muh quota

What the fuck why are you people so pathetic - Civ 6 isn't your safe space

>literally putting some irrelevant woman as leaders
>hurr feminist quota
pls go back to Sup Forums stay there cancerous faggot

The list isn't complete, but its still something like 6:14, more men than women.

>Never hitler


jadwiga była najlepszą dyplomatką swoich czasów

Hospodarstwo Mołdawskie dobrowolnie oddało jej hołd lenny, stając się na najbliższe 100 lat wasalem Polszy
Nasrała na Habsburgów
Wynegocjowała powrót Rusi Czerwonej do Korony z Węgrami (najsilniejsze państwo ówczesnej Europy Centralnej
Zacieśniła stosunki z Litwą, bez niej nie byłoby Rzeczpospolitej
Wynegocjowała z Krzyżakami cesję Ziemi Michałowskiej i Dobrzyńskiej
Unarodowiła ówczesną elitę
Fundowała wiele rzeczy związanych z kulturą, kościoły, klasztory, oddała w testamencie cały swój majątek Akademii Krakowskiej

Generalnie była bardzo zdolną władczynią, tylko panowała krótko i bardzo ograniczała ją szlachta
Nigdy nie udało jej się wprowadzić żadnych reform gospodarczych ani wojskowych na przykład, ale dyplomatką była przednią
tymczasem Jan III Sobieski którego forsują polacy na Sup Forums był jednym z najgorszych i najsłabszych królów w polskiej historii, był na zmianę marionetką Ludwika XIV francuskiego i Leopolda I austriackiego a w kraju po zostaniu królem miał taką pozycję, że praktycznie nie mógł niczego zrobić bez zgody stronnictwa francuskiego lub austriackiego. Jedyne co zrobił to pojechał do wiednia i dał wpierdol turkom hurr poland strong

bigger population and economy than greece and greece is in the game??? explain this burgers!!

Greece has a history.

Fuck off faggot, don't tell us how to live our lives.

>he says, before tabbing back to his thread about religions, even though we have /his/ and /x/ for that

>Greeks lay the foundation of science, philosophy, and most of western civilization, conquer most of the known world

>Canada has a leaf on its flag

not playing eu4

i hope they will let your empire split into another civ if you fail to control it, east/west roman empire style.

Catherine de Médicis was indeed important, but I'd rather chose the cardinal de Richelieu or Mazarin

Co nie zmienia faktu, że taki Bolesław Wielki, Władysław Jagieło, Kazimierz Jagiellończyk czy Batory byłby lepszym wyjściem.

>playing pseudo intellectual map painting bore fests

nah im aight senpai

z tego co wiem to polska w VI ma być państwem naukowo-religijnym a mamy tylko 3 władców którzy do tego pasują
>Kazimierz III Wielki który już był
>Stanisław August Poniatowski którego jakby dali jako władce polski to by sie pół kraju bobraziło bo śmieszny pan z jutuba powiedział że był pizdą
ja mam w sumie nadzieje że zrobią Jadwige taką jaką była gdy rządziła
czyli loli dziewczynką
ale znając życie jej model będzie 20-letni jak na tym portrecie ale wtedy już nie rządziła więc nie ma to zbytnio sensu

Civilization is one of the most boring strategy games, any paradox game is 10 times better.

civilization and paradox games are representing completely different genres

Jest jeszcze Zygmunt II i Bona podpadająca pod tą kategorię.

Królowa Bona w przeciwieństwie do Jadwigi nigdy nie była niezależnym władcą
A co do Zygmunta Augusta to się w sumie zgodze że pasuje i mógłby być władcą, ale jednak nadal nie powoduje to tego że Jadwiga jest jakimś złym wyborem wyforsowanym przez lobby żydowskie, naprawde jest to postać historyczna z której możemy być dumni. Mimo że nie była tak naprawde Polką.

>Tons of sensible leaders
>Last game featured Alexander.
>Choose completely non-sensical female.

>Overall I feel its them trying to fill the woman quota, and it feels bad.

Really, Sherlock?

Americans had already literally no respect for historical accuracy, the SJW wave is making the shit worse. I hope they choke while sleeping and die. Fuck CIV.

Whats that, Italy? Did you say you want Queen Maria of Sicily to represent you?
Say no more!

Why not have the mother of Alexander then if they wanted relevant female leader for Greece, sure she is not Greek, but neither was Alexander.

>Harald Hardråde
>Finally a Norwegian civ
Would've preferred Harald Hårfagre or Olav den Hellige but feelsgoodman

I think all of Scandinavia is together as a generic "viking" civilization.

Makes sense I guess, I mean Denmark in Civ V had Norwegian Ski infantry, plus we were in a union with Denmark for a longass time. Also makes it easier since it's a time period where you can logically consolidate many civs into one.

their special unit is pic related
special resource is maple syrup

>Civ 4 Master Race
Exactly. Anyone who plays nu-Civ or anything after Sim City 4 Rush Hour is just a dirty fucking peasant casual. They made the games easier and dumbed them down for millennials, so of course they are pozzed shit now.

She wasn't important for shit.
France has a lot more important people than her.
Louis XIV
Louis IX
Henri IV
François I
Charlemagne/ Carolus Magnus
De Gaulle
And many many more.
It seems much more likely they tried to shoehorn Catherine in because she was a woman more than anything else.
Also she was a terrible ruler, she is responsible for the St Barthelemy massacre (catholics killing protestants) that kickstarted religious civil war across Europe.
Catherine isn't worthy of anything. She was married to a French king, popped a few kids and ruled 3 years before giving the reigns of power to her son. Hardly anything great or noteworthy apart from the massacre she started. For better or worse, France does not have a large history of influential, interesting women to pick from. Making their choice asinine or politically motivated.

Fuck civ and fuck Sid Meyer. I was excited when I knew they were gonna feature Portugal. After all, we used to have really cool leaders, from our founder, Afonso Henriques, who defeated both his mother and several spanish armies to found a country with the ideal of kicking muslim ass, to D. Dinis, who improved education in the kingdom, wrote books himself, and saw the sea's strategic importance so he planted a huge ass forest 200 hundred years before the age of discoveries, to D. Joao II or D. Henrique, who made us the explorers the world came to know.
Which leader did they choose? Maria I. A fucking woman, who fled to Brasil to run from Napoleon, and who spent her last years locked in her palace because she could only say "ai Jesus", after losing her husband and her son. It would be really fucking hard to choose a worse leader, I tell you. But hey, they had to have wymmin in leadership roles, right? History isn't fucking game of thrones

Why include such a historically, relatively, irrelevant figure.

Well, we all know the answer.


So fucking underrated

Damn my grandmother is named Edviges and is the only person I ever knew with that name