Okay, this was pretty good. Seeing Ben Affleck play an autistic character was an interesting change of pace. Especially since it was a real autistic character and not just "this character behaves strangely so they must have autism."
I heard it's even getting a sequel. I wonder if it will prove popular enough for a long running franchise or if it will just fizzle out after the second like a lot do.
Sure is unpopular here for how much money it made.
Sebastian Smith
There will definitely be second one but how long do you want it to go on? For all you know the second one will be ridiculous and only good for meme material.
Sebastian Cooper
It was okay but played it too safe with the autismo being supercapable so it ended up just like Wick or Taken or Bourne or any similar movie where there's no real tension
Benjamin Cox
Well I'm hoping it turns out well. That's the problem with sequels sometimes, they see a success, they get starry eyed and then they phone in a sequel that doesn't make nearly as much money. I think people were happy for the representation.
What would you say is a good way to give a film tension? What's a film that does it right? Not disagreeing with you on that point, just legitimately curious.
Asher Walker
Jonathan Mitchell
Why is that poster so fucking great...based nips.
Dylan Allen
I liked it but I didn't understand why he lived a criminal life. He was clearly a great accountant and could have been successful without it. What was his motivation?
Lincoln Williams
it's not. you're just taken in by the stupid jap lettering
Jaxon Walker
And you're just stupid.
Jeremiah Murphy
Probably the same reason his brother was a merc, their dad way of life fucked them up...i mean his answer to his son getting autism was literally training him to be Batman...
Nicholas James
Nigga, just focus on the image in the poster, its just Ben looking autistic with his gun wall. Its destiled purity.
Nolan Martin
>his answer to his son getting autism was literally training him to be Batman...
I wish my dad did that shit.
Angel Perez
That is was a chore to watch desu
Jackson Ward
Noah Roberts
>Sure is unpopular here for how much money it made.
I only know of this movie because it got a run on The Flop House. A podcast where comedians watch/joke about really bad movies.
Jaxon Gutierrez
But The Accountant wasn't a "really bad" movie, it wasn't great but it wasn't laughably bad by any means, what did they not like about it?
Ryan Rogers
if they cut the last act into being about his long lost brother bullshit it wouldve been fine
instead its just stupid and i had jon berethal
Jayden Price
The Accountant and the Driver team up at the dawn of the Autism Cinematic Universe
Together they must defeat Jake Gyllenhaal from Nightcrawler
Cooper Diaz
One thing I didn't understand is why Not Quite My Tempo made Black Woman find out who the accountant was if he already knew. Kind of seems like a waste of resources just because he wanted to pass the burden on to her. Then again he was a director and he was about to retire so maybe he could do whatever he wanted.
Angel Ramirez
And who are these "comedians"? Probably some second-rate losers I've never heard of.
Christopher Perry
The portrayal of Autism, the obvious family twist... I dunno, I haven't seen the movie and I listened to the podcast weeks ago. Just listen to it yourself, it's great.
Brandon Cook
Are you the guy that created that thread yesterday or is someone trying really hard to force this in-joke? I can't deny it is somewhat amusing, but the Gay Cinematic Universe is better.
Adrian Diaz
>That's the problem with sequels sometimes, they see a success, they get starry eyed and then they phone in a sequel that doesn't make nearly as much money
Exactly, with Ben Affleck's state of mind, you can see how that would happen.
I liked the movie a lot, surprised me but I wouldn't have that much faith in this being great as a multi movie franchise.
The Accountant: Cooking the Books The Accountant: Annihilating the Abacus. The Accountant: Don't mess with the Ledger.
The title doesn't lend itself to this trend.
Gabriel Robinson
>Tfw three out of four of those characters died at the end >Tfw Brokeback Jake was one of them but they need CGI Heath Ledger
Ryan Taylor
>pitch black ya this here is a common thief and a murderer, good at what he does >riddick chro HE WILL SAVE THE UNIVERSE IT WAS PROPHECISED
Tyler Wright
its basically a japdream job so they love it
Robert Murphy
I liked it too. I'm not sure what else there is to say though.
Brandon Cook
cancerous redditors and their word authorship trying to narrate anyone socially awkward as autistic, fuck man
like real autism is pounding your face into your fists repeatedly because something excited you and cant even carry on a fucking conversation
fucking little cucks a lso sit there saying omega means beta, like nigger, beta means the football team, and alpha means the fucking quarterback leading them all
yall niggers are omegas, you are the fucking outcasts who dont belong and will never be relevant in society
fuck off with that shit
newfag generations are literal fucking cancer
Joshua Price
The twist was hardly "obvious." If anything my problem with the film was that they brought this brother thing completely out of nowhere right near the end which led to an extremely weird final act. I think the problem with critics these days, if you can really call people who do podcasts "critics", is that they're always on the lookout for the next epic trainwreck so they take solid 7/10 films and shit on them like they just watched The Room.
Gabriel Reyes
>like real autism is pounding your face into your fists repeatedly because something excited you and cant even carry on a fucking conversation Well this is pretty much what happened in the movie, so I guess this was a pretty accurate portrayal of autism.
James Foster
>grown man with autism specifically is shown as owning a collection of comic books
What were they trying to say here?
Josiah Harris
The entire movie was about subverting typical action and crime thriller tropes.
The main character is autistic instead of a quipping lady's man.
The head fed isn't investigating the accountant to bring him to justice.
The final confrontation with the built-up antagonist that can match the protagonist's skill isn't gunfu.
The BBEG doesn't get his final speech.
Dylan Wilson
It would look much better without the text covering half the fucking image.
Owen Ortiz
It's a dumb action movie with all the tropes that entails, not even considering the autism and family twist. There's plenty there to make fun of.
Nathan Rivera
Superman died at the end of BvS and he's still coming back, I don't see why these guys couldn't.
Aiden Young
>The twist was hardly "obvious." If anything my problem with the film was that they brought this brother thing completely out of nowhere right near the end It was obvious as FUUUUUUUUUCK. They had all those flashbacks to his family and explained what happened to the dad but left the status of his brother completely open, plus they focused way too much screen time and characterization on what they tried to present as a villain. All the signs were there.
Mason Rodriguez
Reminder that the guy who wrote this movie also wrote Ozark. Accountant was fun and so far Ozark has been surprisingly great.
Hunter Baker
Is Ozark's protagonist also autistic? I've heard some things.
Gabriel Fisher
Listen to the podcast, they don't shit on it, just point out some of the problems.
Also, the movie seems to rate pretty poorly everywhere except IMDB and lots of other people have picked apart the movie in detail.
Jose Scott
No, just frugal and conservative. The show is very interested in its details same as Accountant was. The comparisons to Breaking Bad aren't off, but Ozark is a little more heady versus Breaking Bad's more cliff-hanger heavy action pace. I like both, but for my own tastes prefer Ozark as a slower burn. I don't see it hitting the highs of BB though. If you're even slightly interested I'd say check it out. It's the only Netflix original I've genuinely enjoyed since Bloodline.
Camden Martinez
nah man, I liked the movie and that was extremely obvious. Like IIRC they cut to Bernthal immediately after one of the flashbacks.
Austin Cook
I didn't mean to call out the podcast specifically since I haven't listened to it, it's just an observation I had about critics in general. If they're fair, good on them.
Thing is though, it doesn't really matter how the movie "rated" because modern critics are notoriously poor at understanding film and critics don't decide a film's fate anyway. What matters is a) how much money it made and b) what the general public thought of it. We already know it made triple its budget, and a quick glance at the RT audience score tells me it's got a 4/5 average. Not so bad, all told.
John Green
this movie made me realize that Jon Bernthal can act, wtf
Grayson Gomez
his overacting was literally the worst thing about this movie. He tried way too hard the be the quirky cool assassin guy.
Connor Taylor
Shooting is just his hobby. He lives like Jason Bourne because he makes his living cooking the books for people who have the means to kill him. His pop-up, Mom and Pop CPA business is just his front for money laundering.
Evan Thompson
Where have you people even seen Jon Bernthal besides this movie, I have no idea who this guy is.
Josiah Cooper
walking dead series, he was ridiculously bad in the role
Camden Diaz
He was in Army psyops with his dad 'till he went to jail, then he got out and started doing what he does.
Jeremiah Cox
I have autism and it was the most accurate portrayal I've seen in film or TV. Special props to Ben for his acting job.
Hunter Edwards
>Japan titles it "The Consultant"
C'mon, that's no fun
Dylan Turner
>What do you do? >......I consult.
Adrian Stewart
Why did he rub himself with a stick or something? What was that supposed to be?
Parker Hughes
Seems like he was exposing himself to stimuli so he could get used to it and wouldn't be overwhelmed at other times.
Leo Russell
Your wish is my command. Here's a Chinese one.
Asher Thomas
That accounts for the other stuff, but the stick seems to be a muay thai training technique.
Noah Hill
Neat, thanks.
Colton Wright
You're welcome. Here's a video if you want to train yourself to kill people with one kick like Ben Affleck did. youtube.com/watch?v=ikLnLIxAwLM
Robert Wright
is this movie an accurate depiction of what autism is like?
David Flores
Its funhaus
Nathaniel Hernandez
He's the Punisher in Netflix Marvel.
Landon Peterson
Pretty much, Ben's character is obviously over the top competent to make it a fun movie and his level of savant skills is rare, but they did a good job fitting the character into the realities of autism. Ben did a great job portraying the mannerisms and tics commonly seen, one thing they really emphasized is him not looking people in the eye, that was funny to me. You can even say what you want about him having geek stuff in his trailer but the fact is that I as an autist do like capeshit and Star Wars.
Jayden Russell
Hated it.
Jose Diaz
He was microfacturing the shin and kneecap bones so they come back harder and stronger. It's a muay thai technique, as one user said. They will kick a bamboo tree hundreds of times and if you do it enough you get a fucking sledgehammer for a leg.
In the movie, he used the same right knee to cave in a guys skull, smash open a car window and a few other things. I thought it was a great subtle little touch.
Asher Rogers
Loved it.
Isaiah Reed
The american poster is better weeaboo.
Tyler Hughes
I liked it too. Afflecki was great andthe action was good. Love the sound of the sniper. It dragged in the 3rd act though. I wasn't bothered by the twist because the movie didn't make a big deal out of it. It does romanticize autism but still tackles it well when it showed him as a kid. The stuff with the father was interesting.
Ian Peterson
Also had some good humor.
Austin Wilson
Brayden Sullivan
>weeaboo What manchild unironically uses this word in 2017?
Samuel Nguyen
Kendrick was micast The tone flips back and forth all the time between thriller and funny Affleck forgets about being autistic halfway through the movie The pacing and cuts are jarring
Jacob Peterson
Logan Thompson
Man if anyone is autistic it's you fucks. What the fuck even are your opinions. "He's bad." "He's good." Nobody even can explain WHY.
Jose Davis
>Affleck forgets about being autistic halfway through the movie What? No he doesn't.
Jose Powell
Neck yourself jackass. Hey guys, get a load of this bozo!
Colton Wright
>The Consultant Did they change it because they couldn't spell out accountant right in moonrunes?