/pol approve movie thread
/pol approve movie thread
Other urls found in this thread:
the matrix
Every movie directed by Clint Eastwood.
Even Million Dollar Baby and Space Cowboys?
I'd nominate Loose Change for obvious reasons, desu senpai.
Planet of the Apes 1968
Six String Samurai
Any Kubrick movie
Blade Runner
Fight Club
The Matrix
Any Mel Gibson movie (Apocalypto, Passion, Get the Gringo, Lethal Weapon, Mad Max)
Green Inferno
Angry Birds
The Dark Knight Rises
Any spaghetti western or Samurai film with Toshiro Mifune
Any Kurosawa movie
Undercover Brother
Fiddler on the Roof
I forgot to add Black Hawk Down and Gone With the Wind
Loved Angry Birds, very red pilled and funny. Grabbed this shot that appears on screen for half a second
You forgot the Patriot.
>white men build an ark to save humanity
>have it set up precisely
>instead of just abandoning shitskins, kindly give them a place
>jewish guy secretly plots with the head of the train to kill off a lot of the poor
>white guy with good intentions fucks things up by trying to help the savages
>everything has it's place is a key phrase
>niggers and non whites chimp out
>"good" white guy almost saves the train
>but doesn't bc muh feels
>end up destroying the last hope for humanity
>killing almost everyone
>one person survives
>stuck in the middle of nowhere
>probably dies in the next few days
>in the end the only thing that can stop white men from saving the world is naive white men trying to save savages
what about fucken Fight Club
BHD will always be one of my favorites. Inspired young me to join the army and wound up killing some muj and hajis. Cant get more redpilled than that
Dr Strangelove
There Will Be Blood
Fight Club
Good movie.
Still overrated and still ruined by SO DEEP/SO EDGY normies who barely look past the surface.
holy shit never thought about it that way
Its also afflicts people with Alex Jones tier retardation.
>I'm a real man!
>I have blood pumping through my veins!
>Fuck the system reeeeeeee
Yeah, Million Dollar Baby is one of my all time favorites.
Gone with the wind
Jurassic World
James Bond pre Daniel Craig
Falling Down
Deer Hunter
>all degenerate things are illegal
The Manchurian Candidate (2004)
Both top tier
I just got done watching this one about an emotional manlet numale stuck in a group of alpha males while trying not to cry for an hour and half. Look at these ratings. I was really thinking
Such good wow.
I never get these threads.
>pol approved
Do you mean to tell me you are so retarded you can't make your own decisions without someone having to hold your fucking hands, especially in an age where information is readily available?
Anglo no German - WW2 - Hitler & Stalin
I'm going to watch this one next, it's a coming of age story about a young 13 year old boy who moves to Germany and falls in love with a white girl. Actually, nevermind I think I'll skip this one I hate white people.
I didn't even realize Harry Potter And The Final Solution was out yet
yeah, at first glance it seems normie tier but if you dig a little it's easier to see. kind of sad though.
Another good one, eyes wide shut. yes it's by (((Kubrick))), but he hated jews.
>shows secret society
>orgies and sacrifice
>really powerful people
>intimidate main character into silence
>child trafficking
>publishing deaths as an overdose
>symbolism all over the place
it's p fun
more like people don't feel like sifting through all the shit to get to the good stuff, and want to ask other people with similar interests what they enjoyed. it's better than another race mixing thread or tranny thread
>13 year old boy moves to germany and falls in love
>awww that sounds sweet
>the boy is black and thug looking
reee forgot pic
jack reacher was entertaining
Really shows Germany is really letting in ANYONE
I grew up watching that movie in England. I used to go out playing as a redcoat. It's one of those movies where we lose but it's a good watch. Rather like Zulu Dawn.
The Thing.
Leftists live among us...
>tfw grandmother was born in austria
>tfw grandfather was born in cluj during the austria-hungarian empire
>tfw mother was essentially raised in an austrian household in america
>first language german, austrian holidays, went to german only school
>tfw it's nearly impossible for me to get austrian citizenship despite being half austrian
>tfw brown walking timebombs get free access to my homeland
>tfw even niggers from the US have an easier time moving to austria/bavaria than I do
how is this shit even fair. my dad's british though, so I might be able to get dual citizenship with England, then use the EU lack of borders to move to Austria. still a fuckton of hoops to jump through when terrorists just get to say they're from a warring country even though they are the fucking reason it's at war
Anybody see this? It's on my list. It's German though so I'm sure a noble POC shows this skinbyrds the beauty of multiculturalism in the end
I don't get it. Is it red pilled because the "good goys" are trying to stop the special forces? They get pretty much raked in the end by the mudslimes.
It implies that Arabs need a dictatorship to function and America should have removed Saddam but left the Baath in power.
Go watch this right now.
MDB is solid, and Space Cowboys is just good stupid fun.
>but we go too far and create a society devoid of freedom of choice
Didn't really like Gran Torino
Guy was a distant cunt to his blood family, always criticizing his son's actions. But it is ok, because in the end he made some gooks life better.
If you are into the whole skinhead theme. A new shows just came out called NSU: GERMAN HISTORY X. About the National Socialist Underground that killed a bunch of people in post war Germany.
>The Longest Day
Best war film bar none. A Bridge Too Far a close second.
Most films with John Wayne or Chuck Heston, mostly can't go wrong.
A bridge too far doesn't touch the longest day.
Good movie leaf.
It's always fun to listen to English speaking people trying to pronounce Das Boot.
Tip; it's not something you wear on your foot.
Shooter is awful
>Two guys get themselves into hibernation
>Get awoken in 2044
>Nuclear war happened, all males died out becouse of radiation
> Women reproduce through parthenogenesis, living in an oppressive feminist society underground, where the apparatchiks teach that women suffered under males until males were removed from the world
>For the greater good two leftover males must be killed or change into females
>They escape and find out that all this whole radiation bullshit is bullshit and world is perfectly fine and that surving males was "neutralised" into women by the feminists when they took power in the post-war period
>Head chief of feminsts is in fact a male becose he was only one who could run this whole circus
Since it's premiere, feminism was eternally btfo here.