I don't understand

I don't understand.
Why do Republicans keep on saying that "free healthcare won't work" even though it's been proven to work and it WORKS in nearly every single other developed country?

Literally 0 excuse for this.

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It's kind of a double edged sword republicans are stuck in the old ways that are holding america back but democrats are going to destroy america through immigration and degeneracy.

Other countries arnt as fat as us tho. Look how expensive healthcare got after Obama care. That is because of sick fat people being able to get insurance.

We have illegals who won't pay for it and drain it simple as that. Build a wall and maybe I'll consider it.

market health care is always better, the problem is that the current state healthcare of the US ain't market based. its a overregulated monopoly.

It only kind of works in that people are forced to pay for it and get it by default which makes private competition extremely difficult and makes the private sector look bad. The downside is that people don't take their own health seriously enough. It's the exact same thing with the welfare system, people don't take their careers or study as seriously as they should because they have a safety net.

Because of death panels. Just last week my grandma was put to sleep because she was deemed too old.

>have horrible tooth pain
>call the public dentist arrange number
>"the queue is 8 months"
>end up going to private doctor the next day and end up paying 3000 euros


yeah we have doctors who do it for free

Emergency dentist???

>Be in America
>Have best healthcare
>It costs money

Wow what a shock

America is the unhealthiest Western nation you dumbfuck. Dealing with that amount of sick/fat people will literally bankrupt them.

It's basically happening already as Obama care goes under.


Yeah this too. Here you pay two taxes for it, which cost about the same as private cover but because it's a forced payment it's mostly ignored by the public

We're full. Your bullshit doesn't apply here, mehmet. The fucking dindus barely want to work now as it is. Most of their time is spent looting and shooting. I can't imagine what they would do if they didn't have to worry about how much McDonald's they eat because working Americans foot their healthcare bill. Don't even get me started on the illegals. We're full.


Because we understand basic economics

i did go to ER that day, had to queue for 3 hours and they gave me a script for 20x codeine 30mg/paracetamol 500mg....a fucking joke

It only works because we help subsidize it by paying virtually all of those countries military expenses.

With a Trump presidency they'll pay their fair share and you'll see their systems collapse.

>not having a dental, eye, and health insurance with $1200 deductible

The only people who want free healthcare are the chronically ill, lazy, and stupid.

Get a decent job and it won't ever be a problem.

It doesn't work in the US because they have a huge number of people on welfare. They have an entire subculture built around getting free money...

>be healthy citizen
>eat healthy
>exercise regularly
>see the doctor maybe once a year for a check up
>pay 3.5% of your income to subsidise the health-care system
>it all goes to obese cunts, Muslims and abos

Free healthcare doesn't exist dipshit. Taxing people to pay for it doesn't make it free. Fuck off.

I don't call waiting 6 gorrillion years to see a doctor a working system. If I have the money because I am more successful and worked harder than Johnny Crackhead or Dindu Nuffin; then why on earth should I not be able to pay for the best healthcare I possibly can and see any doctor I so choose the fastest I can?

Free healthcare encourages people to do stupid shit, because they know they won't have to pay for the damage they cause to themselves.
If you had a sane population, which didn't inflict illness upon itself via excessive eating, drinking, smoking or just being a dumbass, then yes. Free healthcare could work.

"Other countries" (aka white or 95% asian countries) aren't infested with niggers and spics who leech off the system

If you mean it taking up to 3 months just to get a pair of fucking crutches then yeah I guess it works.
How does it feel knowing that I can make an appointment for surgery, and get seen within the week.

This is quite valid.

The other issue that I have discussed with a few friends, and don't know exactly how true it is... Is that the IP laws in the U.S. protect the patents of the drug companies. It allows for the companies to develop new medicines and then sell them in the U.S. at a high price to recoup their expenditures while they sell it cheaper outside of the U.S. due to different regulations in countries. The conclusion being that without the fucked up system in the U.S. for high drug prices, we may not have as much research into pharmaceuticals that are then used by the rest of the world...

Just an idea, but... that also just feeds the lovely machine of big pharma.

Any thoughts on this idea?

Fuck off

Those thing swill hardly give you a buzz. I can only imagine trying to use them for real pain management.

Also reminds me of KGB subversion tactics... Lovely... thanks Yuri B.

>A nationalised industry
>It working
pick one

>ITP american pretending that he knows shit

Cause it doesn't fucking work man. Our family of 4 income is about $112k before tax and according to our accountant we pay about $11k in taxes for health care alone. It's gotten to the point that the rich are starting to pay with cash instead of using their government cards. Fuck socialized health care.


Cause Cletus and Jim Bob don't realize they're useful idiots for the rich who just want to get their taxes cut.

But it's not best, it's third world level health care.

Fucking Cuba is better than USA......

It only took me to get through a 5 month long queue to have a primitive (not life-saving) operation.. and free? wtf you still have to pay health insurance but it"s only like 100$ a month.


> Make 100k with two incomes, have two kids

What do you do? Work at Walmart?

> Posts stats showing Americans can't afford healthcare and instead stay sick at home.

Learn to statistics bro.

>need to get teeth cleaned because they're all stained pretty badly
>ring private dentist
>she fills me in for an appointment that evening
>in the waiting room for only about 15-20 minutes
>get teeth cleaned and come out with much better looking teeth

>meanwhile people in public hospitals are waiting hours on end to get seen

My Uncle had to go get an injection for a trapped nerve in his leg. The public waiting list would have meant he would have been waiting for up to a year to get seen. He went private instead and got seen within the month.

First of all because it doesn't work in every other developed country because the UK is fucked.

Second of all because the USA is 50 countries and is essentially a continent.

Third of all, it requires taxes, and that requires people to pay them, which illegals do not.


Specifically, I deserve better healthcare than an antisocial unemployed dindu.

Brits who idolise the NHS annoy the hell out of me (I'm English). The NHS is an unsustainable golden cow that needs to be changed.

Dentistry and healthcare are completely different dude.

>givings jews, niggers and bums free health care


We enjoy the highest quality of care and we understand it costs money to have it.

This triggers the yuropoor.

Wasn't the Conservative Party set to privatise the NHS completely? I saw it on a Sargon of Akkad video where he was complaining about the Conservative privatising everything.

Removing profit motives have never improved any service, ever. At best you can recreate a similar standard of care temporarily by spending 5x as much money. Innovation is completely stifled though, so progress slows.

I'm an economist. Meme job.

Ever heard of the VA. It was a single payer healthcare system. It turned out to be utter shit. Imagine that on a nationwide scale. It would be honestly devastating.

>Dentistry and healthcare are completely different

Dentistry is a branch of healthcare, lad/

This is true, but Europe is importing their own Burden Subculture from Africa as well as brown people who want to kill them.

But even white countries are not flawless in their execution of "free" health care.

Even if that were true
>what is 4,5,7,8 and 12

This. In my country gypsies use ambulance literally as a taxi to hospital. But no one will do anything about it, because muh free healthcare is sacred.

Do you faggots who say socialized healthcare dosen't work in forign countries not realise this is America? We can build the best socialized healthcare system in America and show those eurofags that they're alwayse shit eaters. Come on. We got this.

good thing you still have the option for private healthcare huh

>mfw private American healthcare
>go in for the first time in years to get a mini surgery and some stitches
>takes about 2 hours and costs me $25
Stay mad

Alinksky is a huge influence to the left, unfortunately obamacare was still shoved down citizen's throats. Mark my words there is a reason that every law maker, and their families, we're granted immunity from the program .

Literally above the law. Globalist shills.

Enjoy your levies going straight to the ghetto and having nothing to show for it yourself

Wow thats fucking nothing. Would you rather go bankrupt for visiting the emergency room once?

>having two incomes

My nan died waiting for a vital operation on the NHS which we couldn't afford privately because health insurance is more expensive here than in America

What is free stuff to Americans: healthcare, education
What is not: police, firemen, roads

It's too much to ensure that people who are of no relation to the poster can get their tumtum's checked when they get sore. Same thing with Social security. Taking care of my gran? Absolutely. Someone elses? Nah.

I had tooth broken and I got it fixed next day in emergency. Public dentist in Helsinki.



>free healthcare won't work
Strawman. Socialised healthcare works exceptionally well at forcing the well-off to subsidise the lifestyles of the poor, especially those with degenerate lifestyles such as obesity or smoking habits. This is immoral, therefore the fact it "works" is all the more reason to resist it.

>Get fined if you don't sign up for mandatory obama care (which is identical with Romny care so we'd have it either way by now)
Yeah, the version of free health care we have here is great...

Thats why we need a party that wants to provide us basic public services but doesnt suck jew cock

Yeah have fun dying on a waiting list.

>Trump is synthesis of both views
>Sup Forums is starting to hate him because he isn't all "DAY OF THE ROPE WE 1950s NOW, WE MUST SECURE THE FUTURE OF THE WHITE RACE" like they were tricked by the media into believing he was

Greedy cunt. You complain about the white race dying but wont help your fellow man. I hope the future caliphate is more generous

All that 'free shit ' wont be so free once those freeloading commies pay their fair share of the NATO budget

You can literally get free emergency care at most hospitals already you just have to fill shit out and send in pay stubs proving you make less than like 30k a year or something.

I think this one of the biggest fucking bullshit things in the US regarding healthcare. Dentist insurance is confusing as fuck and to get your teeth fixed you have to weight like a year to get a decent rate from your insurance. There are no (or that I know off) emergency dentists here in the US either.

I had extreme pain and end up having to shell out over $1500+ to get all my shit taken care off. Would have been more but I opted to just pull one of my teeth.

It's not free. AFAIK, we wouldn't be able to afford our existing healthcare systems if it wasn't for the US.


No country has free health care, only varying degrees of subsidized health care exist

sage in options field

Overview of American healthcare:
1. Very different standards of care depending on where you go.
-generally people are far better off if they go to major cities for anything other than routine procedures)

2. Sticker prices on healthcare are fucking outrageous
-but this is due to decades of absolute horsefuckery "reimbursement rate negotiations" between providers and insurance companies in which providers artificially inflate costs (MUH $20 hospital Tylenol) to come to the table with higher pricing to drop significantly (literally Jewing) and still turn a profit

3. Providers excessively rake in the dough, but that's also why this country has literally the best doctors of the world
-downside is that even shit doctors can keep practicing and milking Medicare (old-people insurance) because lawyers (read: Jews) have made tort law backwards-retarded and shit doctors aren't weeded out

4. Medicaid (welfare insurance) has fucktarded limitations. Prohibiting certain necessary treatments while having no limitations on ER visits
-this too is due to tort law fuckery which has caused ERs to be UNABLE to turn away ANYONE (MUH RACISM!) while not wanting to "burden those in poverty" (MUH CHIDLUNS!) causing Medicaid to cut any and all corners). In combination these sentiments have turned some ERs into practical drug dealers while imposing unrealistic expectations on some patients and not holding providers accountable.

5. Rather than address these problems Bongocare just sent Medicaid enrollment through the roof.
-furthermore, by mandating all citizens have coverage it removed the argument that hospitals are hemorrhaging money due to uninsured (hasn't actually stopped this problem) while forcing healthy people (and businesses) to take on prohibitively expensive bills rather than just implementing transparency laws requiring insurance companies to show their expenses

6. Medicare is constantly drained because patients literally sign whatever is put in front of them

In post-socialistic country, where people are used, that health-care is free (and is constitutionally assessed - same as your US constitution grants you arms, our constitution grants us free health-care), it works this way now:

Everyone needs to pay health insurance. It's not that big, and for employees it is paid by employer. Normal man does not need to take care of that. As a freelance self-employing, I need to pay $70 per month minimum health insurance (otherwise it is somewhere arround 5% , I'm not sure)

State sets prices. (ministry of healthcare in negotiation with doctor unions and insurance companies)

Doctors are paid by health insurance companies.

GP (normal doctor) is paid per-capita for registered patient regardless if you are ill. He is not paid at all if he cures you or not.

Specialist doctors are paid per-action by insurance companies. GP must send you to specialist.

Hospitals are free. (there was $4 fee per day, but was abolished)

Luxury care can be paid by patients.

Pills in pharmacy are partly paid by insurance, partly by patient. Usually, that what doctor prescribes, happens to be fully paid from insurance.

This way doctors are WELL REGULATED and the health-care costs are very efficient. (more than 4x more cheap than in USA...)

As a citizen, I need not be afraid of becoming ill or have injury, that it would ruin me financially... And of cause I would not get ill frivolously just because it does not cost money...

>We don't live in a majority white country
>our food stamp recipients dwarf the population of countries with muh free shit
>we have less jobs than people
>we have places in out country that's like Iraq

this allows unscrupulous providers to bill for many services not truly performed (medical billing coders literally take classes on how to "upsell" the services they perform for higher reimbursement)
-rather than relying on personal accountability of the patients and educating them on what procedures are performed (or even doing this small scale similar to "secret shoppers" we taxpayers are told to shut up and pay up because we can't expect everyone to know things. it's not like we have free information resources out there like THE INTERNET!
butt hurt rant over
*mic drop*

muh capitalism, If I need Marx to heal me I'll just go bankrupt instead tyvm

My brother lives in the UK.
He is coming here next week to try and get medical care for his back problems.

Britain has ''free health care''. Latvia doesn't. Yet he is coming here to fix his medical issues.

Explain that. Once you understand that, the entire concept of ''free healthcare'' collapses.

Too many nonwhites. They'll be a massive drain on the system.

>3.5% is fucking nothing

Confirmed for having 0 real world experience.

Those aren't the only taxes you pay you retard, take for example here in NY where utilities and rent is extremely high - 3.5% of your income is a lot when you're already taxed highly.

You're a virgin NEET who doesn't pay any bills and coasts through life living with mommy and daddy aren't you user?

>long waiting lines
>low quality healthcare
>raised taxes
But you don't have to pay for it when you're at the counter! So it must be great to have!

>dying in Canada while waiting for healthcare is what limeys call "functional healthcare"

Oh, how the Anglosphere has fallen.

>no lines
>high quality healthcare
>low taxes




Health insurance is paid by State for those, who are:
- cripled
- retired old
- children
- hospitalized longer than month

Luxury care example:

Amalgam teeth filling is free. Teeth-pain drilling is free. Inspection twice per year is free and recomended.

But if I wanted to have white ceramic grinding teeth, I could go to luxury dentist and pay for that, and it was not cheap at all, price could be compared to buying a second-hand old car...

So the ordinary health-care will not let me suffer, but still allows to have an over-standard care for those, who can and like to pay for that.

The system works fine for years, is efficient (because it is "well regulated") and humane...

Yeah and last week half my family died because their insurance company said they had a preexisting condition and couldn't be treated under contract


You lad



>proven to work and it WORKS

We have a "free" system for the military called the VA. Read up on just how well the VA hospitals work and you'll have a real world example of exactly what we're afraid of.

It would work in a society where people do their best to be fit, not smoke or drink a lot. Sadly, there is a lot of fat people in America that really breaks up the system. Plus I don't wanna know my money helped saved a criminal's life. I do pity the poor who are good and have no solid health care, but we all pay for the sins of others in life.

Because I enjoy not waiting to see a doctor and if one sucks, I can easily change. It's called the free-market you bong fag.

You keep paying for the fake tits of ugly trolls and I'll keep getting the best medical care that money can buy.
