Breaking News: MANAFORT OUT

Manafort is out.
Trump Train rolls on.

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What is the game plan, Sup Forums ?


the pivot

The picture in the article... He looks shopped into it...?

Fox News stream

I doubt Trump even makes it to the first debate at this point. Manafort was too important. This is the beginning of the exit. (Theyll call him Mr Brexit)

Paul 'Whats this EBT thing? Im gonna need to eat.' Manafort

>hiring Manafort is great
>firing Manafort is great

It's really becoming a lot like religion. Apologists can convince themselves to support anything.

I don't believe it. I think he's just moving out of the spotlight.

L O L. Manafort was a disaster that made Trump unhappy. Fuck him.


6D Mancala

Bring back Lewandowski


I can only hope they will mass suicide when Trump gets annihilated by Hillary.

I have to say this guy was great for winning the nomination but I haven't seen him making the whole campaign much better.

Trump just landed in Louisiana - Obama Hussein vacation BTFO

Manafort needs to stay out of public eye while he keeps the faltering in line.

Yeah right. More like, 'im glad that fucker is gone. What a buzzkill'.

There's a BBC article that reads, "has trump already blown it?" and its pretty much full of "his polls are bad and kinky lick said he wasn't nice."

Why do people eat this shit up? Why isn't there an article about kinky lick?


So he quits to not get associated with the Trump campaign when he breaks some knee caps?

Best move yet!

Comrade Trump shows his true colors - stabbing allies in the back. Disgraceful!

Never liked him. I felt like his appointment was to appease certain GOPe people and he seems a bit sleazy.

I always liked Lewandowski, but Fields and her white knights did a number on his image.

He served his purpose. Now it's time to move on.

Manafort was never anything more than a tool. He may have gotten Dole past a contested convention, but Dole eventually lost anyway. Trump cannot be forced out at this point, so you can guarantee that he will be in the saddle until the last vote is counted.

>Media tries to ignore Trump's visit to Louisiana
>Manafort resigns
>Media fly people to Louisiania to listen to Trump and ask him about Manafort's resignation
>People find out Trump is in Louisiana while Obama holidays

can't port the manafort.... wait

You have no fucking clue what mandatory did. He fixed the delegate problem. That was huge.

He's now feeling the heat so he's taking his money and leaving. Maybe he.will still play a outside role, we'll see. Or we won't if it is covert.

The beginning of the end. Hiring that retard Bannon is the death kneel of his campaign.

I guess even trump is being fooled by the polls huh cucks?

Meme magic had a good run but playtime is over.

pivot to what?

Thanks for correcting the record, friend :^)

I want him to rehire Lewandowsky :D
And watch Ben Shapiro's Twitter account :D

>He fixed the delegate problem. That was huge.
Well yeah, that's what I mean by appeasing the GOPe to make the RNC work for the party and Trump.

But now that that's out of the way, having Manafort around is becoming a liability.

how's tht?

Trump found out the guy had connections to all sorts of corrupt shit and dropped him like a hot potato. That, and he was doing nothing for his campaign.

Yet the headlines all read Manafort Out.

All the media will talk about will be how Trump's campaign is a mess.

What happened to all you tough guys bragging about how Manafort is gonna have opponents disappeared?

The only one disappearing is him, to prison.

>Trump found out the guy had connections to all sorts of corrupt shit and dropped him like a hot potato.

Trump had no idea who Manafort worked for before?
What a stupid lie.

When will you racists realize this isn't your America anymore, America is already great. Go to Saudi Arabia if you want a theocracy with an absolute dictator.

Next Generation™ Console VR Intelligence Cube


And I mean it's rare that a brit wasn't a fag today.


5D Age of Empires II

>go to a country that gave millions to Shillary

Top laff, nigger.

pivot to winning by a landslide

God Fucking Damnit
Can we have one day of good news for Trump
I mean for fucks sake I thought the Louisiana visit would be absolutely unspinnable.
And it is.

For Fucks Sake.

Nice old polls, wasnt the average yesterday like 43 to 44? Wow, what an insurmountable obstacle. It's not like the gap hasnt been even wider, or that they havent closed a bigger gap in less time.

Anyway, why move to Saudi Arabia when the candidate you support takes money straight from them to have that theocracy imported here at home?

>Can we have one day of good news for Trump
This IS good news. Manafort in an albatross. He served his purpose and keeping him around is a burden.

Do you think canada will ever take mental health seriously? Probably not, I guess, liberal voters are too important to the current government.

$0.05 has been deposited into your account!

What did those quads mean by this?

>Stone laid the foundation
>Corey started the campaigning and tested the waters
>Manafort dealt with delegates and helped run the convention
>Bannon and the other person will solidify the win
How long till Manafort joins a MSM network?

Manafort seemed like a fag. Trump would have won the nom without him because everyone dropped out, and now he's stuck with Pence. He failed to unify the GOP behind Trump, so what was the point?

>2 campaign managers resign within months


I think he was getting too much attention from the Ukraine thing and that was distracting the campaign so he decided to step down.

In reality, I think he may be working with Roger Stone behind the scenes. Remember boys and girls, these men pull the real strings.

Lets be honest famalam

Manafort has done an incredibly shitty job

Have any of you been pleased by whats been happening in the last month?


I wan't livestreams of they hanging themselves.




Except for the fact that Trump has been knocking it out of the park all week and Hillary is nowhere to be found.

Isn't most of the bad press because Trump didn't listen to Manafort and continued to say stupid shit that got his campaign eviscerated by the MSM?

I guess

But shouldn't Manafort been screaming his ass off at Trump getting him to stop saying stupid

Fucking Ivanka needs to step up and tell her dad to stop giving the media bait to rape his ass with

Ivanka is vacationing in Europe right now with her husband. It's clear she's pretty much given up on her father's campaign already.

Understandable, of course. One of her best friends is Chelsea and everything in the past shows she's pretty much a Democrat. Her support of her dad was never believable.

or she's vacationing after having a child and getting ready for the big final push of the campaign.

This is how you know Trump is losing so badly, when this week is considered "knocking it out of the park".

Next comes his suicide--that or prison. Wait for it.

Says the increasingly nervous man for... kys

Obviously to distance trump from the growing Ukraine problem

Pay debt

Rumors are that Manafort basically gave up trying to contest Trump months ago.

Donald doesn't seem like a guy that likes being told what he's doing is wrong, especially when he's emotionally invested in the position.

Manafort is probably used to telling politicians "you need to do X/Y/Z" - and they do it because they're also manipulative snakes that live for the game.

The GOP is probably going to be pissed off about this. They obviously wanted Trump to talk about policy as opposed to just spewing out random shit.

>Wrong Track +46
Holy fuck, what happened all of a sudden?

I think the problem is GOP is running with a playbook based on Jeb Bush.
I would not be surprised if GOP's strategy closed resemble the one given by Joe of MSNBC.
Something that hardly would work when Trump tossed all the post Regan political play book out of the window (and one they could not care less if they win or not Jeb=Hillary).

I agree. These disgusting woman hating racists will get what they deserve when Hillary Clinton wins in November and becomes the next President of the United States.

Trump has pivoted from attacking Hillary to discussing policy via teleprompter. The campaign's new strategy is about rebranding Trump. Everybody already hates Hillary, but they hate Trump more. Trump is looking smarter and less evil/crazy to the public.

gay joke

pivot? he hired the breitbart faggot guy. he's not pivoting he's freefalling without a parachute

If Donald Trump can't listen to his advisors he's not fit to be President.

This is the same criticism we've heard from the left all cycle, he's narcissistic, arrogant and stubborn. They'll jump on this for a few days and then forget but it's not a good look in the short term.

I thought the whole point of hiring the Breitbart guy was to get rid of teleprompter-Trump.

I doubt we'll see him using the teleprompter for much longer.

He just started with the teleprompter. The change in strategy started with the campaign shakeup. Manafort wasn't telling Trump to be more presidential, he wasn't focused on image at all. He spent all his time sucking up to political insiders and donors, trying to run a conventional campaign, and he crashed and burned.

No, Trump has pretty much never used a teleprompter until a few weeks ago (except some important speeches before the RNC).

>Hires an outsider Lewandowski to get the outsider voter

>"He can't be serious hiring this nobody."

>Gets the outsider vote.

>Phases out Lewandowski to bring in an insider, Manafort, to get the insiders on board.

>Gets a string of establishment endorsements from people who were openly attacking him just weeks prior

>Phases in Bannon, a conservative media expert to handle both camps while driving the populist, nationalist message home, while brutally attacking hillary from every conceivable media angle and wearing her down (she does not have the thick skin or stamina or trump. Has not held a press conference in 265 days - it's called leadership)

>Dem voters are now gradually either hating Hillary enough to vote 3rd party, or apathetic enough to not vote. Trump is still pulling the same numbers among his support that he always had.

This wins the election you dumb mother fuckers.

Good. He was way too sketchy..

inb4 manafort gets a job on cnn or msnbc

One would think the BBC would be more neutral, being a foreign news source


Check out Charlotte Rally and Wisconsin Rally.

>going after dems abuse of blacks
>acknowledges his non-PC manner has bruised some fee fees

There has been a shift, and it's better for Trump.

1. Why is this happening?
2. What does this mean for the campaign?


Good hopefully he punts pence the fuck out next.

I hope most of you faggots never run a campaign. Trump is a genius who managed to take over a party and win their nomination with both parties and the entire media against him. Not only that he did it with a fraction of the money spent against him. Since then he's created a campaign for the general election that looks unstoppable. Stone cold genius and most of you think you could do it better.

>implying it was Trump and not his supporters

1. Giant sign that Manafort and Drumpf have Putin connections
2. Ditch and pray. Still ten points behind Hillary.

The man has a reputation to worry about.
No wonder he bailed on this trainwreck.

People keep telling me a Trump presidency means he is going to surround himself with the best people for decision making. This campaign hasn't reflected that.

Manafort did shut down the Never Trump push in the rules committee and ensured he won the convention vote unchallenged. Without him, Trump never would have won the primaries

who is the third?