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I thought he was supposed to be the best, Sup Forums.. What happened?

444444444D chess bros.

Trump is a genius
I never though of this move before

Like Lewandowski, you use the the right tool for the right time.

Hopefully Manafort is just as gracious as Corey in his eventual dismissal.

Wow trump is that bad LOL he cannot be saved

23rd degree inter-dimensional under water basket weaving.


That's a good thing. There was a huge difference between trump in the primary and trump after the convention. Obviously people like manafort got to him and tried to change him for what they thought was better. But it wasn't. He became boring and somewhat apathetic. He didnt even make controversial retweets which was one of the things that made him so popular. But since he made huge changes in his campaign last week and went back to his old self he has been increasing in all polls. Even his speeches have gotten noticably better

Are you potato niggers ever not totally wasted drunk?

Force resignation no doubt

Was given an ultimatum, either resign with dignity, or you're fired

Only 49% of new borns in America are white. Nuke yourself

The fuck? His controversial statements have gotten him into way too much problems lately. If anything, he needs to be more "boring"

one of the guys i work with is potato nigger and i can confirm ive never seen him sobre. mad bastard drives the forktruck too, one day somembody gonna die

I do wish Trump would act more presidential but give these classic speeches. He literally would just need to kick back and let the leaks and controversies tear Hillary apart. He obviously doesn't realize that there are hoards of internet autists willing to win this campaign for him.

CRT? Nah bb Soros himself hooked up a harem for me just to make this thread

this, what worked in the primaries is now under a much larger microscope


>Trump set the record for most votes received by a republican in the history of America in the primary
>"better change into a different person during the general"
That is exactly the retarded shit that manafort and the republicans thought trump should do. It had negative consequences and they realised they were wrong. Now that he's going back to his old self he is gaining popularity again

I hope his hoyfriend Stone goes with him. So longv o bad rubbish.

the kerosene into the GOP dumpster, maybe

all we need now is for Trump to toss the match in as an October surprise

83rd level 11th interdimensional 5th degree space time warping connect 4 guys

all part of the plan

Thank GOD. Every single time this guy did an interview he fucked up. He's just not a good speaker at all.

Nice damage control.

That's not his job tho. That's what they got Katrina for

Trump Campaign Imploding. It's over.

Can I build a giant offshore military complex in your waters?

No, we can only accommodate one.


>Manafort being the good globalist shill he is, gets caught accepting bribes from international actors.
>Manafort resigns/gets shit canned after destroying Trump's campaign

I'm glad that neo-con fuck is gone. His type of filth is the reason we're voting for Trump and not Yeb!


I really really want to move to Seychelles after i retire
Any advice?

She cant possibly keep up with all our pivots. Hillary stumped!

Trump already had hired a replacement, Manafart was already on his way out.

Make shit tons of money? Pretty hard to get long term visa if you're not working or have a someone here.

I hope he picks up Lewandowski again now that the convention is over and he can go into 'primary mode' again and just stir up populist sentiments.

Lewandowski was good at that but a bit too extreme when he pushed for the comments about the Mexican judge.

With him and Bannon, we have ourselves a winning team lads.

He's just creeping back into the shadows, like Roger Stone.

He will still communicate with Trump, just not 'officially'.

Was stationed on Diego Garcia for a year - good times

Trump Visits Louisiana Flood Victims as Hillary Rests and Obama Vacations


It was just a prank bro

Posting in a CTR damage control thread lel


this image is photoshopped though

pic related is original

Why do people think Trump can be president? He can't even run a campaign right.

Guys it's not a big deal when people leave the Trump campaign because if Trump is ever asked about it he can just laugh it off and say "You're fired!"


Appropriate description.


Repuglicans ruined LA.

Best to ignore it now and let it die in peace.

>tfw you have to fire the only non-retard in your campaign because the press found out he's a Russian agent



What campaign?

Manafort couldn't handle the banter.

thread theme


He's a plant by the Russians to control Trump, and now the public knows about it.

andorra is uncommon