Clinton campaign, BLM, LGBT and other SJW groups are making plans to intimidate and even assault Trump supporters at polling locations across America. Local police should be stationed at all locations to stop this and arrest anyone that tries to intimidate voters.
I have received this information from a reliable source and this is not a LARP. Authorities should take actions to insure that voters are not harassed in November.
Let's say you are right. No one cares is intimidated by leftist fruits, and even if they are they will just lie to them. The worst that can happen is some Hillary voter will vote for Trump just to spite those idiots. Bad strategy.
Ayden Reed
Hahaha. Dear God please let them do this at my polling station.
Evan Flores
Eh. The Black Panthers stood outside some polling stations in 2008 with berets and batons.
Gabriel Bailey
What are they going to do? Look angry at you?
Caleb Sanchez
Haha those faggots are not going to do anything. Last time they just stood there like some dopey black dummies. It will not change anyones vote.
Evan Thompson
How do they know someone votes Trump?
Wyatt Collins
Kthnx, Insider. We've got Bikers4Trump this time. Fuck the niggers.
Christopher Martinez
Insider information, not a LARP.
I have received this information from a high-level insider that OP was ramming misc household items up his ass while typing this shit.
Here.... (You)
Jackson Hall
Get fucked. We are going to beat you
Ryan Morgan
Dylan Hughes
Take your guns with you when you go to vote Burgerbros
Chase Williams
They'll be looking for people with Trump campaign swag and trying to scare them mostly but the BLM is talking assaulting people.
Chase Bennett
overwatch will be provided.
Blake Carter
Umm... I think you meant LGBTQA2+, shitlord.
Kevin Powell
I can easily see BLM blocking highways or even the polling stations themselves on election day, and MSM wouldn't talk about it.
It'll probably only happen in one or two swing states like Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.
Jordan Flores
Fake and gay
Grayson Clark
A lot of Trump's support is from older people. Older people are easier to bully and beat. If you see this kind of thing going down and you're not old, you better take up for the old people.
Hudson Thompson
>flag 0/10
Isaiah Gray
No problem.
I'll be wearing soft body armor and have my CCW.
6.2 and 280 pounds and built like a swat guy.
Jaxon Hernandez
Even getting my head caved in by a nigger with a brick will not stop me from voting for Trump as my last action before I die of hemorrhaging
Colton Hughes
You can't usually wear campaign swag to the polling place; it's considered electioneering and that's illegal several hundred feet from the door of a polling place.
Josiah Bailey
People are pissed off enough as it is. Trying to deny peoples right to vote could end badly.
Ayden Moore
85864903 85864745
(You) & (You) Thank you CTR
Wyatt Walker
>"Protesting" at polling stations >Not Voting at polling stations
Sounds like Hilary's going to lose
Noah Clark
This. I will be there to protect my fellow white man.
James Cooper
>he thinks his fat is muscle
why are fat people so delusional? jesus christ
Parker Bennett
What is really funny, during the last voting period.
There were like 4 black guys outside the voting station, and I was dressed professionally. As soon as I pulled up in my SUV, they looked me right in the eyes, they were handing out pamphlets and saying things to people as they went in.
As I was walking to go vote from the parking lot, they all left walking into the ghetto part of town. I couldn't help but think, they felt intimidated. A lot of people think I am a cop for some reason.
Jayden Campbell
I'm wearing this to the polls.
Juan Roberts
I never understood why this was a problem. Is it that hard for the parties being threatened to station armed guards for a few hours? Third parties can just go armed since it's clear they're willing to go the extra mile anyway.
Evan Phillips
and you post it here. on 4shit Sup Forumsack board.
show your sources and (((citations))) goy. them maybe the fbi can lock you up for hate speech
Adrian Perez
I don't give a fuck if those old people want to vote for fucking Pol Pot; I'm not going to watch old folks get the shit kicked out of them by some purple haired freak with a bull ring in their nose about a goddamn thing. I'll rip that fucking stupid bull ring out and shove it up their ass.
Jaxon Jones
>only a fool would take... You're a real shit-stirring kind of guy.
Mason Brown
What are you 12 retard?
Levi Morris
No I think my muscle is muscle, but thanks for posting.
Parker Morris
>6'2" >280
Goddamn you are fatter then hell
Jason Green
>be small suburb outside Chicago >fat Mexican gf and I both go vote >I get attacked by a jostled nautical looking negro, and my gf does for being with me >"Local Nazi and white supremacist Donald O'Brien under arrest for instigating brawl with minorities"
Nicholas Jones
HOW GAY You think people are afraid of Left Wing dorks with daddy issues? People would have a field day if this actually happened
Jackson Hughes
Thanks for playing.
Liam Lewis
I am white and carry a gun legally. I will literally magdump on a gang of niggers if they assault me for trying to vote, then stroll over to my car and pull the chopper out from the trunk while I dial 911 for backup.
I won't be alone because pretty much every white man carries a gun in this state, and they aren't fond of darkies.
Wyatt Butler
Oh, look the Canadian CTR leaf!
Nicholas Campbell
Enjoy "beating" us from your designated cuck island.
Gabriel King
are you perhaps talking about your sex life, user? :^)
Tyler Peterson
Grayson Sullivan
How can they tell who youre voting for? You can look unassuming and tell them youre voting for hillary if they bother you.
Then go in and MAGA
Adrian Wright
And there better not be any beating/intimidation of the Clinton people by us, either. Beat their asses with the ballot, not over the ballot. This isn't Central African Republic, for Christ's sake. I'd kick the shit out of a white nationalist trying to beat up purple haired, bull ring wearing SJW's as well.
Charles Hill
They will have to target white males.
I was considering the same.
I think if this did happen, it would be in inner cities.
Christopher Thomas
I have a gun and many friends with guns. Lets hope BLM tries something while I'm there.
Gavin King
>Thinks I'm CTR You're like the lawyer who spazzed out on live television.
Keep that tinfoil on, bro.
Dylan Sanchez
Nah nah, if she cheats and wins.
As a cop, I am going to be removing liberals from this earth like Dexter. But I won't give her any reason to go after the 2nd A.
Liberals disappear all the time.
Colton Cooper
I have received information from a reliable source that OP is a giant faggot who makes shit up
Tyler Cook
Anybody asks you how you're voting in the polling line, you tell them to mind their motherfucking business and worry about their ballot. We have secret ballots in this country for a reason.
Jayden Price
Well I'm in a swing state and I gave the info to the local authorities about what the Local SJW's are talking about on social media.
The Clinton campaign with all the bullshit (((RACIST))) rhetoric is what is stirring this shit up.
Colton Carter
If we look at the history of the democrats, this is exactly what they created the KKK for.
So I would not be supersized if this was true, and BLM is literally their new KKK.
Connor Green
Shut the fuck up Canada!
Leo Phillips
If you're going to kill people over their political affiliation, you have ZERO business being a cop. You're a danger to society. Every time you guys fuck up, you undermine faith in the system. Get therapy after you get another job.
Nathaniel Collins
Shills trying to intimidate the nerds of pol with niggers kicking their asses.
sage and hide
Oliver Taylor
Voter intimidation is UNAMERICAN. END OF. Matters not who it's done for or why.
At this point any tomfuckery at polling stations is a recipe for disaster
Isaiah Torres
Better fat than a libcuck.
Christopher Bell
Man, don't fuck people up over their politics. Every American, even the ones you disagree with, have a right to be heard, especially on election day. What makes America great is the fact that we're all free to think what we want.
Oliver Hughes
The Black Panthers did this with Obama.
Alexander Gomez
Since you are so dumb that you don't think this stuff happens.
Bluehairs and their cuck tag alongs don't scare anyone. They've never taken a punch in their entire pathetic life.
Elijah Ross
Jose Roberts
I'm gay and voting Trump. I HATE being lumped in with BLM or SJWS, I'm attracted to men it doesnt mean I love muslims or think men can be women or whatever other dumb bullshit the jews are pushing now.
If I genuinely thought Trump hated gays I wouldn't vote for him but a)he cant't overturn gay marriage just by appointing a justice and isn't that sort of social conservative and b) gays are good for business and he's been expressing pro-LGBT views for years, way before Hillary has. Trump is about making money. Gay guys don't have kids so they have more disposable income. Why would Trump hate that? Its not like he has to watch us have sex or attend pride parades. I think he quietly even said NC was dumb for discriminating on bathrooms. I think the whole debate is dumb on both sides. Bathrooms were never the issue. Discrimination based on sexual orientation not being legally prevented IS. Obama passed an executive order banning federal employees from doing it but there's nothign in Title VII saying you can't be fired federally for being gay or denied housing or service in a restaurant because you come in with your husband. Hillary gets millions from countries where gays are executed and SHE'S our friend? DOMA anyone?
I only hope that the media and internet saturation of this election will teach the media they can't just print lies and omissions and hope nobody ever notices.
Blake Cruz
1 of the polling stations in my area had this happen >couple of blacks showed up bright and early trying to intimidate everyone into voting Obama at a polling area in a predominate white area >after about an hour word got out >2 pickup trucks with rebel flags pulled up and just parked in the parking lot >said intimidating niggas fled like Dracula in sunlight >next day blacks were bitching up a storm they that they couldn't vote at said polling station because the KKK was ready to string up all niggas there >meanwhile a predominate black polling station straight in the middle of their own fucking neighborhoods was mostly ignored
Kayden Martinez
>I hate being lumped in with BLM or SJWS >You realize that you're helping the problem by
Actually, you know what, no. As an adult human being, I want you to eat your cake and accept the responsibilities of making decisions like these.