>see an episode of places unknown
>bourdain asks about refugee crisis to a libcuck germ
>his response

>bourdain completely agrees

They're not wrong, you know.
Genetic diversity is a good thing, and Singapore is an incredibly successful and multicultural country.

Goddammit Achmed get back to work those cars don't fix themselves.

Everyone will be able to get eye surgery and whiter skin in the future anyways for almost free.

Jesus you can't really believe this shit can you?

You seriously think people wont form new divisions based on ideology rather than ethnicity and shit will be just as bad, if not worse than before?

What, are the Muslims Christians and the atheists just gonna mix up their beliefs so nobody can really tell what the differences are and they'll stop killing each other?

all people are cappucino and theres no hate anymore???? look at nigger countries, they live in peace and harmony (sarc off)
antony, live without hate is like soup without salt.

It's time to go back Achmed.

Also, Singapore is mixed with ethniticities, not races. It's an East-Asian country. Fucking retard.

Two kikes.

dude is Austrian

>implying that can change genetics and religion
>implying ahmed would give up being brown when he can just kill whitey

That guy had the wild-eyed crazy look you in see in paranoid schizophrenics when they're ranting about their delusions

People always fail to mention that this is only happening in white countries. African countries will stay black, Mid Easterneres will stay shitskin, East Asians will stay East Asian and poo in loos will be poo in loos.

That laugh at 5 seconds. Like an absolute madman. But in a bad way.

He actually does seem insane.

I want to cry

He´s asking if he thinks that´s the only solution
"But we´re far away from that"

wrong. watch interviews with lee kuan yew. They select based on skills etc.

Yeah, I don't think Bourdain is that stupid. Although he's Jewish, he's on the right with issues like immigration as he's stated in some of his interviews. Bourdain is actually quite based.

Which is like 80% Chinese.

wtf i hate races now
