I am an ex-muslim AMA


did you guys talk about jihad at the mosques? and infidels?

i have a muslim friend who goes to a Madrasa every week. once he showed me his ID card one day and it said "House: JIHAD" on it. i asked what it means and he laughed it off and joked that he was being trained. am i going to die? should i contact FBI?

Why did you leave? How did your friends/family respond?

What's with all these ex-muslims lately???

Must be really bad huh?.

If your telling the truth you might just want to report that

Is this you?

>did you guys talk about jihad at the mosques? and infidels?
Not really. We did talk about how muslims are going to heaven and about how kuffar are going to hell, but we never talked about fighting the infidels or rising against them.

Jihad just means to struggle for ones faith. It can take many forms. Violent and non-violent.

How long ago did you leave Islam?

Would you ever consider Yeshua as God in the flesh?

I just didn't believe in it. I didn't tell my family because they would disown me. Only a few of my non-muslim friends know.

Not really. Growing up in the west your bound to become less religious.

I actually don't eat pork. I still have a weird aversion to it. I also prefer chicken and beef more.

Report it fucking ASAP I don't want ragheads running through the streets because some asshole was too concerned about being PC to report someones official ID card with the fucking word Jihad on it.

Yeshua? Do you mean Jesus. Jesus Islamicilly is a prophet who was born without a father. He will return at the end times to kill the anti-christ.

I left islam maybe when I was 13-14. Can't remember.

Why ere muslims so brainwashed by the Koran that they'd disown their own child for turning apostate?

It's really no different than religious JEws or Christians. I have a few Jewish friends who are atheist who's community would disown them. It's also the same with religious Christians.

I imagine it would be the same with a SJW parent who's child told them they are a red-pilled gender realist who is against affirmative action.

>I'm an ex-Muslim bros!
>I can't tell anyone or else they'll fucking kill me!
>I'm still brainwashed by Islam though...
>literally who is Jesus?

biggest fucking joke thread of all time

Full measures > half measures
i.e. don't be a pussy and stand up for what you believe

It's quiet obvious that the CIA and the U.S. military are guilty of a lot of war crimes in the Middle East, especially under the direction of Bush and Cheney, but can you admit that most terrorism happening in the world today (involving vehicles, projectiles, bombs, etc) are done by Muslims?

It's the best way to enforce social rules and norms without violence, and has been used commonly through history.

How important is Shariah law among muslims outside of muslim countries? Stoning etc... Do they want it implemented?
Does Imams preach government should force people into the "correct path"? What do muslims think about seperation of church and state in the west?

I'd like to see you go to your coworkers and family and reveal your powerlevel and watch how you get fired.

>Christians are just as bad
Bullshit: source below
Left a fucking ridiculous Christian cult that's supposed to disown/excommunicate/disfellowship (JWs since you'll fucking ask if you don't know their terminology) anyone who "leaves the fold".
Still hang with my senpai (immediate and extended; only like one of 4 uncles gives any fucks about it and he'd probably test autistic if he'd go get tested).
Even working on redpilling my 92 year old grandma due to the bad PR from child molestation court cases.

Listen up fucking ex-Muslim. What you missed about Christ (and Christians) is when he said that the whole law rests on fucking LOVE. Love of God and love of fellow man. THIS is the hallmark difference of Christians. They might not like or agree with your beliefs, but they'll love you anyway, even as you're literally crucifying them.

The biggest terrorism threat to the west and the middle-east is Islamic Terrorism. Outside of those two regions I can't say.

Literally do every day at work. I just do it subtly from common ground.
1 Corinthians 9:22
Go get a fucking bible ass-face

I have a pretty good idea.

>How important is Shariah law among muslims outside of muslim countries? Stoning etc... Do they want it implemented?
This is what was always weird to me. Most muslims realize it's in the Quran and that it's in the hadith, but they usually try to say something like "it was a different time". I think they sturggle with the idea that this stuff is technically required, but they themselves feel that it wrong and don't want to do it. Most american muslims don't actually want shariah.

>Does Imams preach government should force people into the "correct path"? What do muslims think about seperation of church and state in the west?
It varies from muslim to muslim and mosque to mosque. The mosques I went to would usually say something like, "Avoid what is haram, but remember that you must follow the laws of this land."

>Christians are just as bad
Didn't say that, but nice strawman

>Christianity is a religion of love
This is almost as funny as when I hear that Islam is a religion of peace. Also why are you trying to redpill a 92 year old women. Just let her die in peace. She doesn't need an existential crisis.

>Muslims mostly have common sense, but choose to ignore it

I just do it subtly from common ground.

Lol. So you don't actually tell them. You just pussy-foot around.

Correction; kill their children, family members and friends.

It's called cognitive dissonance. It's sort of like when Sup Forums disavows the same polls that showed Trump winning in the primary just because he's now losing in the general election.

>"It's really no different than religious JEws or Christians."
>I didn't say they're just as bad.
Oh, just that they're no different. Care to contrast those?
>claims STRAWMAN, engages in ad hominem
>"So you don't actually tell them. You just pussy-foot around."
You're right, reasoning with them instead of truth-bombing them like an autist is being a pussy...

you argue like a Jew (if you consider this ad hominem you're literally racist)
I'm out!

In Sweden there have been many honor killings. What's up with that?

When did you realize that Kek is our True Lord and Savior?

>"It's really no different than religious JEws or Christians."
>I didn't say they're just as bad.

In the west Religious muslim parents are just as likely to disown their children for being apostates as are religious jews and christians.

>You're right, reasoning with them instead of truth-bombing them like an autist is being a pussy...
I agree. You have to look at the opportunity cost of your decisions. Which is why I don't come at as an ex-muslim to my family.

This is what happens when you let in third worlders and then let them gettoize.