>'Game of Thrones' star Sophie Turner says she beat out a 'far better actress' for a job because she has millions of social media followers
>"I auditioned for a project and it was between me and another girl who is a far better actress than I am, far better, but I had the followers, so I got the job," she said. "It's not right, but it is part of the movie industry now."
'Game of Thrones' star Sophie Turner says she beat out a 'far better actress' for a job because she has millions of...
Gotta respect her for at least knowing what a shit actress she is
As if I needed another reason to hate this actress and shit show
What role was it? Who did she beat out?
No it would be respectful if she turned down the role. What she's doing is called gloating or humble bragging.
Look at OP user, its Jean grey.
ask your friend who is typing your post to describe to you the image posted
Sophie seems like a fun girl.
I hope she doesn't let the coke ruin her.
That's a loser mindset user. If you hit the jackpot by being cast in a hit tv show as a teenager you gotta ride the gravy train for all it's worth
>tv show
isn't it Dark phoenix?
We were both talking about GOT
>No it would be respectful if she turned down the role.
>Being a beta-bitch and sacrificing your career when you get big opportunities because you don't feel good enough.
Oh no, what ever will we do now that she put the sanctity of the X-men franchise in such peril with her selfishness?? How will the franchise recover without having the best of the best actors?
>talks about beta-bitch
>acts like a beta orbiter
This is the exact opposite of a humblebrag. She's literally downplaying and criticizing her own success.
Literally every actress who does capeshit or star wars is shit. Same with game of thrones
Emilia Clarke
Maisie Williams
Elizabeth Olsen
Emma Stone
Anne Hathaway
Sophie Turner
Natalie Portman
Anna Paquin
Evangelina Lily
Felicity Jones
Daisy Ridley
Kat Dennings
Cate Blanchett
Hayley Atwell
Wasn't maRey sue a literally who before nu-wars though?
>Anne Hathaway
She was great in TDKR, you might have some mental problems. Also it's cute how you avoided Gal Gadot, you DCuck mouthbreather. Do the world a favor and kill yourself, you pedantic douche.
>Anna Paquin
no that ass way too fat
>anne hathaway was great in TDKR
What shit taste you have, capekid. Also I forgot about that jew rat completely. Of course she's included.
>turning down a role
it's not her job you dumb cuck
you literally defended a DC actress in the same post where you accused the guy attacking her of being a DCuck. are you on drugs?
>Saoirse Ronan
>doesn't get to be an X-Men
>gets a black baby in the bally instead
That doesn't mean she isn't shit
I misread your post
I'm a sershbro and I like sophie's honesty
she's cool
also you could never know how much grateful I am with her for avoiding sersh from close encounters with Singer and it's crew
Saorise Ronan is another actress who only does shitflicks and oscarbait. She belongs in superhero movies she has no range.
>cate blanchett
you are a fucking nigger
She does coke?
Singer is gone and not coming back. hes directing a bohemian rhapsbody movie.
Why would X Men need any good actors/actresses? Fassbender is totally wasted on this trash.
>What shit taste you have, capekid.
She was great, what are you talking about?
Snyder fanboys are mentally retarded and even turn on the Nolan batman movies out of sheer stupidity. They're like human cancer.
Gonna go see her act the same way she does in everything in Thor 3 you fuck? She's a sellout she's in capeshit. Like Robin Wright. Stop falling for jews tricks they were never good she was good as galadriel thats it. She gets the same sentence as all those other actresses I correctly named.
Why do you pit all of them together? The first couple were pretty good, so was First Class and Days of Future Past.
>Why do you pit all of them together?
Because they're part of a series. Weird, isn't it?
She was acting like an amateur it was actually pathetic. She thinks she's hot shit and she isnt. She was so much worse than Michelle.
But this has literally always been the case?
No one apart from Sup Forums knows who sershe is. Millions of plebs will recognise Sophie from got.
is she a irl boy goerge clone?
tbf saoirise dodged a bullet there
The joke wouldn't work, though.
sorry I meant with the whole movie and all the "suffering psychic mutant" tryhard thing
Oh got ya. Then I agree with that.
In actuality it's one of these gay "blind item" rumors on the Internet.
>This B-list actress on the show visits a university in the UK often. She keeps it fairly secret. It’s just a shame that she doesn’t keep her partying and drug-taking a secret. This actress will show up at a uni party, take tons of drugs (in secluded areas) and flirt with everyone in the room before returning to her own home. Her family know she has a dependency on drugs, but she’s technically an adult and they have no control over her,
For some reason Sophie Turner is highly suspected.
>Because they're part of a series
Not of consistent quality and they're barely part of a series, they disregard continuity almost every movie.
>She was acting like an amateur it was actually pathetic
No, she was brilliant, especially that scene where she's keeping the senator hostage and the bar gets raided. She stood out, too bad about the script. I don't think you're equipped to assess anyone's acting ability after this chucklefuck of a post.
Sophie was fine as 80s Jean.
>Not of consistent quality
Any other new rules you want to toss in?
And James McAvoy
there is literally nothing wrong with doing cocaine and flirting with people
shit is fucking uncanny
>uncanny x-men
lmao get it?
I love how humble she is.
Pretty x-treme indeed,
For a new movie or for role as Sansa on game of thrones?
Actually dcucks dont count the nolan films they are only cucking for the synder & the new movies(that are pretty bad btw)
Crazy Sup Forums has turned into 90% superhero movies.. usually dcucks
Marvelcucks are bad too, but they dont have to be in denial & full damage control mode(annoying as fuck)since general audience pretty much eats those movies up.. marvelcucks just sound like faggots. Where DCucks sound like annoying like little faggots if that makes any sense.
As a former user, 100%. Watch her candid videos, it's obvious.
Considering you were grading the quality of them as a whole, I don't know what to say. You seem to have attention span issues.
I never said that what she did was wrong. One user said he respected her for saying she didn't deserve it and I'm saying there's nothing respectful about taking a job you're not qualified for and then saying you didnt deserve it. Retards.
That's basically how marvel comics hires "writers" now, I don't see the problem here, Sansa.
Lmao Anne Hathaway can't act and has never been in anything good
You type like you're 12, I don't know why you even bother.
x-treme is a x-man run
What do you mean? She aint no coal burner
She has that look though.
Post link or example then.
"young person acts like young person"
Not if you want a half-decent man when you're older
Do you even Cinema, user?
She's doing right now a higher profile history baity Mary Queen of Scots.
Fuck off nigger.
>I had the followers, so I got the job," she said. "It's not right, but it is part of the movie industry now."
I want social media culture to burn in hell. I'm not talking about people who use Facebook or Instagram with their friends. I'm talking about the brainless celebrity worship for people like the Kardashians and YouTube """creators""" by genuine, honest to God retards that gave shit like Honey boo boo some of the best ratings on TV.
>Cate Blanchette
...Ok fuck off.
>feel guilt
>talk about how you feel bad about what you did
>keep doing it
>she was good as galadriel
No not really. She was cookie cut.
It's the liberal way
The point one of the anons you replied to was making was that she isn't humble bragging. And he's correct.
>thinks nolan's trilogy is part of the DCU
You might need medical aid.
not him but if you think someone is insane just for not knowing all the ins and outs of the retarded capeshit universes you idiots like to argue about you're the one with problems
she didn't want to get muslim'd eh? can't blame her
didn't saoirse turn down Scarlet Witch for that Host movie?
anne hathaway is notoriously a piece of shit on set.
>Cate Blanchette
If that was bait well played. Otherwise throw yourself off the nearest bridge.
user, how do you manage to hold a grudge against an actress? You sound distressed.
And you sound like a major faggot.
>no Gal Gadot
She's like a goddess
>everything wrong with the world in one post
Ur dumb
>Being sucessful is wrong
Every time I see Sophie Turner talk, she tries to talk smart but just comes off as stupid
I'm probably not going to watch a X-Men movie til they get rid of Mystique.
You're pathetic, people who actually get laid haven't thought like this in thirty years.
I want to put my sweetness in her fucking belly.
You added the same mispelling twice, you imbecile. Quit stanning your duck-faced queen and go back to sucking your dad's greasy shaft, fuckpig.
I always find Cate Blachett interesting in that her performances are always really obviously insincere, like they have big quote marks around them, and she's like that whenever she does personal appearances "as herself", but for some reason people think she's versatile.
Just because you want to fuck Saoirse Ronan while she's dressed as Jean Grey doesn't mean she'd have been the best performer for the role.
>imagine being this autistic
Only the last of those is me, I don't give a shit about the other guy's list, I just think it's pathetic that someone would be offended by her inclusion above all others, then get her name wrong twice while samefagging.
That's what the nigger said.
Is it true that Sophie Turner's pusy taste gud?