Can someone explain why the STARZ channel is so far to the left? I watch a lot of ENCORE and I have to watch commercials for pro Black shows on STARZ all the damn time. Power is one, Surivors Remorse is another. They are a almost entirely black cast with one of those funny black comedians as a producer, and 50 cent is a producer of the other.
Who the fuck is controlling these channels? How do they make any money promoting all black shows for black people on a cable access channel you have to buy a separate subscription for? In one of the ads they mock Trump because talking shit on the president is so hip these days.
Hudson Barnes
I mean seriously how is Starz able to pay the bills? They have advertised two shows the past 10 years. Power and Black Sails, both are absolute dog shit.
Wyatt Bell
American Gods has little SJW moments sprinkled all throughout it. Doesn't seem like there's much there in the way of originals. I think the movies are the main reason people subscribe.
Luis Green
I mean seriously, Encore has a better selection of movies than HBO. Yes, HBO, the channel of the normies. They could produce an epic sci fi show but instead they concentrate on this black power bullshit. I'm so fucking tired of watching these commercials for dogshit.
Leo Flores
STARZ is usually bundled with basic tv packages so they get a lot of play off the bat.
Chase Clark
The movies are great on Starz, far better selection than HBO and Showtime. But why do they focus on this pro black production instead of producing shows to rival Game of Normies and bring in millions of subscriptions? Who the fuck is going to subscribe for this anti white nonsense? Is the government paying Starz to produce this content similar to affirmative action?
Julian Adams
Like all entertainment shit it's purely for profit. Starz has an audience that pays so they pander to them.
Zachary Thompson
Ash vs. Evil Dead
Anthony Stewart
Your thread is shit, dude. Power is far from being anti-white. In the real world, where people outside of the internet have to co-exist, there are people of different skin colours who must work together and even become friends! The objectively best character in the show is white too.
Black Sails and Spartacus, Starz' biggest shows, were largely white as well.
Asher Taylor
Power seems like an interesting show but not good enough to compete. I think American Gods couldve be an their Game of Thrones but they went too far on anti white, anti men, etc. bullshit that wasn't in the book so they shot themselves I the foot
Carter Fisher
Feminist shit where some random girl upstaged Ash
Nolan Bailey
I pay for overpiced Cable, I subscribe to HBO for Game of Normies, I watch Encore all the damn time. Shouldn't Starz target me? Instead they run this black power bullshit for the last 4 years. I'd rather rub sandpaper on my balls than subscribe to this liberal bullshit where they say "fuck drumpf" to advertise for Power every time I watch a movie on Encore.
Isaiah Carter
Power isn't that bad at all
Tommy is one of the only strong white alpha male characters on tv these days
Ryan Sullivan
Yeah this guy kills every fucking scene he touches
Jacob King
Party Down season 3 when?
Wyatt Garcia
If you want to find how are these channels funded, then look up for articles about owners before they made it big. Take the Mic. site for example - literal nobodies without any traction until Obama picked them, brought them to the investors who promptly poured tens of millions into the company for the sole purpose to remake the Mic. into a propaganda outlet focused solely on the Obama care.
Joseph Harris
What an angry little nigger you are. I mean seriously.
Cooper Morales
cos starz is the best?
power is god tier way above most shows spartacus was god tier way above most shows black sails was average, so still better than a lot
Alexander Murphy
William King
Even if this black power show is supposedly good, from the marketing alone I would rather send $100 straight to Merkel than subscribe to Starz.
Bentley Rivera
it might be a black cast but it doesn't have any agenda, its just about nigger selling cocaine
Wyatt Gray
I watch movies on Encore daily. I have to watch the same black Power ad everytime a movie ends. The black comedienne does her skit and say Fuck Drumpf and Fuck white people. This ad plays every day for months. I realize the nu males on this site pirate this show and enjoy watching their bull fetish come to life, but how is an entire network supporting itself with this marketing?
Jaxon Gomez
I have Starz, watch Power and I dont know what commercial you are talking about
Ian Wood
>I'm so fucking tired of watching these commercials for dogshit.
Juan Mitchell
Wyatt Brooks
Surely they were just taking the piss
Christopher Edwards
>anti white nonsense
This, kiddies, is what paranoid right wing projection looks like.
Jayden Stewart
>entire cast blaxk >token white evil character >fuk drumpf monologue >not anti white
yea ok Sven
Kayden Allen
Fiddy is pretty red pilled desu.
American Gods is far left because Fuller is a American hatting commie faggot.
Lucas Rivera
>Fiddy is pretty red pilled desu.
So how come he's making a "leftist" show?
Caleb Reed
And here I was thinking we could finally have a thread on Sup Forums to discuss Power but it turns out to be Sup Forums bullshit
Luke Cook
What's the gimmick of the show? Never heard of it before.
Landon Bailey
There is no gimmick, it's called a premise you fucking idiot
Liam Lewis
Its like a poor mans The Wire except the head nig uses drug profits to go semi legit with nightclubs in New York city
He has to muh dik this spicy latina and it turns out shes a US district attorney and it causes a ton of problems for his criminal organization
Cameron Roberts
Spartacus, Black Sails, Flesh & Bones, American Gods are all good
Mason Ward
well i mean there's an entire market of black people and people into urban culture. so maybe there should be entertainment for them.
Julian Bennett
Jesus Christ Sup Forums. This is why BLM and SJWs exist. Because as soon has black people gain an inch you sperg out and call them niggers. How many back-led shows are there? Power, empire, Atlanta, insecure, black-ish. Every other show on TV is filled with white people. Just shut the fuck up user and don't watch the black shows. There aren't that many anyway.