Hey, pol. Check out Germany's new flag. You like it? I think it's beautiful

Hey, pol. Check out Germany's new flag. You like it? I think it's beautiful.

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Dope shit famalam, way better than original. Way to go Germany!

Assolutamente disgustoso

Could've been worse, like A FUCKING LEAF

Beautiful isn't it?

That's exactly what I thought.

Australian fan section got some TV time. Nice.

What a nice touch up. Congrats!

Germany, Yes!

the design is still missing the final touch


Mexico has a bad ass flag imo


Bravo Germany! I only wish the rest of Europe was as enlightened and accepting as yourselves :)

Forget Anschluss.


cannot unsee


All 3 N.American flags are great but Canada/US beat it because an average dude can draw them.
Mexico's flag suffers from the same problem as Brazil's, it looks great but it has too much detail in the middle.


So is Germany an Islamic country know?

that's very tolerant of them
good job germany

Is that even legal?

What the hell is going on in Germany...

Germans are cucks.
In other news, water is wet and 1+1 = 2

Congrats. You found the only turk in the entire german olympic team, britbong.

Germany why you do this to yourself ;_;.

>germans are cucks

What are you going to tell me next?

Obama is a nigger?

Of course not. Try to replace the crescent moon and star with a cross in the turkish flag, and see what happens.

damage control

>Go to Berlin years ago
>Favorite city I've ever visited
>Want to move there after Uni
>Learn German
>Germany now truly cucked beyond repair

Good times

Germany what happened?


Why do little girls need tattoos just not to be raped ;_;.

So sad.

Poor little Evangeline's and Hildegarde's.

Hitler said that the conquering Arabs, because of their racial inferiority, would in the long run have been unable to contend with the harsher climate of the country. They could not have kept down the more vigorous natives, so that ultimately not Arabs but Islamized Germans could have stood at the head of this Mohammedan Empire.

Go to Austria instead.


>fake 'no means no' tatoos on little underage girls to prevent raping
>comics to show refugees raping is bad
>"no, the number of sexual assaults didn't increase actually"

Germany, everyone.

Now you know why every german on Sup Forums is such a fuck-up. Living here is literally hell on earth. You can't even remotely imagine what's it like.

Is all hope lost for Hitler's country?

Austria has some hope, I guess.
But Germans should burn in hell.

>you will never fuck a 10/10 German fraulein just for being a Muslim refugee.

I envy those refugees. They're living the life in paradise.

Literally don't have to work. Women literally begging for their dicks. The whole country bending to you. Free money. Free housing. Free everything.

You are from Philipines, so you probably look like one of them. Give it a try, maybe? Germans welcome every shitskin.


well done

That girl on the left looks like she's disgusted by the shitskin, but terrified of what will happen to her if she shows any attraction to other whites.

how does the average(not a libcuck,not an alt right) german feel about this?

if you actually believe this shit

Well this is true

They're getting away with everything.

The minimum wage of my country is around $7 A DAY while Muslim refugees can sit on their arses and claim welfare and earn more than an average flip will probably earn in his/her life time.

Is taking a bath some sort of luxury in Philippines or Middle East?

Great find Nigel. My sides are bursting.

Maybe this will wake more people up since it shows the tribal retention of identity.

It is mighty Germany's last ressort. What else should they do? The Swedish wristbands didn't work, they just motivated the mudslimes to collect them after rape.


Haha modern art

Yes, only rich people take baths.

Water is expensive and bath tubs cost a lot of money.

Minimum wage in my country is $7 a day.

I would say: Disgusted, hopeless, lost.

Many realized by now that we are neck deep in shit.


I agree.

Hans, it's over. Just wait and hope that someone from the UN big-boys-table will nuke us.

The face of a dying nation.

Germany needs Islam.

that sounds like the majority of german citizens have realized what multiculturalism trully stands for.So it's just a matter of time before the free people of germany make a stand for their nation and get their country back.Just hang in there and you'll see that things will change.Maybe not tomorrow,maybe not the next month,but you'll get your nation back.

Isn't it in France?

Tell me that's fake.

Nah, that would be nazi. We will just bend over and accept our fate.

Some are trying hard to ignore the situation, others hope that the migrant masses will just disappear in 1-2 years (lmao), others are pushing forward their plans to leave this mess and to evacuate themselves in some safer country (I'm currently preparing myself a new life in a quite respectable Eastern European country...less money here but safety and no mudslimes). Others are planning bombing attacks or dreaming about doing the Breivik but it is too hard to get guns. Overall it is hopeless, most Germans are ideologically brainwashed like in WWII. They will obey the government until the country is kaputt. I myself was almost insulted by my colleagues at work for carefully analyzing this cataclism of civilization and the end of 2000 years of German history.

tl;dr: lost all hope, Refugeepocalypse doomed us.

I have a hard time believing German girls actually want refugee dick...

Yeah, Place de la République.

This is truly sad. I feel for the rest of Europe and the US about what may still yet come. What a development for such a wonderful, rich culture that is now wrought with the filth of the world. This burger is for you my kraut friends... poor bastards :'(

The harsh treatment of Greece is one more reason to fucking hate this regime: Merkel made fellow Europeans kneel and live in misery for their debts but is now spending 90+ billions to import the vilest and dirtiest creatures from the 3rd World.

A lot of people don't know about those things or fall for the IT'S FAR RIGHT PROPAGANDA shit.
There's also a large divide between age groups and between city dwellers and people in rural areas.
tl;dr There is no average.

German guy here. Most girls/women are afraid of these animals but they are too stupid/brainwashed to consider the possibility not to vote again for leftists or the Green Party. We lost all hope...

I guess once this is all over they'll have to drop the Wiemar republic colors. Oh no.

you don't have to be a nazi,to love your country

i don't think it will last user.Many european nations have been taught to just passively accept things(Greece included),but when you eventually see that your way of life is in danger you'll,without a doubt,make a stand.

It's fake bro

Shoop hezbollah flag on the yellow part and its perfect. On my phone

If you think fleeing to eastern Europe will keep you safe, you are sorely mistaken. Once the Muslims control all of France and Germany they are going to use the EU to force Muslims on all the other nations, by force if necessary.

Think about it. When in all of history have the Muslims ever said, "that's enough, guys. We don't need to expand any more."

Black for ISIS
Red for Turkey
Piss on the Germans.


You can't do something like that in Italy. There is a crime called "vilipendio alla bandiera" (something like "offense to the flag") you will be fined 1000-10000 euro for verbal offense. If you do some physical damage or disrespecting thing (like one in the OP pic) to the national flag you will be incarcerated for 2 years.

There is no German law to protect the flag?

go and sell your ass bitches earn like 3k a day min if they're any good at it

Considered that one. I currently trying to buy some remote cabin in the Carpathian mountains and fortify it like Altruist Sect's Fortress in GTA. Got any better idea?

You dream, user. Even in corsica they let the Muslims get away with rape, and the government cracks down on the citizens objecting to rape.

If you haven't stood up for yourselves by now you never will.

our cuckening is not only Germany's fault.It sure helped,but he have ourselves to blame,too.

i refuse to believe that Germany will fall to that wave of immigration.Come on now,you are Germany for Christ's sake.As much as we love to hate Germany,you cannot refuse that there is strength in german blood.It will take time,but you(and we and all the eurocucks)will stand on our feet again.

I'll move to New Turkey-Germany. Also can Chan change the german flag ? Because there isnt a flag like that

Are you kidding me? Have you ever seen the video where Merkel is disgusted by her own flag?


How much are guys willing to pay to fuck me.

Pic related.

Yes. Organize your people and lead them against the invaders. If you think one man alone can stand against the Muslim menace then you are delusional. It requires civilization to turn back the barbarians.

Meanwhile of the attitude among Germans is as bad as you say, then you just need a leader. Someone unafraid who will stand up to your Jewish media. Someone to rally the people and show them they can stand up for themselves.

Ive always envisioned that flag as a burned up corpse covered in blood in a puddle of yellow urine.

you are among the nation i consider to have made a great impact on the world(good and bad).That destruction will come to you eventually.When we decide to rise,all white nation will stand both as single units and as a team.

i pay 20-50$ if you want a price but i think you have wife material

Jesus fucking Christ Germany, what the fuck are you doing.

Of course you are some corrupt Balcan country which was funded by the West for geostrategical interests since WWII and of course you are impudent and lazy and need some tough lessons taught. But you are Europeans and these animals on the German streets are the servants of Satan, well fed by billions of German €€€. That is unforgivable... there is surely some place in hell reserved for Merkel and her willing executioners.

>welcome to the club Germany.
hope you'll like being in the 3rd world

How much would you buy me?

I can cook and clean.

I'll give you good children.

I'm half Austrian. My father abandoned me. My mom killed herself. I am poor and desperate.

Our destruction is already at hand. The town I grew up in no longer exists. Oh, the streets are still there. Some of the buildings, even. But it's gone. Now it's little Mexico.

The America I love is dead. The liberals killed it.

German society just cracked up thanks to leftists, so our biggest strength from the past is vaporized. I always felt safe in Germany because I knew my fellow citizens would be on my side, no matter what. Now they feed up animals who'd love to rip up my gfs asshole.

(He has a penis)

I cant even laugh about this. Is the most sad thing i ever saw in my life.
A few days ago i realized that the races are going to be extint in a few years. No more nothing. Just a whole planet of brown/gooks roaming the earth.
Is horrible.
The diversity of people was lovley. you had redheads, brunettes, blondes, niggers, gooks, ayy lmaos... everything. And its gone. just becouse some fucking faggots cant stand the "guilt" of they ancestors "opressing" some dudes.

My soul is crying, our sons and grandsons are not going to enjoy the beauty of humanity.

But I'm 100% female.

I have a functioning female reproductive system and I am capable of giving birth naturally.