How do I start writing comedy?
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just steal other people's bits on the DL
drink some of opie's breast milk
Fuck Opie
No I don't wanna do that
Opie's tit juice is the elixir of comedy though. Was it a coincidence that all the comedians that went on their show had their careers go so well? They were secretly getting their fill of Opie's tit juice. Patrice couldnt help himself and drank too much and I don't need to tell you what happened next
Be white
Get a degree
Literally all you need
>be black/hispanic
>act as loud and uneducated as possible
>be Jewish
I'm wondering the same thing.
What's the best format of comedy writing to begin with if I don't plan on performing it in any way myself? I want to see if I can produce something funny but I've found that I'm funnier through text or ideas than when actually talking or performing.
That's funny. I'm funnier in conversation and I can't write a single sentence that's funny desu
>murrican comedy in a nutshell
Is this why all your "comedy" shows are so shit?
No wonder Robin Williams killed himself after being forced to do a shitshow like the Crazy Ones.
How long until Al Bundy gets fed up with Modern Family and also offs himself?
poor Al
Shut your faggot ass up
Anthony's big news is a Compound Media/Riotcast merger putting Bob Kelly and Jim Norton on his show.
cap it.
O&A were the kingmakers of comedy, all of today's once funny comedians got their start from the exposure of O&A. Up and coming comedians no longer have a platform if they aren't leftists promoting SJW ideology.
Make jokes about Trump being orange.
auto biography
The one time Opie might've brought his A-game.
Make jokes denigrating white people and christianity while normalizing faggots. Don't ever slightly talk about the (((people))) that control the industry.
t. tits mcgee
Are any of the O&A commedians even good anymore? Patrice is dead, Louie is a cuck, Burr got cucked by his negress
Are any comedians even good anymore?
Standup is dead.
There will always be Norm.
What if he dies?
When was the last time Norm did standup?
Find out if youre jewish
If youre not jewish, find out if youre from new york
If youre not from new york or jewish, dont be a comedian
We only think people with new york accents are funny in this planet
And only jews who arent funny get promoted
He has a pretty recent special, Hitler's Dog.
unironically, this.
>We only think people with new york accents are funny in this planet
This unironically made me think.
>It's a murricans don't realise they are just one country of many and english isn't everybody nativa language episode
thats a real good point oogabooga ali
but let me ask you, when you think of successful comedian, do you picture non americans?
>it's a tiggered kike replying with a shitty retort episode
Plenty of ones from my own country and England. I do like many american comedians but it's not the majority.
don't write jokes
write observations that challenge people's perceptions and speak Truth to Power
you mean
Furthermore, arguing that not every country speaks english then relying on England as your best example is fucking retarded lol
Not that guy, but yes, I actually do. I picture comedians in my native language, obviously.
>name the most famous british comedians who have emerged since 2010 please
Why is 2010 a requirement? I'm not in the business I just like comedy, it's just stupid to assume only americans can have successful careers as comedians since you don't even consider the ones you can't understand in the rest of the world.
It was both language and actual country. New York accent isn't relevant to comedians in Britain.
>british humor
>murrican humor
keep clapping away at amy schumers stinky asshole while eating a burger, fatty
>Why is 2010 a requirement? I'm not in the business I just like comedy, it's just stupid to assume only americans can have successful careers as comedians since you don't even consider the ones you can't understand in the rest of the world.
cause we're talking about the current climate
sure OP could be a successful comedian in 1960 if he had a time machine and we used our knowledge of what worked then
we're talking about what works today, which is louis ck and bill burr and to a lesser extent jim jeffries and that jewish blonde fat whore
new york accents, thats what puts bums on seats
>new york accents, thats what puts bums on seats
In America yes. They don't really visit the rest of the world that often though, so we have plenty of comedians that fill our seats over here.
Watch lots of comedy, read comedy scripts, start writing your own funny stories until you develop a unique voice.
That's what i'm doing. Currently on my fifth screenplay and hoping this one will be good enough to submit to festivals/competitions.
>tfw patrice died before getting a chance to star as trayvon martin in the film adaptation of yurope 2
You're truly living in a bubble if you believe this.
You know how big the internal standup comedy scene is in places Americans have never heard of like Flanders?
>wanna be broke and famous in a tiny little shithole? we've got all kinds of open mics all over american
sounds like OP isnt aiming high enough
he could be doing the open mic circuit for -$10 a night
You people are so delusional, it's ridiculous.
>yackety sax starts playing*
>tfw 2010 was 20 years ago
>broadcast for literally tens of thousands of hours
>listenable for just 16 minutes
this guy made millions and he would struggle to be a competent janitor
I'll have you know he could have been been a math-wiz supermodel athlete if he'd wanted to, if he hadn't been too busy working for the mob to focus on his NASA application.
Just record yourself and listen/review. If you think fast and the process of writing gets in the way of your flow, then recording yourself is the way to go.
>Not being a fan of Rik Mayall
People have started editing out opie from past shows and it is infinitely more enjoyable.
>tfw hate them both
but i guess its a step in the right direction
desu O&A fans hate everything, so you are getting there.
t. Amy Schumer
When you grow up in a broke shithole you think that broke shitholes are nice.
Watch Stephen Colbert and learn, kiddo.
steal all of your material from Sup Forums and pass it off as your own like everyone else.
You just have to fucking do it dont think! Im going to do comedy here I fucking go:
Whats the deal with sitcoms nowadays? Its always some hot milf married to a fat tu---- excuse me....Im getting a text from my wife we are expecting.....what? ohmy god please no...ladies and gentlemen she miscarried....I am so sorry I need to go.
I'd try writing a comic, you can use stick figures if you aren't that good at drawing
Leave it alone. Seriously.
Are you familiar with the words "cheeto" and "demagogue"? If so, you're in.
reaffirm reddits beliefs while condescending against wrong-thinkers.
Morning has broken like the first morning
I am 100% certain I am richer than you pal-o.
1. Be Jewish
2. Be politically connected
Go ahead and try it. Joe Rogan will hunt you down.
smugly spout democrat talking points.
>keep clapping away at amy schumers stinky asshole while eating a burger, fatty
the creativity abound in this comeback is so present in british comedy
ironically mencia was a funnier comic than rogan ever will be, even if you take the "typical race jokes" out of his act
Be ready for most of your jokes to fall short
Keep expanding your horizons. Some comedians will fall into some sort of category, but before that happens just write shit and perform.
Write shit and present yourself as presentable to your audience.
Don't blatantly steal jokes from other comedians. You can get away with it as a mistake like one or two times, but if you do it more than that you'll get hunted down by joke autists.
Timing is very important, as well as delivery. You need to get used to how and when to hit the audience with the punchline or else all of your jokes will fall flat.
Take some public speaking classes or at the very least be comfortable presenting your content to a big audience who does not have good expectations for you
Learn to take criticism or else you'll sudoku
Keep going. Nobody makes it right from the start. You'll flop and flop and flop until you get your rhythm. Just keep banging your head against the wall until you build up some followers and start gaining steam.
memorize reddit puns
I just keep writing sketches, short films and stand-up bits without doing anything with them.
Talking to people is too straining so I can't produce them with anyone else so I think I'll just make some tiny finger puppets and record them with that.
Rate my script Sup Forums!
it shows potential but I think it relies too much on preconceptions of races, disney and countries making the jokes expected.
For me i usually laugh out of surprise.