I saw a test screening last week. It's safe to say this was the most blatant excuse for leftie pandering I've ever seen. They changed A LOT just to make the black kid the voice of reason. It was almost comical how far it went. Some examples >Any scene where a white character tried to talk, the black kid would cut them off and say "Shut your mouth, White Devil! You do not talk over a black man!" (This got a laugh from the audience the 1st time, but by the 3rd and 4th time everyone was uncomfortable) >They have the all the white kids fumble and fuck up when they fight it, so then the black kid shoots it with the slingshot and says "That's how we do it, peckawood." >The most surprising is they did keep the sex scene in the sewers, but changed it so the black kid is the only one that fucks bev. I shit you not, he makes all the other white kids stand in the corner and watch. And it's not short, it felt like it went on for what had to have been 10 minites. All while Bev screamed about how much she loved his black cock (the most disturbing part being when the black kid made the fat boy get on his knees and held bevs red bush to his face while his dick pounded her and kept saying "WHAT'S THIS LOOK LIKE TO YOU, WHITE BOY?" with the fat kid crying as he says "January Embers" like honestly, I don't know how they got away with this scene. >as bad as that was though, the ending was the worst, with a flashforward to the black kid as an adult set during the modern day with BLM protesters. The black kid (now played by Idris Elba) is with a pregnant bev, and them and all the blm protesters stand around Pennywise and beat him in a mob, like something out of "Poor little white guy" Idris pulls out a gun and shoots IT in the head gangsta style while looking in the camera and says "Fuck you, Donald Trump lookin' muthafucka" and blows him away while all the other black people grab their crotches and go "Ooooooooo!"
the joke isnt funny when you drag it out that much
Easton White
I can't believe you actually took time to type something this stupid
Jack Sanders
that was fucking great
i hope by some weird evolution it causes the butthurt faggots above me to catch AIDS or their AIDS to get worse
Jack Fisher
Was Finn at east cute in it?
Nicholas Brown
Why would you go through actual effort to type this bullshit out
David Hill
>th-they didnt laugh at my joke they must be butthurt!!
Zachary Sanders
Seek help OP
Hudson Sanders
Sounds better than the book, at least.
Jace Gonzalez
yeah it was a bit over the top. I did like them putting in that 5 minute musical tribute to trayvon and michael brown before the film started though
Brody Watson
lmfao This triggers the redditor
Jason Mitchell
These threads are always the best >all these soft cocks not enjoying this stuff
Aaron Howard
i liked how they opened with puff daddy - ill be missing you youtube.com/watch?v=mM0-ZU8njdo and then when the song stops puff daddy walks into frame holding that tinyurl asking for donations for programs
it was like yeah, this is a movie, but we can STILL DO SOME GOOD!
Henry Jenkins
Did you actually type this up thinking it was funny, let alone anyone would read it?
I don't even side with SJW's or hate invasive Sup Forumsacks, but this was genuinely the unfunniest post I've seen on here in a long time. Nothing in this incoherent mess even raised a nostril snort from me, and I laugh at most things posted here.
You actually might want to consider deleting this because even if you're anonymous I feel genuine second-hand embarrassment for you.
Mason Jenkins
>dat ending scene with Idris Elba putting on a cowboy hat and winking at the camera
Who else hype for the KCU (King Cinematic Universe)?
Jack Miller
It wasn't funny but still you seem like a cool guy OP, keep trying and you'll get better
Dylan Roberts
You're never going to find a movie that's not "leftie pandering". I don't know why you even bother, you must be intensely stupid.
Jeremiah Myers
That's a pretty desperate attempt to save face for this abortion of a thread
Robert Robinson
the last line got me
James Hernandez
it was funny if youre not a small dik wite boi
Brandon Sullivan
Please stop samefagging OP your thread is a failure, just abandon it
David Ward
pretty funny bait and switch user. I laughed
Kayden Lewis
t. po li wh bo
Dominic Anderson
Charles Green
time to derail this thread
Jackson Parker
whenever i hear bitching about "lefties" i take note and will double down on it because solidarity is important. fucking sociopathetic "right wing" neets i will fuck yall real good
Ryder Thompson
someone spend energy writing this shit, imagine it
Wyatt Lee
Samefag trying to force a meme
Juan Jones
>the fat white kid has the biggest cock BLACKS BTFO
Isaac Miller
why is this Sup Forumsbait all over the place now ?
comment sections are full with it
Bentley Martin
the media propagated cultural zeitgeist that pushes for a wholly inclusive society is not compatible with reality and all of the people who are not married to the system and follow every idea sold to them without question reject ideas that all men and groups are equal by nature or nurture
John Collins
>it's a Righty gets triggered by a nigger episode >again
Michael Bell
PLEAE let the idris elba part be true id fucking kek
Jeremiah Garcia
Sup Forums is being flooded by underage edgelord cancer like who larp as nazis to feel superior over both their conservative parents as well as their liberal peers.
Adam Mitchell
>Played by Idris Elba
This is where I lost it.
Camden Harris
Fuck off nigger lover.
Adam Price
t. spic
Connor Torres
Your doing gods work getting all the butthurt lefties in one thread.