What's worse?
What's worse?
I would also like to know cause my vision is going to shit.
Ill probably get some Cuck glasses
there is no difference
Nu-male, both are pretty bad though
What are non-cuck and non-nu-male glasses?
Why are those cuck glasses? Looks normal to me
What the fuck am I supposed to wear? A monocle?
What kind of glasses are you supposed to wear?
ll nu-males are cuck, but not all cucks are nu-males.
Nu-male glasses is worse by that logic
Is there even such a thing as Sup Forums approved glasses?
Good thing I don't need glasses, looks like you're sorta fucked either way.
stfu nu-male
stfu numale
cuck glasses are best glasses. just look at my flag. ofc i have them :) :)
There are non
i had a giggle matey
a cuck is just a nu-male in a "relationship".
Pic related. The only based type of glasses
there's pretty much no other options for prescription glasses
it's not the frames, it's the people who wear them
Is there any middle ground when it comes to glasses?
kys contacts are shit
what are some approved glasses then?
my myopia is getting worse and will have no choice but wear glasses in the near future
They don't exist the people who think this about glasses are retards and equate glasses to leftists
get some glasses that don't look like shit
"Nu-male" is the latest in a series of Sup Forums buzzword insults that mean nothing. I can't wait for the day that the mods start filtering it.
>inb4 you're a nu-male, redditor, cuck, etc.
Nu-male=feminine "man"
Square shaped, thin frame.
Not using them and smashing your head on a post.
It has meaning. I'm not guessing at your lifestyle choice but you probably coincidentally resemble one in appearance, cuck.
Fuck off Nu-male shill
Anyone with vision problems should be sterilized.
>and equate glasses to leftists
Purposely buying the cheapest, most obnoxious plactic glasses with a massive frame to attract attention is equivalent of purple hair.
You're a nu-male, redditor, cuck etc.
no these are literally what all the nu-males where now
Nu male glasses here, far superior glasses, very sturdy and hard to break
I don't wear glasses, but if I did, I'd take a page out of snowden
Cops I've known also wear this type
>Tfw near sighted
>Tfw had to buy nu-male glasses
But then again, I only use them when I need to read/see something far away so no one really notices.
>Tfw you have nu-male glasses on right now
nu male is just hipster but with more emphasis on politics and less on music/fashion etc, it has a clear meaning and describes people i see literally everyday.
>Not getting laser eye surgery
Both are cuck as fuck
I wonder why the glasses on the right became "trendy". When I was growing up in the early 90s, those were the default sunglasses. So, at some point in the last 5 years or so, someone decided to pop the lenses out of them and start wearing sunglasses as regular glasses?
Gold framed aviator glasses master race
Get contacts man don't sacrifice your peripheral vision/general awareness
In my state I'm not old enough for laser eye surgery yet.
>inb4 underaged
I'm just not 25 years old
nu-male is 1000x worse
Its hard to find good frames that don't make you look like a cuck/nu-male. I like to roll with a low profile, more circular frame.
Those are pedophile glasses. Well done.
>Actually wearing pedophile-tier frames.
Unless your name is Walter, you're doing it wrong.
Why the fuck were Monocles even made?
Like, why would someone with eye problems only want to be able to see through one eye?
They don't exist the people who think this about fedoras are retards and equate fedoras to athiests
get some fedoras that don't look like shit
So like 70% of the worlds population?
>standard bargain rack frames are pedophile glasses
Sweden pls
I only like round glasses.
Don't need or wear any though because I'm not a defective faggot.
So many people rely on shit like this, its a wonder we ever made it so far as a species, good look spearing that boar with fuzzy vision.
It's probably the most accurate new word I've ever seen.
I wear half frames.
Silver mine are though.
Problem is good frames are hard to find.
Not everyone with sight problems has them in both sides.
They look cool.
1 eye problems are often uneven
2 you actually pay attention to your main eye while the second if for depth perception and more detail
How's life harry
I got my eyes lasered because i was fed up of looking like a beta pussy ass bitch wearing glasses.
Feels good man... now i look way better .
Kek, I wear pic related but more for added filtering than sight-correction(I see too much of the redspectrum, its complicated). (same company as the left pair).
Honest Q, whats wrong with these kind of glasses? Rarely see them in the wild here and usually on businessmen at least in my town.
Is OP triggered by mostly tall guys wearing them or something?
nu males are best, they're sturdier
>Hi. I'm a nu-male. I love reddit. I dont have a gf but i share my life with a female. Owning another person is wrong because muh feelings. She can do whaever she wants. If that makes me a cuck, so be it. I cant be blamed for anything because im a good guy. Being an asshole is wrong unless the asshole doesnt agree with my life style. My mom loves me.
Only one eye has problems?
They're more for focusing on things when needed, not constant use.
This is what I'm wearing. Oakley Double Taps.
Am I a NuMale? Should I kill myself now?
Ah, I didn't know this.
Thank you Illyusha and Steiner
Is it expensive? Safe?
I just ordered a pair that look just like the ones on the right. Wat do?
You people are fucking idiots. Wear a style that matches your casual and professional outfits and keeps up with fashion. "Boo hoo waaahhhh! Which glasses will protect me from nigger dick???" Fucking pathetic.
>tfw used to wear cuck glasses but got Lasik and now my eyesight is perfect
Best money ever spent.
it all depends on your face/head structure. there is no 1 way to go.
if I go to the glasses store and ask for numales will they know what I mean by that?
I like the flag pics Brazilbro. Got any more?
This is a shill thread.
They've changed their tactics to mimic our lingo and they try to sound like they're one of us. Anything to detract from actual political discussion.
probably not
Of course not you retard. It's a buzzword that means nothing outside of your echo chamber.
What this faggot said.
I prefer to think of them as serial glasses when I'm dumping the hooker in the river.
You're either black, a pedophile, or both
yes and yes
Of course not you retard. It's a buzzword that means nothing outside of this echo chamber.
More or less what I wear when I dont have my contacts in. I've been told from friends that I look like an IT nerd. With that being said, I have a buzz cut and a trimmed beard, and haven't had issues getting women with glasses on or off. I could give a shit what people think about glasses, as long as they aren't thick framed 50's style SJW glasses.
Oh shit I love Rurouni Kenshin.
>not wearing nu-male glasses to blend in then deny the Holocaust in front of your acquaintances catching them completely off guard
I like those.
I wear oakley frames as well, pic related
rate mine
Who is this sperm worm?
Well being in the UK your looking at £3000-£4000 to get treatment, laser eye surgery is very safe.
Though i did not get treatment here i went abroad to get it done cheaper. I went to Lithuania and it cost me £600 (picking most reputable company) to get it all done! What a bargain. Totally safe there also. Also banged a few girls over there too.
The tanned """Swede""" knows a pedo when he sees one. Figures
>edgy alt-right fashion
Now I know where all the fedoras are hiding.
I have half frames also.
Trick question.
Nu males are cucks.
Corrective surgery master race.
Arguing about eyeglasses is like cripples arguing about the best brand of wheelchair.