Are we the last white generation?

Are we the last generation that will be the majority in our own countries?

Aside from maybe Eastern Europe, it seems like we are the last white generation. Every other white generation will be the minority in their own country.

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Get ready to be a second class citizen!

Never lose sight of the fact that Jews are behind the destruction of our White countries via mass 4th world immigration.

“The UK is Never Going to be White Again”

The negro and muslim problem is the jew problem, period. Blacks and Muslims are puppets of the jewish manipulators. There is almost no point to taking our fight to the negroes. To do so is like striking out at the shadow of your enemy, and it's equally ineffective.

Once the jew is neutralized, the negro problem can be solved virtually overnight. But no real progress can be made until then.

We must take our fight directly to the jew, always.


Germany, US, France, UK, Australia, and Canada. This is the last white generation for these countries.

What the fuck is wrong with you

Are you lacking so much self confidence that you cling to conspiracy


Here are the names ff the Jews behind the US Open Immigraton Law of 1965:

1. Senator Jacob Javits (NY)
2. Congressman Emanuel Celler (NY)
3. Leo Pfeffer (Former President of American Jewish Congress (AJC)
4. Norman Podhoretz (Writer and Member of The Council of Foreign Relations)

Who Is Pushing for Mass Refugee Migration? "Jewish Organizations of All Kinds"

Jews are partnering with local Muslim organizations to invade the USA she said at the end.?

The organisations that called upon Congress to oppose any restrictions on Syrian and refugees include but are not limited to:

The American Jewish Committee (AJC)
The Anti-Defamation League
The Association of Jewish Family and Children’s Agencies
The Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS)
Habonim Dror North America
The Jewish Council for Public Affairs
The Jewish Labor Committee
The National Council of Jewish Women
T’ruah: The Rabbinic Call for Human Rights
The Union for Reform Judaism, and the Workmen’s Circle
The Rabbinical Assembly
Jewish World Watch

Given that these sentiments are so central to the mainstream Jewish community in the US, we would expect Jews in Israel would welcome immigrants from Africa and elsewhere with open arms.

Alas no. A recent batch of Eritrean refugees that had the temerity to land upon chosen soil, were given short shrift by Israel who flew them to Sweden and dumped them there.

Emmanuel Celler, the author of the bill as, had been battling for 40 years now for open borders immigration. Jewish organizations (American Council for Judaism Philanthropic Fund, Council of Jewish Federations & Welfare Funds and B'nai B'rith Women) filed briefs in support of the 1965 Act. Also, organizations like the ACLU and the Americans for Democratic Action filed briefs (both had large Jewish memberships).

Jewish involvement in the promotion of 'hate speech' laws, multiculturalism, mass immigration, denationalization, subversion of traditional values, and related items.

Immigration - - USA- (Emanuel Celler, Jacob Javits)
- Australia- (Malcolm Fraser, Michael Danby)
- UK- (Barbara Roche)
- Ireland- (Ronit Lentin)
- Norway- (Erwin Kohn)
- Sweden- (Barbara Spretre)
- France - (Simone Veil)

In every White country on earth. Jonah Goldberg, Charles Krauthammer, David Brooks, Paul Krugman, David Friedman, Milton Friedman, George Soros, Barbara Spectre, Tim Wise, Noel Ignatiev, Noam Chomsky, Howard Zinn (who wrote the anti-White history of the USA), and other Jews constantly lobby for White genocide.

Iceland is still growing but they are full and don't accept whiney faggot immigrants anyway

>The only territory we have left is some shitty rock island with limited resources

There is no white genocide
White racist pricks like you have a family history of being middle to lower class.

However Jewish individuals take care of their communities and even wait for it care for those other then them. They are well educated, cultured and respectful

You want to create a race and religious war

They are just making the world a more global and equal place

Well would you look at that!
Hillary Clinton receiving half a mill from AIPAC already this year.

They have enough fish, blondes, and hot springs to last me a lifetime


Don't make me laugh, we need only look to the American government for every justification to be anti-semitic.

It's full of disgusting fucking Jews, really horrible people.

Honestly ask yourself why are so passionate over this?

Something is wrong in your personal view of yourself. You're not only delusional about the world but more importantly about you.

Hello Chaim.

Jews are not horrible people

You're horrible

Oh so you mean the Jew down the street that doesn't possess the means to fuck over millions of people isn't doing so?

You don't fucking say...

On the other hand, the Jews in a position to do so are disgusting fucking people, look at the Democrat party and tell me you really think Jews are decent people.

the world will burn.

and we will laugh.



Please tell us how Hollywood is just great and full of great people.


Newborns in amurica 2015

2 million shitskin
2 million euro waito

Solid ratio


Depends if the USA balkanizes or not. If not, then yes.

Nonsense, we have a real candidate who will allow white European immigration and take border security seriously.

It's hard to believe the conspiracy to replace white Americans will succeed with such hope.

Demographics and actuaries say yes, OP.

Fight back. Accumulate power and wealth and then we can expel the mudskins.

There was no holocaust. But there will be.

No Jewish child will be left unraped.

Captain America is going to save the white race

Real superhuman and his seed will make even a black woman produce an Aryan baby with none of her features

