Why are they so butthurt?

Why are they so butthurt?

Read a book, Zhao.

>We're not highlighted

They really aren't 2bh.

Because they had to suffer through decades of forced communism which resulted in total economical annihilation and isolation, meanwhile their western neighbors prosper.

What, just any book? Would you recommend anything in particular?

why are you so obsessed with homoerotic mental imagery?

I like me some Terry Pratchett for light reading, but if you were asking for something related to the topic Vodka Empire would be a good start.

If Finland was burrhurt we would have joined NATO.

We really don't even think about Russia. Pic related is proof.

others I agree

they were irrelevant poor countries also before communism though

yeah, hungary and poland are massively butthurt
haven't noticed many of the others listed there, though

Not true, the Poles were literally KANGZ and the Magyars were also quite relevant for most of their history.

Then how come the rest of the post-communist countries aren't butthurts ?

I think Belarus and Montenegro are the only post-communist countries you could claim are not literal saltmines.

Thats good to know
I love Finland

Wonder who made this map :^) It mostly contains Original europeans who are not poor neither nigger lovers.

Could aswell call it based euro belt

Belarus is a braindead country ..... And I don't know much about Montenegro , always assumed it's Kosovo 2.0

Because they are stuck between Nazis and Commies.

We're not afraid of their

Why Finland?

>croatia butthurt about hungary
>slovakia butthurt about polan
>so on...

what is this bullshot of a mem?!

>guy who made it highlights most of Croatia but forgets Istra due to geographic illiteracy

I agree. Istrians should be highlighted with a darker colour, because they're butthurt about everynone and everything

I dont think Finland should be on there

How we are butthurt?

But there are niggers in Finland.

>Have a massive problem with morons owning guns
>Solve it by giving even more guns to even more morons


they're pretty butthurt not gonna lie

Why we butthurt

ubi se jevrejko

After seeing what Russians are like online I really can't blame the butthurt belt any more

Why worry?