I'm rich af and worth US$40 million.
Why do you feel like you deserve even a single cent of it?
Also, to UK folks, Harrods is pretty fucking dope. I love traipsing around here whenever im in L town.
I'm rich af and worth US$40 million.
Why do you feel like you deserve even a single cent of it?
Also, to UK folks, Harrods is pretty fucking dope. I love traipsing around here whenever im in L town.
Other urls found in this thread:
You wish you could buy a personality don't you?
>$40 million
Kek. Fucking chink poorfag.
this wealthy and posing obvious bait on a Hindi Underwater Hair Weaving forum?
I don't i'll work for my money and if I happen to get wealthy in the process good if not so be it.
>Hi I’m OP. You might remember me from such films as “I am a gigantic faggot” or the classic “Oh fuck I love cocks”
Also Graubünden is a shit-tier canton, kys
40m is upper middle class
Who's asking you for money?
The state, to give it to people like you who don't work hard and just lay around doing sweet fa.
I don't need your money.
You should use that money and live somewhere else besides cuckold UK.
I dont need your money. Enjoy your life with it. God bless!
He said US $ not macedonian goat droppings or whatever you use in your fake sounding country
We don't get any brit tax money actually
/ thread
I don't
Just like you act in your self intrest so will I
Prep for the Gulag when Corbychev wins mate
You'll be going to the grave with nothing like the rest of us.
Our solar system and eventually the universe will cease to exist and no amount of stuff that we collectively use a means of exchange will help you.
I'm worth 40 billion.
Haha tiny Asian benis
But wait a minute, daddy gave it you. You didn't earn it either.
And you'd give it all to be a white man, slope. Shame you can't buy humanity at harrods.
>L town.
>Kill (you)rself
If you are so rich why aren't you funding us to start an organization in Europe to expel refugees. If I legit had money I'd be doing something useful with it. You are probably just a beta cuck.
I don't want any of your money bong.
I'm very nearly approaching my first $1 million, and I have a big cock and bench 235.
I'm sure your appearance of looking like you subsist solely on men's sperm and dirt isn't worth having the other $39 million.
Sad m8. Online dick measuring contest is pathetic.
>macedonian goat droppings
As someone who actually has 1.3 or so in a bank account, I congratulate you friend.
I'm still relatively young (38) and I hope I can grow it for my future grandchildren.
You should give some money to the poor black people in Milwaukee.
Another poorfag role-playing on Sup Forums kek.
>L town
Lazy Town?
I guess? I mean would you rather be in good physical shape with a smaller amount of wealth, or look like a hobbit with a microscopic penis but have much more wealth?
The answer is pretty easy for me.
my dad sold his stocks for about 4 million euros today
So it wouldn't be a big deal if you sent me £2000 a month right?
I got $100 for my birthday from my brother last week. I'm about to go to the grocery outlet and buy a buncha beer and wine.
A lot of money still can't buy taste.
>Rich AF
>fucking dope
>L town
Definitive proof that money and class are no longer correlated.
I don't and I want to work for my own money. I hope you have a very happy life.
Hey op if you have a Chase account finna quickpay me 2 dollars so I can buy battlefield?
Where's your friend, kumar?
Let's go to white castle!
>Small loan of 1 million dollars
>Why do you feel like you deserve even a single cent of it?
I don't.
Enjoy your shekels
how about you buy a golden dick to go fuck yourself with
If you are a US citizen, I expect you to pay your fair share of taxes just like I do. In that way, we both contribute to the society from which we sprang.
How does it feel that no matter how much money you acquire, you are still going to die and will be forgotten within a few years?
Because you don't deserve it.
No one asks to be hardworking and intelligent. You rolled the dice at birth and won the genetic lottery. Now give us all the stuff you stole from the "lower" classes, because we ARE entitled to it. And we will take it. And you will be just like us. And there's nothing you can do about it.
In fact, you will be treated like shit for ever having been richer than others to begin with.
feels bretty good to have money senpai desu
I don't have 40mils but I do have more than I can use in a lifetime
>more than I can use in a lifetime
You've never met Mr. Brownstone.
All my London based friends call it that. It's rubbed off lol.
>Now give us all the stuff you stole from the "lower" classes, because we ARE entitled to it. And we will take it. And you will be just like us. And there's nothing you can do about it.
brb flying away on a private jet to another country where I have a house, citizenship and friends.
People like us are global bro.
$600,000/hr working at Wendy's, etc.
That will only work for the time being. You will eventually have no refuge and be forced to give back everything you owe the world and then some.
Worth about $20 million. I agree.
Some of us aren't degenerate NEETs and work full time cunt
> be aryan with modest living
> be a manlet chink with a tiny cock, beta aura and no soul with lots of money
I know what I'd rather be, you may be rich - but you lost the genetic lottery you fucking slope.
Post this on /leftpol/, you stupid dink.
You need to work on that bench bro, 235 is nothing to brag about
I doubt there's many Dominicans worth that much? or are you on vacation?
How do you not get depressed being such a poorfag in London, 'traipsing around' seeing apartments worth five times more than your 'fortune'. We have fucking sheikhs in gold-plated Lamborghinis driving around Knightsbridge, and you think you're hot stuff with a few million bucks. Sad.
>Also, to UK folks, Harrods is pretty fucking dope
This is the part which makes me question the inauthenticity of this post, because harrods is grossly crowded with trails of tourists and arab expat wives wearing bin bags so I don't see how someone would enjoy wandering around it more than once.
Here's the thing. If thats your photo, OP, You're clearly spending your money on symbols of wealth rather than quality, aesthetic, and comfort. It's a common behaviour of people who consider wealth something to show to everyone rather than to reveal to close friends. For that you'll always have empty social relationships, because you'll never know if they are just after your money.
Look at your belt. At least several hundred dollars, right? Hermes is a luxury brand owned by a conglomerate that creates aspirational brand marketing to appeal to people who want to show off their wealth. Empty people who want to appear like they have something. It's like virtue sigalling for the virtue-less, and you took the luxury brand bait hook line and sinker.
Here's a tip. Go hunting for real quality. Don't just assume that what the luxury brands feed you is the best. They are symbols. Get your suits bespoke, seek out better fabrics, find an elite cobbler that builds lasts custom for your feet. A great suit feels like you're wearing pajamas, but you're busy wearing a branded crew neck because a marketing director put it in an ad you saw.
When you've reached the pinnacle of that challenge, be a proper wealthy cut and get really good or really well informed on something worth no money. Start a bonsai farm, play Polo, learn about the finest details of some obscure wine varietal. Whatever.
Don't waste your life trying to live an image, spend it living your interests as deeply as possible.
Do it for the rest of us poorfags.
>caring about money
btw those "gold plated" lambos are not gold plated they're simply a £200k lambo with a £10k gold vinyl wrap.
Good on you homie. I'll never know what it's like. The way she goes.
Truth be told, Im comfortable with my 40 or so mill :). Well it's technically my dad's but whatever, i get to used it. I just think of all the people poorer than me and it makes me feel somewhat better. I actually love the looks of jealousy people give me when I roll up in a Bentley to some place and walk around with my 1000 dollar shoes and 2500 dollar fitted blazer.
It's like a 'you shouldn't be here, this is my country, i shouldn't be poor, fuck you' look.
More than you think. I'm Dominican.
No one actually gold plates their car
Well I like shopping, especially for high end shit, so yeah for me it's pretty dope :P.
>he doesn't know about the trans-life stuff-keeper the Jews invented
Your kids might ride Ferraris. But their kids will ride camels.
wow, you're a sad person, no one is thinking that when they look at you
this is just more incentive for the day of the rope
money is evil
that's why I give all my money to charity, don't want any part in this fiat system
I'm rich AF I am worth US$5 thousand. Fucking poorfags
'Fitted blazer' Not custom tailored? How very nouveau.
$2500? Buying the cheap stuff are you?
that's what I said, now fuck off and stop shitting up my Sup Forums with your retarded fantasies. Maybe you could actually go and try to make yourself richer instead of just dreaming and gasping for attention?
Your wealth doesn't make your posturing any less simian than when any other person does it, faggot. Use that well-educated brain of yours to consider how posturing is a subset of aggression which is a result of feeling threatened. You'll gain more social power by resolving your internal issues and genuinely being Above It All™ than being a Joffrey Lannister-tier bully
Here's a video explaining the fed, one of the major reasons for the growing rate of disparity between the rich and poor:
Who the hell is this guy? Little Chinese princeling helping his father launder Party shekels?
Honestly pal, only saying this as you are on pol.
Anyone else who is not your small group of london rich kids (speaking as a london rich kid myself) will think you are the biggest wanker out there.
It was custom :P
Sounds like a pretty shallow life desu senpai. Enjoy it, because you can't take it with you.
I'm worth a lot to some online communities. Worth nothing to anyone irl except maybe my mother. I'm going to off myself when she passes. Meh.
... but you'll always be a small dicked manlet with beta asian genetics.
Commit Sudoku.
Depends on how you got the money.
how did you get rich?
anonymous larping again
you know how easy it is to rip photos off instgram then vomit a bunch of shit into the quick reply box? I dot it daily famalama
Good for you, m80, it must suck for the people who make a shedload but always compare themselves to billionaires. Make sure to spend lots while you're here to help us out with Brexit and all that. Whereabouts in London do you stay?
Just one? Is it all season or something?
Protip: when referring to clothing, 'custom' is called tailored and sometimes bespoke. Custom is for cars.
I'm worth £10million, but there's no reason to be a faggot about it.
Donate some of it, learn to get some empathy. Last year I donated £100K to the Southern Poverty Law Centre alone.
Kill yourself.
It must be terrible to have to go through life wondering if anyone actually likes anything about you other than your money. Being young you might not understand yet but one day you will want emotional support which money cannot buy.
I benched 235 in 9th grade and weighed 165
Emotional support is hard to get anyway regardless of wealth. You don't have to be rich to attract fake friends.
>$40 million
wew lad
OP trolling people with korean brats instagram photos.
Had a look through, fuck me as if asians aren't soulless enough as soon as they get rich they end up justifying their existence through buying stupid ass shit like bracelets and macaroons.
why do you feel like you deserve to breathe?