Do you all notice the second Trump takes over the polls they randomly shift right back to Clinton?

What gives Sup Forums? Is this the God Emperor screwing up consistently? Are the (((polling firms))) screwing around with numbers once this happens?


Other urls found in this thread:

Shameless self bump for the truth


They change their methodology every time Trump tops Clinton.

Why does he keep topping her.

Are his numbers that high?

After Brexit and then Trump are polling firms complete bullshit now?

No, basically what happens is everytime he begins to claw his way back up the media panics and creates a sensation over his words or whatever until he's dropped in the polls. Then the cycle repeats

look at the party affiliation percent of the people they call, as soon as trump takes over, more democrats are called

Reuters was caught changing their methodology to favor Clinton right after the Trump RNC bump, so yeah, something is going on...

>What’s the Matter With Polling?

>There Are More White Voters Than People Think. That’s Good News for Trump.

>Polls may actually underestimate Trump's support, study finds

>Rigged polling articles compilation

they're not allowing the true numbers to show in polls so that there's no questioning when the vote itself is rigged.

I wonder who could be manipulating the media and producing fake and slanted poll results to influence weak minded millennials that are ignorant to history and the real world?


>all this damage control

because every time trump seems to be winning he starts some stupid shit like the khan thing and then his poll numbers drop like a stone again.

why cant he just stay the fuck on focus.

Rigged polls can be very damaging

Every time he gets ahead the media and polling agencies go "OY VEY GEVALT SHUT IT DOWN!" And he keeps getting ahead anyway.

Same pattern as Brexit. Polling averages would, most of the time, show remain well ahead. Occasionally the gap would close for a short period, but quickly widen again.

For whatever reason, Trump/Brexit voters don't do polls unless something interesting happens. What we know for sure is that they'll turn up at the election, so the closest polls are likely the most accurate.

Oh no! The polls predict DRUMPF will lose! Clearly this is le consipary!

God you drumpfags are so retarded. I can't wait to DRINK your tears come November

>le consipary!
Learn to spell, brain damaged Hillary lover.

How many people are even involved in these polls?


This. It's going to be a repeat of Brexit. The political winds are changing and Hillary is going to be left behind.

The only thing you will be drinking is the bulls cum after he finishes with your woman cuck. Try some originality, you sound desperate as fuck at this point, sad.

Hillary is ill.

Very very ill.

>If I don't win it's rigged

I agree rigged polls are bad but there needs to be proof, not just speculation

I'm optimistic this is the case. I'd like to see Trump tighten things down to 3-5%, though, especially in the bigger swing states. He has a good chance this early on with the debates coming.

Brit here. I can confirm that poll figures are mostly bullshit.

There is proof. Sampling response is at abysmal all time lows, 2012 media exit polls (which the polls are now based on) have been shown to be false (for example 45+ white without a degree is 29% of the electorate, not 23%), and there is growing evidence that respondents are afraid to tell pollsters they support Trump (due to incessant bullying of types like yourself).

>What’s the Matter With Polling?

>There Are More White Voters Than People Think. That’s Good News for Trump.

>Polls may actually underestimate Trump's support, study finds

>Poll: Ten Percent of College-Grad Men Hide Support For Trump From Interviewers


This. I don't tell anyone I support Trump. But I 100% intend to vote for him.

Yeah. The media is cooperating fully with the DNC and mainstream cucks. They really ramp things up once they start looking close. Expect election week to be an endless onslaught of Trump hit pieces.

Reuters caught changing their methodology to favor Clinton.

Massive oversampling of Democrats in almost every major media poll, despite the gap between D's and R's having closed significantly or disappeared since 2012.

But why they do this though? This will just make trump supporters more likely to go out to vote. We should also send this to trump

All the proof you need that the gap between D's and R's has closed since 2012 was in the primary voter turnout. Republican turnout is up massively and Democrat turnout is down.

Yet all polls which show Clinton leading by wide margins massively oversample Dems, sometimes by as much as 13%.

The polls are rigged. Period. End of story.

>The polls are rigged. Period. End of story.

Just so long as the one that matter isn't. We're all rooting for you, America.

They don't believe that, though. They think it's demoralizing and they don't realize most people are sick of the media's message and politicians yanking their chain.

Voting for Trump is basically telling them, "Fuck you."

Im in new york and im getting a few family members to vote for him i hope this helps

>This will just make trump supporters more likely to go out to vote.

It's the opposite. When a candidate appears to be losing in the polls, it severely demoralizes their own base, who think "why even bother voting? So-and-so is going to lose." A consistent lead in the polls also helps capture the 10% of the demographic who have no clue what's going on and simply vote for whoever they perceive as "winning" or "having the majority's support."

There's also another reason: in order to get away with voter fraud / vote rigging, you need rig the polls as well. If we head into the election with Trump leading in the polls (as he should be if you sample D's and R's correctly), then everyone will question the result if Clinton magically wins.

Hey you fucks voted Brit-exit. Shouldn't be much harder to get through then that rigged shit.

Pure coincidence, nothing to see here

Isn't there exit polling?

Why does this read like one of Trump's tweets?

Thank you for correcting the record!


>excite voters by not being spastic for once
>disappoint them at the peak of their support by saying something stupid
Gee, it must be some vast conspiracy.

I should point out the party affiliation stats in this infographic are already out of date. It currently stands at

28% Republicans
42% Independents
28% Democrats

Another method they use to rig the polls is to massively undersample Independents, sometimes as low as 10-13%, because Trump is leading that demographic by wide margins.

It's almost like America rejects the shitlord and any good polls are abberations that are unsustainable.

No, that can't be it. It's all a conspiracy, maaaaam! *rips bong*

Bet you thought there was a conspiracy when Gore lost.

The media does a blitz on him when he starts beating them.

The polls have been adjusted each time trump gets in the lead. Pat Cadell came out ranting about how the polling groups changed their methods to alter the results causing a Clinton surge. That was 2 days before the huge poll gap appeared.

got 'em

No actually the polls are rigged. We already have hard evidence. See
Know what happens when you completely drink in desperate corporate media shilling? You set yourself up for incredible surprise and asspain later. Just like the Remain voters in Britain.

Gary johnson should be in the polls

I've mentioned that here a few times here before and didn't get any replies
+1 to your question fampai

Honestly, Bush ruined the republican party's image so I don't care anymore. If Gore had won you conservatards would be celebrating now as Obama probably wouldn't be president.

is it possible the dems want to pull through a voter fraud?
I think it's easier if the people already believe Hilldog will win.


Called it, kill yourself. No true person has any justification for being as predictable as you, tool.

Just how absolutely dull of a man and slow in the mind do you have to be in order to fit a stereotype to such a degree that someone can just accurately guess niche political preferences from your life based on one sentence?

But you're wrong stupid. You're making assumptions about some random user on a mongolian image board faggot.

I couldn't even vote in 2000 trumptard. I voted for Romney in 2012 and regretfully voted for Trump during the primaries. Only to be disgusted with Trump's stupidity and inability to learn only weeks ago.

Hillary it is. I shall enjoy feasting on your tears.

Iowa polls show Hillary with a slight lead, but this poll from the state fair shows otherwise. It has a huge sample size, over 43 thousand, and the fair has people from all over the state, and a very diverse crowd of potential voters. And unlike online polls, you can't vote more than once. Media polling is extremely biased, expect a Trump landslide.

lol get a load of this asspained liar.

>and regretfully voted for Trump during the primaries. Only to be disgusted with Trump's stupidity and inability to learn only weeks ago.

Perfectly matches with the narrative the media is creating through rigged polls.

Why so quiet now? No more words? Hahahaha retarded trump supporters think so highly of themselves.


>I'm newfag!
>I was too young to vote!

>admitting to being a millennial

I got what I wanted from you.

I'm not lying dumbass. There are millions of disaffected republicans that Hillary will get because they loathe Trump's bloated ego.

Get out shill. I can't wait for the civil war of cucks vs the glorious right wing. Hell, it won't be a war, it will be a massacre. You want our rifles?! Come and take them!

He called you right the first time, little liar. Now you're asspained so you're inventing a self-serving narrative. Now scram little chosen one.

.0000001 shekels have been donated to your account

Millenials can vote. If you're under 18 you're generation Z

who the fuck is this Drumpf guy i see people talking about? ive never heard of him of course this drumpf guys gona loose, I mean Donald is destroying clinton in real poles, so this drumpf guy has no chance

And he clearly states he voted...

Do you at least read the thread?

I'll go but I'll give you one word of advice. Relent and bow down to authority. Globalism is the future. Guns won't save you from the overwhelming force of all the world's armies combined.

Just accept fate.

The elites who are obviously backing the democratic candidate are attempting to avoid a preference cascade for Trump by artificially inflating $hillary support numbers.

>Just accept fate.

>after brexit

trump wishes he had polling numbers this good (green is stay, red is leave)

>1 post by this ID

MSNBC tells the truth with over 300K polled.

>start at shill level 1
when that doesn't work
>increase to level 2
when that doesn't work
>increase to final super bait shill level 3

Like fucking clockwork...


trump always wins online polls because NEETS can spam them. try again, loser

>he thinks the American people can't overthrow a government which can't even run a mail service

We're not dealing with the combine here

We roleplay now!

Le disappointement freg xD


thanks for letting us know. it seemed really important that you get that off your chest

we were all so interested to hear you voted for trump in the primaries, but after "x", you're switching to hillary

I don't get it. Are pictures of this statue supposed to make Trump supporters mad?

I think its kinda cool that someone went through the trouble.

Though, for decency's sake I do hope someone drapes a flag over his nether region, even though that is actuall illegal (not supposed to wear the flag as clothing)

>guys I cant support trump because of how stupid I think he is

what a twist

wew, what an asspained retard.

who else shilling shill posts just for more shill butthurt later

holy shit I'm going to be cumming every fluid out of every orifice nov 8

It's gonna be biblical.

I doubt public opinion changes so radically. Brexit proves polls can be made to show whatever by doing shenanigan like dropping 18-35yo age group in some pro-shillary (((polls))).

twitter poll

Pure coincidence

totally meaningless

Just like the major media polls which oversample Dems by 10-13% and sample Independents at 11%.

I know right? The methodology probably wasn't up to date so of course hillary lost.

>dub trips of future asspain

Da joos

It's probably because the two variables being displayed in that graph aren't independent. Basically the ceiling on Trump's support is 100% minus Hillary's support. Think about it. It's not mathematically possible for both candidates to have >50%. If one has increasing support, other candidate(s) must have decreasing support.

I also notice that when Trump does pull ahead, it's by a larger margin every time.


>Guns won't save you from the overwhelming force of all the world's armies combined.
You are right.

God, guns, family and an OVERWHELMING DESIRE TO RIP AND TEAR is how we will beat your shitty, worthless, conscript filled peasant armies of starving cucks.

Your cucks will fear our bayonets more than the whips and bullets of your commisars.