Why do Ching Chongs have such squinty eyes and tiny dicks Sup Forums?
Why do Ching Chongs have such squinty eyes and tiny dicks Sup Forums?
Why do Burgers have such fatty bodies and tiny dicks Sup Forums?
nukes are bright.
why do the them have the those in their that Sup Forums
what the literally fuck, like dude
Serious question though. Why do they all have black hair? And primarily straight black hair?
Why americans have such dark skin?
Why are all turkish women goats?
That's fare picture.
Because they are
Think it has to do with our progenitors and our lack of interbreeding with other races, our squinty eyes come from the Mongols, other Asians like japs have more rounded eyes, our tiny dicks came from our low protein diet, which made previous generations mostly manlets, and soy, which produces estrogen in our bodies.
The got them burned off in the nukes
Holy fuck, thank you for a non butthurt response and theory on why these things are true. Bro tier asian.
Shut up you squinty eyed fuck. Go back to watching a squid rape a school girl
Except most of us aren't like that, yet ALL of you fucking chinks ARE like that.
It's in exchange for their massive oversized balls.
Never have I seen populations more diehard than chinks across the board. Japan being number 1.
BANTZ outta ten
Aren't you that one turk who just posts dead Americans on here ad nauseam, yet you only have like 4 pictures so you have to keep reposting them as a different size so they stay in the thread? Pretty pathetic that you have an entire folder of dead americans that you post on here. Someone's family get blown up by a predator drone or something?
I'm not even saying this because I'm an American and the pictures you are posting are Americans, but let it go. Seriously, I have seen you posting this shit on here for months and the fact that you haven't let it up shows that you have some serious mental health problems. Get off the computer, go find a girlfriend, and let it go.
F ug i bin found oud :D:D
>just gett of da cpomputer broh get soe pusseh broh
>t. butthurt american normie
Go away you roach.
That image is of a Jap, not a Ching Chong. If your going to insult a race, learn the difference faggot. Fucking newfag.
Here faggot I found you a new hobby. (Image Related)
Wait, did I mention you? Oh yeah, I didn't. So go get blown up you fucking disgusting subhuman turk. Can't wait till the kikes bulldoze your entire country and make you their slaves.
>his entire life revolves around getting butthurt from Americans, continues to return to a site where everyone hates him, and is a 27 year old kissless virgin
Japan bringin' the heat
>ba-dum tsss