Russia-China Full Military Cooperation vs. NATO Formally Announced

President Xi of China
>The world is on the brink of radical changes. We see how the EU is gradually crumbling and the US economy is collapsing. This will end in a new world order. So, in 10 years we will have a new world order unlike anything before in which the key will be the Union of Russia and China

Globalism in the West vs Nationalism in the East

>Clinton will fight Russia
>Trump will fight China
>WW3 might be inevitable
Have (((they))) put us in complete checkmate?

Other urls found in this thread:

I'd rather be ruled by the Chinese. At least their leaders know their shit.

>this thread again
If you think either Russia or China is for "nationalism" and not just their own brand of domination, then you're a fool.

>We are not growing our sphere of influence, but supporting mutual development of all countries. We are not building our backyard garden, but a public garden for all countries

>China advocates a community of common destiny of mankind, and opposes the Cold War mentality and zero-sum game. China holds that regardless of size, strength and wealth, all countries are equal, and all peoples have the right to choose their own development paths

-President Xi

Even if legit, what would a Russian Chinese military cooperation arrangement have to do with the whole of BRICS? Particularly, India is a historic rival to China and Brazil rarely if ever does anything.

By the way, I find it hard for this to be legit given how there are a number of hot spots each Russia and China are into where the other has no interest, not to mention, they are increasingly becoming big rivals in the global weapons market.


He says as China finacially and politically dominates Africa and Asia. Don't pretend like what he says and what China does are the same thing.

>Trump pro-Russia
>Trump anti-China
>China Russia allied

Hard to believe the President of China gave a speech after meeting with Putin in July?

Trump isn't "Pro-Russia" he's just not as retardedly anti-Russia f.a.m. I could see a regional war in Europe being one that a Trump presidency doesn't want to get involved in, while a war in East Asia he'd be more willing.

India is firmly in the NATO camp (not like they can do anything anyway) Brazil is in South America and is currently not in a position to do anything remotely threatening, even with China calling them pussies and offering a tempting loans.

So that just leaves China and Russia, who have historical competing interests on the gas and mineral rich border. This won't lead to WW3, especially with Trumps isolationist policies and the South China Sea disputes aren't looking to heat up in the several decades, even if it does their main arguments for expanding is to keep fueling growth, something that can be controlled easily with protectionism in the US manufacturing sector.

They are involved in resource extraction in Africa but again it is mainly hinging on the US export market, without that they will have to stop or severely slow down. In the South China Sea no one is actually staking usage claim except for fishing maybe becasue of the current petroleum markets being in a game of chicken that isn't looking o stop anytime soon.

So it's all going back to simply status quo at the moment with more posturing. If Hillary is elected you can expect it to heat up but that would be 20ish years from now even with compete incompetence in her part.

Nice dubs.
BICS lack the hard power of NATO so "WW3" will hardly be the stuff of Call of Duty. Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa lack the projecting power and equipment to beat NATO and SEATO but it is important to note the following. China's economy rely solely on them lending money to the USA to buy their goods. If the USA goes in the shitter either through war or economic collapse (the latter being more likely) China will also suffer, so for the mean time China will support a gradual comedown of the USA not a crash. What China needs to do is transfer its nation into Tertiary and Quaternary sector jobs so that it can become a super power. Failing to do so will lead to citizens being resentful that their nation is now the most powerful but still fails to give them good living standards. This in turn will lead to revolution (violent or non violent it doesn't matter) and a democracy will be born and China will decline and fall just like America is now.
However, with an increasingly globalized world China may just remain a regional power and we may experience a prolonged period of time with no dominant world powers, but rather a group of regional powers on different continents which would inevitably lead to strife but perhaps no clear Super power will emerge post Pax Americana. This will continue until Ayyy's invade and we are forced to form a world government, fast forward after that and 13 of our space colonies will rebel and for a shitty federation which will suffer a civil war 100 years after over the right to succeed and on slave Ayys.
TL;DR BRICS have no hard power and thus WW3 will be economic and cultural. Authoritarian Capitalism vs Democratic Capitalism. The winner sets the precedent for the next 200 years. Owning Ayyys is a right.

Why not? This is most of Sup Forums's wetdream, after all, Russia is "redpilled" and so is China... why not just submit to foreign cock?? Better than being a cuck liberal, right? Christian values!

Sounds waaaay too idealistic. I just hope Xi is based on jews.

>that video
>Saruman sends the faceless horde to go murder the men of the west
>"There will be no dawn for men."
>just realize Saruman "the white" is an allegory for white liberals importing the faceless third world hordes to murder the men of the west
I now realize that Tolkien could see the future.

Hard to believe this would escalate into an actual alliance resembling anything like NATO.

A war in East Asia means a war in Europe and Europe and WW3

India and Brazil are the irrelevent countries compared to Russia and China

I just said BRICS to contrast NATO

Whoever wins, civilized people lose.

>A war in East Asia means a war in Europe and Europe and WW3
Not immediately and not necessarily.


Putin don't have reason to ally with China except USA.
They have lot of shit happen during 80s and 90s.

>Sons of America! Of Europe! My Brothers. I see in your eyes the same fear that would take the heart of me. A day may come when the courage of White Men fails. When we foresake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day! An hour of woes and shattered shields when the age of White Men comes crashing down! But it is not this day! This day we fight! By all that you hold dear on this good earth, I bid you STAND! MEN OF THE WEST!

Sauron (the shady manipulative figure obsessed with gold that doesn't fight himself) corrupts the 9 kings of men with shekels and lies to turn on their own people.

China doesn't look to be able to shift in that way at the moment, which could change but thousands of steel workers subsequent flooding the world steel markets being suddenly laid off and then silence regarding their employment after that doesn't bode too well.

>No mortal man (the male vote) can stop the Witch King (POTUS puppet of (((Sauron))))
>Only a woman can do it
>pic related
Trump needs the female vote

Non-internationalist elite lose.

>killing nazgul (useful idiot presidents) does nothing because the evil above them just brings them back in a new form

But user it can't be the end of the west, The Justice league isn't even out yet and everyone knows you must peak before you decline.
RIP the problem with being on top is that you are forced to act as the role model for every other state. As soon as china starts implementing good education and decent minimum wages the up and coming Uganda will start making all China's shit for less.

Obama and Clinton will kill all Russians if they get their way. Trump will just be mean to China and idk how China will respond with the AIIB.

The rock holds the secrets to invading Ukraine without western back lash.

Why the fuck should Americans care about Russians taking Russian clay with minimal casualties?

t. alt-right pro

nice source OP

Nice source

>rather be ruled by the corrupt chinese who got rekt by Japan


The kings of the east.
This has been prophesied.
Once we see the rise of the Caliphate, the end will be in sight.
Deus Vult, lads.

Russia has almost completely rid itself of bad guy globalists. Putin isnt going anywhere, and has an arrest warrant out for Soros.

China has both good and bad guys running it. Putin is most likely working with the good guys in china.

Trump will get elected or there'll be a civil war in the united states. And even if he does get elected there will be a Revolution as the globalists are routed from the US (it may take the form of a second declaration of independence, which supercedes the constitution).

TL;DR - WW3 will not occur if Trump gets elected.

While Trump will hit the chinese hard economically it wont come to war. He has no interests in blowing the place up. He's not against them, this is more of the USA needing to take care of itself.

Meanwhile USA + Russia will raep the Caliphate and work from either side to put the squeeze on the EU and bring it down.

(protip: the EU is Globalist foothold just as TPP is)

You don't speak chinese.

You don't speak chinese either.

>get conquered by china
>The Trans-Pacific United Clay of China gets conquered by Japanese Gundams
>We Japan now

ArmA was right.

Earthquake device when?

t. butthurt belt

I 100% agree fuck the Globalist EU and the US is getting primed for Civil War.

I also see Putin as likely not part of the NWO.

Israel and China somewhat remind me of each other claiming one thing and then doing another and that bothers me. They also have "great respect for the jews" according to an article in forbes which is not good.

Ironically we all have names for the same group:
>Alex Jones hates Globalists
>Nationalist leaders hate Khazarians
>Sup Forums hates Jews
They're all just (((that group))) above everyone else. Even Pewdiepie is sneaking fucking subliminal messages into his credit sequences


>Trump will fight china.
What makes you say that?

Word on the ground over in the EU, in germany anyway is that they're about to go full Nazi again if any more shenanigans happen with the refugee shit.

This applies to France too.

I dont know whether their tolerance for it is actually taking a little more raping than they have expressed but... that seems to be the direction That is going.

*Agrees on EU civil war.

And with Trump and Turkey pulling out of NATO it will be quite weak.

Also im pretty sure russia has more of those 600km Radar Domes they can deploy.

I guess I meant oppose

The problem is that "oppose" is what the allies all did to try and strangle Germany and Japan into a second Great Depression (pretty much a nuke) resulting in them being forced to attack or collapse and be consumed.

Rather than oppose its like it is with Mexico - its a BTFO situation.

Also with the economic damage he's going to do to china by kicking their dick out of us - its unlikely that China will be ready to gear up for war at all since they'll be having more problems as a result.

So militarily all this stuff china is doing is going to "go back and hide in its little hole".

Meanwhile Japan is going full facist again (Nippon Kaigi will be rewriting the japanese constitution soon) so this may keep China in check more than ever. An island nation of 130 million could have an army 13 million strong.

How do you civil war with no 2nd amendment?

It will just be the government allowing muslims to kill nazis (while claiming whites are responsible for the fighting through the media) while they arrest white nationalist leaders with armed cops.

Europe laughed at us having guns and now I see no way at all for them to do anything but get raped and/or die.

How does a civilian population stand up without weapons or a far right wing(doesn't exist in europe) military?

Muh world hegemony

>Clinton will fight Russia


Shit, I thought this "Theory" that they would overtake the USA economically died 10 years ago.


If Japan helps calm down (not fight) China with a new east asian military power and stop them from pushing so that we don't have to shove, that would be awesome.

Hurry up Abe

no superpower is good for the world, but I rather live in a multipolar world. After all, when the British ruled the world, the Americans were seen as the good guys, and look at them now.


>They also have "great respect for the jews"
Which is not a bad thing. Respecting great rivals=/= wtf I love jews now.
China wouldn't be so crazy to go to war with the US. They know the old empire is old but can still bite. I'd say China is afraid of a war with the US.

And they should be. Second ammendment shit makes America impossible to invade. Fatty guerrillas would wreck any army's shit unless we discover some fucked up mass genocide tech.

Every (((bought))) or ignorant canidate was against Russia and ready for war except Trump and snubbed Randlet.


Clinton was nothing but their favorite pick because she will literally do ANYTHINNG the elite tell her to.

We are only discussing Russia and China.

BRICS was just to contrast NATO so newfags can understand


Hillary would be elected, probably even before inauguration, the Military would Coup

Also the Secret Service hates her guts, they'll hand her over or even detain her.

Also 2nd amendment is still quite alive, and there are over 250 million guns in the united states with plenty of ammunition for them.

Also an insider who studies these sorts of things disclosed last year that Putin would be funding and training the Rebels too. So add full auto AK-74s and plenty of ammo, and Themobaric RPGs in addition to the existing AR-15s and hunting rifles.

About 70% of the population either supports Trump or would go along with the revolution, though actual rebels may number in the 15-30% range depending on how Sheepish they are.

In fact the only reason it could be classified as a "civil war" is because of Obama's treachery and about 20% of the military going Suppression Mode...

there would still be a shitstorm and food distribution would be a problem
> Trump's Revolution
Reason I say Trump's revolution isnt a civil war is because he'd have about 95% of the military on his side (the opposition having been fired beforehand, or detained and stripped of command).

Cue in efforts by the government to make sure people still get food, and that at least 70% of the population would still support what he's doing to get rid of the Globalists.

And about 20% of whoever remains would be happy just to have electricity and 1 meal a day issued up at Town Hall by the naitonal guard.

Also Russia backs Trump so they would only help, not interfere with what he was doing.

We have fallen so far from our roots...

If Clinton wins, don't let them abuse sweet America any longer. Just put her out of her misery and end the world if you have to.

Brics is a globalist organisation that tries to transcend race by mismatching all these different countries

Nato is a bunch of muslim loving faggots

don't know who to support


that was a really shitty meme

Those are all in the hands of muslims right now. Mosques have been confirmed to be holding imported illegal weapons caches.

The globalists in the west are the ones that want war.

>not posting the dank meme

I was talking about europe though

BRICS is the only option.

Maybe complete isolation if you can manage it.

The world is fucked and everything is more set than most know.

I would further express that you're simply not aware of the favoritism here in the united states.

Cops like trump, military likes trump.

The part about mudslimes killing nazis and the nationalists being arrested by the police just isnt true.

Nobody here in the states really likes these refugees coming in. And while people aren't as racist anymore the sentiment of BTFOing everybody else while we mend our country is simmering strongly.

Make it a serious crisis, food supply is in question, electricity may not be there - and their job security positions no longer matter and the Libcucks and SJWs will go "shit is getting real" and half of them will abandon that shit.

China is the one that is collapsing, and will collapse unless they win a major war.

To be fair, BRICS is pretty much just Russia and China

Yeah sorry about that, but here listen up to what happened in Turkey last month...

The miltiary got BTFOd by massive numbers of civilians.

Consider that the military in alot of EU countries especially germany is rather small and kinda cucky themselves...

If it really gets under enough people's skin not even CCTV and public monitoring is going to be able to stop people forming a resistance and fucking shit up.

full crackdown mode then just forces everybody else who cares to go out in the street and join up

also isnt the headquarters of the EU in germany too? just light that place up as well

As much as the US is full of Warmongers China is even worse. They are desperately looking for a war and it the only way anyone can distract from failing economies.

People think Brics is a meme?
Thats the first ive heard of it.

Also China doesnt export much if any gold and India does the same with silver.

If they're stockpiling there's a reason for that. They dont let gold or silver out, any that comes in stays there.

They see whats coming and also they're trying to bankrupt slowly the globalist economy.

I was talking about EUROPE

I know plenty, don't worry.

>implying 20 trillion debt in a system run on monopoly money with rampant feminism and open borders will not collapse

That doesn't work if their economy is going to crash first thanks to their one child policy.

In 10 years, China will have over 500 million people over the age of 60, while having only one grandchild to support 4 grandparents.

China needs a war just to survive.

Doesn't matter when the majority of it is American held.

Which also happens to have the most advanced military in the world.

And precisely when it "fails" is when it lashes out at everybody who's actually been fucking with it.

>get in the street and join up
With what fighting age males that arent nu?
With what guns?
With what balls?
With what "hatespeech"(necessary to rally troops)?

Except we are all collapsing and why fight when we could all agree to have a million man sand castle building contest or something while we gas the (((khazarians)))?

US is out of gold

China can just gas their old

If only we could get our nukes back.

BRICS is the definition of a meme. A Goldman Sachs analyst made up the term in 2006

>open borders
>American citizens are in control
Not outside their houses(everyone is starting to rent from foreigners too instead of own) they aren't.

Well the 2 biggest letters in bRiCs just made a complete anti-nato alliance.

Do you want it to be called RC instead? Idgaf

found the chink, or just autistic retard

Wow nice proof you got there a yt lotr link...really made me think

South Africa and Brazil are non-countries.

India is bro-tier.

Russia, China, and Iran (+Turkey now I guess) is the 'Eurasian Union.'

>US economy collapsing
>record US stock market
Pick the bottom one only

That's just executives buying up stock to raise their value and get nice bonuses. Don't be a gullible goy and only look at the stock market when it's clear the economy is going to shit.

Fucking OP. Trump isn;t fighting china the same way hillary is.

Trump has said >"I’m not angry at China. I’m not angry at Mexico. I’m not angry at India or Vietnam, which is hot as a pistol right now, taking a lot of stuff away from us. I am upset with our leaders for being so stupid."

Trump is merely saying they're abusing a trade deal our leaders have established. Trump has been this 'America first' canidate so do you really expect for him to be agressive to china? If anything Yes they have put us a checkmate but trump is the saving grace in which all sides of the game agree to draw or at the least tea break.

WW3 will be very possible under hillary considering all the scams they run. hell she's the main reason the middle east is as unstable as it is right now. Putin has been the poor lad who was left to clean it all up.

Trump is the key to prolonging conflict between the east and west. Trump2016


whats the point of all these outdated military unions?

we are in civilization now, only sandniggers kill each other.


I just saved that

Fuck. And I thought I was supposed to dislike putin.

>that vampire tooth formation

I see no alternative for Western dominance in future. Sadly, Russia now third world shithole, benzokolonka. No perspectives here. China? Its boogyman for western fools.

>posts potential 10/10 map
>königsberg is polish

You speak chinese?
You have google?
Fuck off and go look it up

>Fuck OP
>wall of text
I don't usually do this but TOO LONG DIDNT READ BITCH

Khazarian jewish globalists want to wipe out the 99% so they have a world of their own.
Putin is like the prototype for Trump. Make the World Great Again.