Marry woman - impregnate her, leave her

>marry woman - impregnate her, leave her
>marry woman - impregnate her, leave her
>marry woman - impregnate her, ...

isnt melania worried at all?

Other urls found in this thread:

great family values there drumpf

>inb4 b-but bill cheated

both suck you mongoloid retards

Doubt she's worried.

He's 70 now and it would take a lot of energy to remarry at that age-- mental and otherwise.

At this point, he's probably just looking to keep his relatively subservient housewife as he ages (will need her a lot more a decade from now, probably doesn't want more kids)/

>it would take a lot of energy to remarry at that age

i think the 10billion kinda alleviates those troubles

He could probably find a partner very easily if he desperately wanted one, but yes, finding a partner who you think you'd be compatible with for at least a few years and would be accepted by your family, lifestyle etc. is another issue.

Yes, having money reduces one's problems, to some degree, but that doesn't mean that marriage is something that can be taken lightly.

Who cares.

He's like Ragnar Lothbruk, he has many sons.

Bill raped people, that's the problem
Also nice satan trips

Who is Barron?

If you knew anything about Austrian Empire women you would know they ain't worried if they got a kid.

The Austrian Empire is all about blood ties. And Barron exists so Melania couldn't care less about that fat fuck who thinks he can get to the White House. She probably deliberately rickrolled him at the Convention.

Even if they divorce she can live the rest of her life with financial security. Did you think she married trump because she found him attractive, charming, and intelligent?
