>from Bond to Bondsman
>from Bond to Bondsman
billion threads about this on Sup Forums
probably on Sup Forums as well
So why must you pollute this board with your shitty post?
White privilege ladies and gentlemen.
>he lurks Sup Forums and Sup Forums
kys yourself
Fine. Get read to reset your router.
>that face
post vid of the sentencing
>tell someone to kys
>the absolute madman actually does it
when you become a man you will find her attractive. you won't believe me now but you will understand eventually
She deserves prison for those eyebrows.
t. normie who eventually knocks up some bar skank
Just look at that face.
She def got something wrong with her
you're going to get so arrested!
white female privilege
how long will she actually be in prison?
t. not amerifat
That is one seriously fucked up looking bitch.
that doesn't explain why you feel this needs to be posted here
15 months.
until they legally execute her.
Look at those dead fish eyes.
Cunt couldn't help but crack a smile during the verdict. She's a sociopath. If the genders were reversed and some guy convinced her to kill herself he'd be getting at least a decade in prison
I am honestly surprised there haven't been any porn offers. They usually jump on shit like this.
Depends. Some prisons you can get out in half your sentence if you work for the prison and behave like a saint. I'll be surprised if she does more than a year
kek what a joke
>be american
>go to jail for posting "kys"