Who hyped here?

Who hyped here?

Other urls found in this thread:


Talk to Venezuelans about socialism.

>paid for by Bernie

Please tell me this is fake.

oh its real

>Adult Swim

So that means 65% of his supporters won't be allowed to watch?

Bernie Sanders will announce he is running as independent, as part of the plan by Hillary Clinton herself. Bernie's life depends upon it. Hillary wants to lose and doesn't want to reveal any indication of that.

>Adult Swim

So he only wants 15,000 people to see it?

Are we gonna see Sam Hyde next to Bernie?


eh heheheh heh eh heh

>bernie on Sam's show


its an advertisement for MDE's tv show that runs on adult swim at that timeslot you morons


no its real. Bernie will make a BIG announcement!

>I came to stop Trump at all costs!
>Sign lights up telling people to applaud

Bernie, not happy with the millions of shekels his retard followers gave him, goes for the $2000 prize offered by MDE


>retarded communist kike talks to stoned college kids on their favorite cartoon channel

LOL he sure knows the demographics voting for him.

I heard he was endorsing Trump



Bernie Pozzin!!!


Is he just trying to stay relevant so that retards will keep giving him money to buy a 4th house?

>Sanders will rescind his endorsement of Hilary Clinton on Sam Hyde's new TV show

either that or he goes full cuck and gets burned for it

Haha maybe he bought a new house or supports Goerge soros