Should people be allowed to retire?

Should people be allowed to retire?

I think not.

I think people should wörk as long as possible.

As long as you can walk and think, you should wörk.

We need more efficiency and productivity.

Wörking is awesome and more fun than free time.

Without wörk, what are you even going to do for all these years?

What is Sup Forums's stance on this important issue?

I would sacrifice everyone after turning 55. In fact they should serve as politicans for the last 5 years.

>Not excelling at working people to death
Arbeit Macht Frei


fuck off

Yes goy, Abreit macht frei! work til you die!

I would but everyone here just wants to drink, smoke, and cuck themselves to death

>work until you die


>making a thread for the sole purpose of writing a funny word

Samefagging your own bait thread using your mobile for another id