Where is Trump going to build his wall? There's already one between the US and Mexico

Where is Trump going to build his wall? There's already one between the US and Mexico.

I vote to keep Commiefornia out myself.

He just will add 10 ft.

nobody is going to USA anymore,at least since mexicans discovered the american "dream" was over

It's not though. Everyone complaining about >muh 1% are stupid fucks with women's studies degrees or something equally retarded

Not all of the border is protected by a wall, only parts. Some areas just have a chain link fence, and some areas have nothing but a sign.

They are still coming. Every day. The "net migration is negative" is a Mexican lie.

but you'll try again when trump fixes things (^:

I'll personally be patrolling the wall for you paco.


that's shopped as fuck, the wall doesn't look like that.



First those numbers are bullshit posted by the Obama administration to minimize the problem. Second while Mexican immigration has gone down it has been more than compensated by other central american shits kinship which are coming in record numbers.

can mexicans read?

>nobody is going to USA anymore
beaners man, i swear

That wall is between Tijuana and San Diego only. There are similar walls in other border cities, but huge sections of California, Arizona, are completely open and you can simply drive over the border on the dirt roads using any kind of vehicle really. Or in the case of Texas, swim across a shallow calm river.

The website for homeland security has intructions for illegals on where to go to get across safely, and where to go once over the border to be safe. :)


Wall < Minefield

i like where your heads at

>mfw that is probably financed with american tax money

Do you live near the border user? Yeah I didn't think so, I am your source nigger. You should visit McAllen, Texas sometime then send me a post card on your sudden cultural enrichment.

He ain't building shit. He is a demagogue. Also he is going to be sacrificed.

Pretty much this. We have a huge influx of central and south americans crossing the border to Mexico and then the US, so much that we have american border patrol agents in Chiapas.

Why aren't we executing them? There are people standing right there, watching this happen... What in the fuck is going on?

our walls are great but this isn't one of them
its a pic of a prison
what's written there literally says "Prison Service, prison "ofer" "

tell me again how many percent of their annual GDP is made up of aid?

Lol it's a prison, silly amerikek


4 billion in total aid, 296.3 billion GDP (2015)

so 1.3%

That's a shitty fence, not a wall.

b-but stormfront told me america financed your entire country????? SHILLLLLLL

>i.e. white sandniggers

You have to stay there


Goddamn it, why is the special sauce not on the bottom bun? This triggers me beyond belief

There will be no wall. Republicans have effectively shit the bed for 2016.

They need to concentrate on getting an electable candidate for 2020.

A million of you still hop on over every year.