Daily reminder, Austria stronk

Austria will make itself great again in about two months, thanks to the Musloids for not being able to stop being despicable subumans for even a single day to save their lives, and meming the right wing way ahead of the polls.

What should his first executive order be?

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>Austria STRONK.
It will be when you destory Vienna.

You are even more cucked than us, Aussies.

>jelly german
Of course, only a matter of time.Take care, try to not have your door kicked in by a factual thought police for browsing a cantonese hate board :^)

why do you have such a cool picture?

u guys have the best politicians - as in the past :D
would u like to share?

I have a serious question for you guys:

Why do you support, or pretend to support even, Hofer?

I think for most of you it's just for memes and keks. But there are a few of you that seem like die hard true believers. Why?

Seriously? Why? I get that he's a aeronautical engineer and all that, but what has he done for your country? What will he do for your country? How?

I'm really wondering, after having read almost every article since the one in January, what the hell is he even trying to say?

He never offers any specifics about anything at all.

Sure, he put some dumb one page shitposts on his website about taxes, immigrants, and muh guns... Is there one serious legislative proposal whatsoever? Is there a specific plan of action with respect to possibly annoucing laws? What is he going to do if elected? Not even The Hasselhoff knows. That's disturbing desu senpai

Fuck. That. Shit.

Hofer is full of shit. You know it, I know it, and everyone else who has an IQ>85 knows it. We really need to focus on electing a true liberal leader with some electability.

Alex Van der Bellen fits the bill perfectly, he's brash like Trump, he's a vienna native who also loves all of the rest of the Austria...
The difference between Hofer and Bellen is this: Bellen knows what the fuck he is doing

Bellen is an economist, a former federal spokesperson of the social democrats, and is previously a chairman of a very influential position of the green party.

Clearly, Sup Forums should be getting behind this guy. I don't understand why it's not happening.

Is it because he's jew or something?

Fuck some ostriches and be happy, mate. It's the only thing your police will allow you to do, once your Dutch president Van der Bollocks is elected prime minister again.


In the meantime Germans put tattos on their babies so Achmed has mercy and wont rape them.


Go buy some wash off tattoos Hans. You'll need them.

Austria will be great again. MAGA

Think of your children m8, when they will take them away from they will put them into custody of Jamal and Muhammad so they can experience different cultures and learn some tolerance and diversity.

How are things in Viennastanbul?

When you say MAGA, you actually mean MATA, right? Make Austria Turkey Again?

>Think of your children m8, when they will take them away from they will put them into custody of Jamal and Muhammad so they can experience different cultures and learn some tolerance and diversity.

Germany: 476k asylum claims in 2015
Austria: 90k asylum claims in 2015

You got twice as many asylum claims per capita, Muhammed. How does it feel to be cucked DOUBLE as much as the cucked Germany? How does it feel to have to care for 12,000 Ahmeds we rejected at our border this year alone?

Here's some news, unlike in Germany and Burgerstan just being shat out here doesn't make you automatically elegible for Austrian citizenship.
Assuming the politicial will the great deportation is legally absolutely plausible and possible... now guess who is going to make it happen.
If you guessed Norbie "literal Hitler" you guessed damn right.

No more populists from you guys, pls. The last one drove the gas bill through the roof.

>supporting a candidate that was a freemason
>supporting a candidate that was literally part of the communist party
>supporting a candidate that sucks the european elite's cocks
>supporting a candidate that has said that he wants turn Europe into a single superstate
>supporting a candidate that has said that he will not swear in a government that doesn't conform to his views even if it is democratically elected by the commoners

I seriously hope those 2 deposited shekels in your bank account are worth it.

Unlike how it is done in Germany, filing an asylum claim does not mean you get to say. Just a little hint for you.

You'd better.

Or we'll Anschluss you into Hungary.

*get to stay


annex germany and switzerland and make the reich great again!

Whatever happened to the Hoffmeister? Last I heard the Green Party guy clinched the elections via (((mail-in votes)))) and he was out of the picture. What's changed since then?

How does it feel to know that it's just a question of time until Austria has a right wing politician in power that will purge shitskins left and right. Meanwhile Germany will have old Merkel until she dies and there is nothing you can do about that Hans.

>Go buy some wash off tattoos Hans. You'll need them.

Holy shit this is hilarious

A few more peaceful enrichment incidents in Europe and the fact that Austrian people are actually mad about it.

>Mr. Junker is an honorable man.

>but what has he done for your country? What will he do for your country? How?

Also, he has done more for the country than Bellboy ever will. He actually served the mandatory military service, unlike slimey Bellboy who weaseled his way out of it. Let's not forget that the Austrian President is the head of military.

>a question of time until Austria has a right wing politician in power that will purge shitskins left and right.

1. In October Van der Bolloks will be Austrian president
2. In 2018, the FPÖ wins the elections, but Van der Bolloks tells them "I hate you, you can't be in a government"
3. The other parties are forced to form a coalition
4. 2022... Van der Bolloks is re-elected
5. 2028... Austria is still a Green republic.

How does it feel to be 100% cucked? At least Germany got some cloud on an international stage, at least we may actually do shit against radical islamic terror, at least we negotiated the Turkey deal which reduced the refugee influx by 95% etc.

What has Austria done? The fake "Balkan route closure" which didn't do shit but create news?

Does van der bellen have his own version of CTR?


>filing an asylum claim does not mean you get to say.
Austria, gets 90,000 asylum claims... accepts 14,000... deports 1,300.

Yeah, you rock guys, 88,700 were allowed to stay in Austria. You definitely showed those 1,300 Serbs and Albanians!

>daily reminder Faymann was forced to resign by his own party, meaning even our reds are less cucked than your "conservatives"
We will never be as bad as your cuckpit, no matter what happens.

How many illegals have you deported? 1 or 2?
Another fun fact everybody is registered when crossing the border. People just don't "go missing" and are stray niggers who can freely roam and terrorize the country.

I think your just trolling.

No one is that delusional to actually assume Austria is more cucked than Germany. Your Sweden tire bro.

We're both pretty much equally bad
We have the geographicly disadvantage though
But Germans don't have a established right wing party
Even though I like the AfD much, much better than the superdumb FPÖ

>What should his first executive order be?

Annex Bayern, and do the right thing.

Guys, stop fighting both countries are shit. There´s only hope in Liechtenstein

Face it Ostmark, this is your future Führer.

>No one is that delusional to actually assume Austria is more cucked than Germany.

Have you actually been to Vienna? Like actually been there? It looks like a hybrid form of Ankara and Kabul.

>le FPÖ dumb meme
If you like smart and sophisticated Dr. Merkel so much maybe you should fuck off to Germany?

Howi s FPO bad?

It's little Germany but still a little bit less cucked ;)
>yfw our most cucked city is way better off than the average spot in Germany

Make it legal to deny the holocaust. like in the superior nordic countries

Their appearances and some of their ideas, the AfD is so much smarter
That said I'm obviously voting for Hofer and if there won't be a Team Stronach anymore I'll vote for the FPÖ in the next national election too

Unfortunately this is true brudis. Look at the shameful rest of our patriots

>Calling Fpö dumb
>Voting for Team Stronach

Are you serious or just bating?

I sure hope Hofer cucks van der Brüssel out of his presidency, just imagining the hateful asspain the media would be spewing 24/7 and all the butthurt left leaning demonstrations we could see makes me smile uncontrollably. Just imagine the butthurt guys, IMAGINE IT

>Just imagine the butthurt guys, IMAGINE IT

I'm on holiday when the elections are. If Hofer wins i'll be sitting in a internet café shitposting for 2 days straightwith you guys.

We have to meme this into reality. It has to happen.

People assume just because VdB is a NEET getting two pensions while never having worked a single day in his long life he will give out free gibs.
Maybe Hofer should distribute free beer to capture this kind of voter.

Bump to meme Hofer into power. May he crash this ride we thought would never end.


Already forgot about that, FPÖ will bring back concealed carry for everybody. So you don't have to do a taxi driving license to carry your glock around anymore because fuck common sense :^)

Bumping one last time for justice. Then letting this thread finally go to sleep.


>“It is isolation that would destroy us, it would lead us towards degenerating in inbreeding,” the finance minister argued. “For us, Muslims in Germany are an enrichment of our openness and our diversity. Look at the third generation of Turks, especially the women. That is an enormous innovation potential.”


Enjoy your mandatory interracial breeding facilities coming in the next years. :^)