
wakey wakey wagecucky

gotta earn money to provide for skinnybrown fivehead qt

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You'll never single handedly repopulate your ageing country. Based Jap.


wakey wakey malay-chan

Morning lads, have job test today.

Kathryn Bernardo and Liza Soberano are cuter than her.

nicomaine mendoza is better

Tagalogs should be held accountable for the deaths of these Children.



Ew no, her mouth is too big.

How do we fix our tagalog infestation?

>looks at fan

lmfao WTF Garin and her husband are Bisayans

the incompetent and stupid stereotypes are true

I rather be ruled by chinks than to be ruled by taga-ilogs again.

Or Ruled by slaves(bisaya) kek

Disgusting taga-ilogs are doing nothing as expected.


And Corrupt now we know where all their taxes go to

Why not just make a collage and save us the time
the image spammer doesn't work that way?

is ah chong welcomed in this thread?

The church helping with the Vaccine? lmao wtf

you want more anti vaxers now

>This is what tagalog image board looks like
Disgusting as usual

The Bong Go/ Duterte corruption evidence must have really getting tru the paid shills

tagalogs know nothing but to complain. case in point this puta

Speaking of paid meme blogs and always complaining and playing the nigg victim

After all the new evidence for the vaccine the Duterte admin still pushed through it
tsk tsk tsk

Are they scared Pnoy is going to name those who are involved.

lol he might just name the now PDP laban members and expose them

forgot pic


post a real qt for once

hello mr. lim

Let me guess.
Your mother is a flip and your father is american

more like KEKED

>politics spamming in the morning

of course mr. tan, can i get 1 day off??

We like to shoot people in schools but WTF is wrong with you Flips?

WHO recommends that use be limited to areas where the disease is common because vaccination may actually increase the risk of dengue fever in people who have not been previously infected with the dengue virus because of the phenonmenon ofantibody-dependent enhancement.

T. SEAmonkey diaspora

Can we talk about ASEAN cuties instead of this political nonsense?

Post cuties

post cute filipino girl(male)

what the fuck is wrong with filipinos?
is it autism? or do you like talking about politics in general?


Filipinos are known for discussing Politics, Basketball, and Artists.

>Filipinos are known for discussing Politics, Basketball, and Artists.
truly the most powerful race



>not knowing the PBA
>not knowing our massive love affair with basketball

Flips like to Larp as Americans but unfortunately, the wrong kind of Americans.

Your flag is LARPing as ours, Malay-user.


your flag is based on British East India Company

soon you will be putas of the chinks. tang ina duterte pa kasi

yeah, just make sure you come back to work after salary day

You are a reversed Poland.

I'm drink soy!


We stay Stuntin' On Em hoes

NEED a qt filipina gf

fugg your maid lol

There are plenty of them in Doha, it shouldn't be hard to find one.

How to attract them? Most of them seem uninterested in me


No. No, no, no.


Brown girls should never be idols.

show them your dick, car, money, and money.

Just say you're rich, or treat them out to Jollibee.

To be fair, JKT48 exists. But JKT48 is more like a traditional AKB sister group while MNL48 is just a glorified talent show.


Is this shit good?

Depends. It's hit or miss to be honest.

it's the most powerful cuisine in the world

What's good?

If you have no taste buds.

Did you get this for $0.05 yesterday?



Finally sold my ninja650 for a fair price lads

How was it?
Been waiting for that game for so long but i dont have time to shitpost let alone playing games

No, its not

It looks shit.

Soy milk is disgusting

It's all tiresome, anons...

What do glorious SE asians think of indians? Thinking of moving there

You'll fit right in. We have a lot of Tamils and Punjabis here, plus the Muslims that run 24hour restaurants here

Cool, I know Malaysia and Singapore have significant South Asian populations. But desu my options are limited to Indonesia and Vietnam.

Magandang hapon mga kawal


Why though ?

Only places where I have offers from

go to indonesia especially bali are filled with hindu people and north sumatera are filled with muslim and buddhist from india, sikh people are mostly lived in jakarta


thanks for the info m8

The chicken. Sometimes it tastes really good, but sometimes it's too small or too hard. I prefer their fries to McDonald's too.

Over here they seem to have a reputation for being loan sharks. There's a small Sikh community here as well as a Hindu community, but most seem to have converted to Christianity. Many Filipino-Indians even speak fluent Filipino.

Magandang umaga umami siesta kalaitu mahal abu sayaf lazada zalora

umm love you too?

Lamayala mahal titi puki mango

>Dancer loved cock pussy mango
what did he mean by this?

Titi in mahal puki

Such a meme lang. Anyways, can you lads give me a run-down on what girls from your respective cunts are generally like?


ignorant, they cant even locate cambodia on fucking blind map

They are hardcore koreaboos and narutofags.

Are you sure they're not weaboos also?

want cummies

anime and kpop

rude materialistic whore

suck my cock

not everyone is sundanigger user

Good morning friends.

Most are normalfags

seriously though what the fuck is wrong with them, its all about money, sundanese women can leave their family, friends, and religion for money