>"Ms. Haris, a Muslim activist and student at the School of Oriental and African Studies, is told by Paul, “There’s no Sharia law here”."

>The clip opens with Ms. Haris openly stating that she doesn’t believe in condemning recent terror attacks. Her voice, solemn and almost bored, changes immediately when the man known as Paul confronts us.

>He calmly states, in the awkwardly clipped BBC footage, “We’re losing our right to freedom of expression”. “Why’s that?” asks Ms. Nye, moments after she attempted to shout him down.The man remains seated in the grass and you can see in the reflection in his sunglasses there are at least three people standing over him, filming and firing questions.

Other urls found in this thread:

Let's be honest, the world would be a better place under Sharia

i had my money it was going to be you irish scum bags

When will the UK have its first muslim PM?

Sharia is degenerate!

never in my life time


The bbc did a propaganda piece with this the other day and they really did cut the hell out of the footage they showed, horrible kike organisation.



Get cucked, Brits. They're your problem now.

Jesus, lad.

Tell that to SJW-s

Any of you lads from Moray know what 'islamaphobic' stuff was going on there.

Its capital already has a Muslim mayor

says the european

So has he eliminated the usury from London yet, or at least demanded jizya?

Sharia Law is degenerate, and anyone i see trying to peddle that shit in my country is dead to me. I want a national idenaty reform

immigrants are GB civs not english or scottish, they have no right to the land, so they can be exciled

It's not going to happen any time soon.

I'm not even trolling you, but what makes you so sure? Fifteen years ago would anyone have believed 2016 would bring a muslim mayor to London who starts imposing muslim values?

Islam is cancer, and so are leafs. the only place you belong to is locked with the rest of sharia cuck supporters, just to be beheaded by ISIS moments after.

English, ethnic nationalism

Tweets. Literally tweets. An internal investigation of the supposed "Islamophobic" tweets found out that they were actually mostly criticisms that were categorized as hate speech:

>In their report Demos selects some tweets it included in the study, which they presumably think are good examples of their methodology in action. A tweet stating “Morocco deletes a whole section of the Koran from school curriculum as it’s full of jihad incitement and violence The Religion of peace” is treated the same way as a tweet saying “I fucking hate pakis” in their methodology.

They're tracking them. They have a full paid staff dedicated to scanning social media to see if anyone is critical of Islam. You know the next step.

>muslim values
its all a off shot from judaism, but sharia law is degenerate

holy shit this kike

>ethnic nationalism
EU member curse
race mixing and migration is good
full race mixing baaad, most be sloooow process

Now they left the EU they're in unrestrained full cuck mode.

Why are there so many Israelis on Sup Forums?

Just curious. I 100% agree with your post.

dream on, the farage would be back.
We need to focus on installing morales into are children, via good schooling.

i look at some BLM movements and thank they'd be better off enslaved to Islam

Fuck the BBC, seriously what a left-biased media source. "News" these days consists of nothing but:
>post-Brexit scaremongering
>muh oppressed minorities
>white guilt
>white people are bad (especially males)
>women openly being sexist against men
The last one isn't even subtle they're literally cracking sexist jokes left right and center and we're all expected to laugh along because "it's ok when non-white/non-males do it"!

Fuck the BBC.

Islamophobic abuse and social media - BBC Jews

no idea, your'e asking the wrong kike.
guess because of our culture?
Israel is 92% right winged, and the terror that is happening here does not help the left.

i do admit that there are a lot of Israelis in here, although our country has only 8 million people in it.

make sure the law comes first!

or just doing their nogs in Africa, where those wild animals belong. Islam is never the answer.

not even mad, this is impressive

>the world would be a better place under Sharia
Best places in the world right there. Go be happy, leaf.

Look at the state of our country before pointing fingers.

What about Ausfags? Who will tend your bars?

literally savage land in colour

you have link to britain along with most of europe. reform the empire on an immigration level

It is Islamophobic, so what? I fear Islam because they're crazy murderers. attaching phobic to something doesn't make it bad to have, like arachnophobia, fear of spiders. Yeah? maybe I don't wanna get bit

Didn't you know, goyim, that Sharia is actually progressive?

>set up shariah law
>can only marry your cousin

What did they mean by that?


If one does not fear islam, but wants to punish it's followers for their brutal and savage nature, would one still be considered islamophobic?

Thanks, Churchill

How can they just lie through their teeth like that?

Sup Forums has made me unironically support isreal

When he/she/it doesn't even know who they are, how can you expect coherent logic?

It's probably not even a lie, their logic is that warped.

good goy

It's super easy, all you have to do is not care and say whatever you want, accuse every detractor of lying, racism, bigottry, whatever.


I meant Jews in general. It's getting to the point where everything that these media Jews say is an unabashed lie. At least in the past they tried to be more subtle about it

Greece has Sharia? Wat

Friendly reminder that a phobia is an irrational fear.

How is it irrational to fear Sharia law?

Also, the term was coined by the Islamic Brotherhood, and I'm sure we all know how shady those cunts are.

Getting tired of waiting, I guess.

I missed the part where the bbc says opposing sharia is islamophobic. The guy yells something about sharia to some broad in a hajib...that is islamophobic. I hate mudslimes btw, I just think we should be the reasonable ones, this is maybe a bad example of bbc bias

It's just another play out of the left's book of emotion based politics. Using "fear" as an excuse

The Muslim Brotherhood is a creation of British intelligence.

Think about that paddy. Think about it.

Is that Oliver's deformed twin brother and his legion of Protestant mutants?

She's a dyke who is rasing her duaghter to be a dyke. For them it's a murder-suicide wish. They want to kill the US, the West & Whites, and then be murdered by the Brown horde that replaces us.

I bet she watches ISIS videos of gays getting thrown off buildings with envy, wishing it was her fulfilling her death wish.

Probably least degenerate philosophy there is.

I hate to play this card, but then that means that Australians need to leave Australia and Americans need to leave America.

"The Muslim Brotherhood is an Islamic organization that was founded in Ismailia, Egypt by Hassan al-Banna in March 1928 as an Islamist religious, political, and social movement."

So does this mean that the British are trying to restore their empire under the guise of Sharia?

This is the jew we need


No, it's ours by the right of conquest. That's an argument made by lib cucks who want to be dominated by bbc. They have no right to this land unless they take it

No, they had given power to the Wafd movement in typical divide and conquer methodology because it was radical enough to refuse to recognize any of the potential surrounding governments as being legitimate and therefore could be used to keep any regional power from becoming strong enough to threaten British interests. Same kind of game they used to play with the Continent back in the day.

And with the IRA to some extent.

>“We’re losing our right to freedom of expression”. “Why’s that?” asks Ms. Nye, moments after she attempted to shout him down


But aren't they technically taking it now?


Yes :(

These muslims and their sympathizers are in for a rude awakening...

... Cairo declaration of human rights in Islam from 1990 is what guides human rights in OIC member nations (the 57 islamic nations) So what the cairo declaration of "human rights" actually says, that they have said they will implement sharia law in all 57 member states in the OIC, not human rights according to the UN declaration of human rights.
Article 24 of 1990 cairo declaration of human rights.
"all the rights and freedoms stipulated in this declaration are subject to the islamic shari'ah"
Article 25
"The Islamic Shari'ah is the ONLY SOURCE OF REFERENCE for the explanation or clarification of any of the articles in this declaration"
So when muslim organizations like the muslim brotherhood frontgroup CAIR, says they stand for human rights or civil rights, what they mean by definition is that they want to implement sharia law.. not implement or stand for human rights according to the UN declaration as is what we think in the west.. So essentially they through this legalese have avoided having to follow the UN declaration of human rights by redefining what the term human rights means to them. Therefore they can get away legally with human rights violations if whatever cruel and unusual punishment there is, it is acceptable under shari'ah. Similarly no muslim nation is subject to the haague convention of extradition of women and children so if a muslim man takes you and your child to one of those 57 muslim countries, and decide he wants to keep you there for the rest of your life, nobody will help you. So watch out for that. the article 24/25 rule
This ofcourse needs to be challenged but who's going to do that if nobody even knows what the OIC has been doing?

what a coincidence mate
the last lord mayor of dublin was a terrorist supporter too

Muslim here. Wtf is a (((progressive))) Muslim? OIC also REDEFINES RACISM as non biological descrimination based on cultural differences.
So when they say racism, they mean critique of islam. This when implemented is in accordance with shari'ahs blasphemy law, that you cannot criticize islam or the prophet muhammad, or lead people away from islam and many other things. But first and foremost deals with the two first parts.
So as the OIC has redefined what racism is when THEY say it, they try to make critique of Islam a punishable HATECRIME!
And ofcourse ONLY when it is a critique of Islam and muslims, not of anyone else like say christians or jews or buddhist or whatever. Because ofcourse, it is permissible by shari'ah law to hate them and harm them and so on.
Even further, when OIC says "religion" they ONLY MEAN ISLAM.. they don't care about any other religion.

And they also try to link this redefinition of racism with another term they have conjured up.. which is Islamophobia! Similarly OIC has also used xenophobia in such a way that if someone says "i'm this and that i'm a proud american and i stand for the constitution of the united states" the constitution ofcourse being diametrically opposed to shari'ah law.. That would make that person "xenophobic", since that person stands for values that is the opposite of shari'ah law.. This is massively manipulative legally deceptive language being used to push sharia law here.. whilst pretending that this is not what they are doing since they simply redefine terms to cover it up or to obfuscate terms to give them legal grounds for implementing sharia law.. there's no doubt about it.


why dont you have a discussion with her pol? Islamophobia (a made up word) connected with the redefined term racism (when they say racism they mean critical of islam and sharia law) And OIC attempting to equate the two. OIC asks to accomodate muslims, instead of assimilate.. why are they saying this? Because It's against sharia law for muslims to leave their faith or to adopt a different culture than the rules of sharia law and islam.. Except to practice the makkan phase of deception whilst they gather their numbers before entering the medinan phase. Therefore they do not wish to assimilate, but everyone should fall all over themselves trying to accomodate their needs.. They want to live under their law (shari'ah), not your law.. or you're a racist (redefined as being critical against islam) xenophobic (if your culture and laws are against sharia law) and an islamophobe.. See the deception?! They are trying to with warped manipulative legalese to impose blasphemy laws upon western nations via OIC served legal documents! And they are only able to do this because nobody is challenging them on this blatant attempt to institute shari'ah law all over the world. the 10 year plan (initiated in 2005).. "ten year programme of action to meet the challenges facing the muslim ummah in the 21st century" by OIC.
"3. Endeavour to have the united nations adopt an international resolution to counter ISLAMOPHOBIA (to counter critics of islam and shari'ah law) and call upon all states to ENACT LAWS (islamic shari'ah blasphemy laws/islamic law of slander) to counter it, including DETERRENT PUNISHMENTS!"

They are attempting to get UN to adopt international resolutions against "racism" (as defined by sharia law) and "islamophobia" (being critical of islam)..

It's a meme to help left wing people come to terms with their bastardized logic.

Time to start researching the BBC more closely. I wonder if they have ties to the Clinton Foundation...let's see, who's in charge at the Big Black Cock of Britain?

anyone have a good sharia law infographic?

No-no, you do not want to wake up.

A phobia is an irrational fear of something. There is nothing irrational about being afraid of, and hating, a group of people who would deprive you of liberty if they could, and will kill you if they can.

Let's see how "Islamophilic" these appeasers are after a major attackthat kills thousands of innocents..
I'm calling it for sunday. OIC is a very dangerous organization.. this is where the term islamophobia and all these things are emanating from! Well the IIIT (International institute of Islamic thought – a muslim brotherhood entity came up with the term in the 1980's or so and the OIC adopted it.. And the left has gobbled it up because they have piggybacked it on top of the leftist douchebags, because they have seen how effective homophobia was used as a propaganda tool.. So they simply said.. Yes.. let's do this too.. let's get the kuffar to destroy themselves.. let's introduce the term Islam-ophobia.. perfectly in line with shari'ah blasphemy laws.. And let the left run with it..Islamophobia was introduced as an instrument to stop slander according to sharia.. under which you are not allowed to criticize islam. Again with the same strategy you see over and over again.. one message to the muslims another message to the kuffar, a word means one thing to the kuffar, it means something else to the muslims..

This attempt by the OIC is ofcourse a DIRECT ASSAULT on freedom of speech.. without a doubt. And a concerted effort of all muslim nations to enact sharia law in non muslim nations via legalese, deliberate obfuscation and deception. Slander according to shari'ah law: "Do you know what slander is? It is to MENTION SOMETHING of your brother that he would DISLIKE" "the talebearer will not enter paradise""Revealing anything who's disclosure is resented" "A person should not speak of anything he notices about people besides that WHICH BENEFITS A MUSLIM"

Very different definition from the western definition of slander.

So if they manage to equate that with islamophobia a bogus term, which they have nearly successfully tied to the redefined racism (according to sharia law, anyone critical of islam) and they make this a punishable hate crime.. then voila.. shari'ah slander law implemented in western nations.. and then you can't stand against shari'ah law or islam politically without risk going to jail, which would pretty much make it checkmate making a civil war pretty much inevitable.

I fucked that Ruqaiya Haris girl last year. You can imagine my surprise seeing her on the Beeb.

Lived my life around muslims for 22 years, the times the word sharia was spoken = 0

It's amazing how effective this propaganda shit really is. Wonder what the overlords want so badly out of Muslims, I guess they don't want them to increase in #s in Europe.

Do yourself a favor. Go to Britain and try finding a muslim speaking of Sharia, probably won't succeed at all. No, don't use the internet, go actually find someone. You will find no one lol.

And in case you're thinking nah they're not doing this on purpose, yes in fact they are and it is a 10 year programme that started in 2005 the 10 year plan (initiated in 2005).. "ten year programme of action to meet the challenges facing the muslim ummah in the 21st century" by OIC.
"3. Endeavour to have the united nations adopt an international resolution to counter ISLAMOPHOBIA (to counter critics of islam and shari'ah law) and call upon all states to ENACT LAWS (islamic shari'ah blasphemy laws/islamic law of slander) to counter it, including DETERRENT PUNISHMENTS!"

>the School of Oriental and African Studies


>white women are bad
I agree with that BBC, almost all of them have manjaws

All he said was "there is no sharia law here", then they went over and started shouting at him.

>i've not heard about sharia law from muslims
Well they've not been very honest with you then.

You can't be a muslim without following sharia law..

Why don't you try a different experiment, ask a muslim if he will denounce sharia law, and see what you find. How clueless about islam can you be..

Sharia law is like a codex that covers everything in the life of muslims and explains them how to do it. Here's an example: Apostacy in islam (riddah) Whoever voluntarily leaves islam is killed.. "when a person who has reached puberty and is sane voluntarily apostatizes from Islam, he deserves to be killed. Book o8.0-o8.1 reliance of the traveller.
Among things that entail apostacy from islam... "To deny any verse of the qur'an or any-thing which by scholarly consensus (def: b7) belongs to it, or to add a verse that does not belong to it.... to deny the obligatory character of something which by the consensus of muslims is part of Islam" So even if you don't want to leave islam because you don't want to be killed and live in a muslim nation under sharia law.. you are still in danger of being killed for apostacy if you do one of the aforementioned things. And this is ofcourse only punishments for apostacy.. There are many other ways to incur severe punishments for doing various inappropriate things under sharia law.. This is important because this is the law they want to impose on the entire world, and the kuffar have it MUCH WORSE than the muslims in this regard, if they are even allowed to live as a non muslim in many cases..

So this means that they cannot call anything else but islam a religion, or they are in violation of sharia law.. and risk becoming an apostate and thus likely to be killed/executed. So.. when an islamic organization says the word/term religion.. you can be sure that they mean islam and ONLY islam, and nothing else.

Someone is blow the shit out BBC head quarters or go on killing spree there one day.

What Dellusional Far left liberals they are

Islam instructs muslims to enact sharia law in all nations of the whole world and replace the national law with sharia law.. Freedom and Justice in islam has a different definition it means freedom from the laws of man, justice according to sharia.

In Islam allah is the lawgiver, therefore it is allahs law (sharia) that must rule all nations and all lands of the world. This is why muslims don't like democracy because it's laws of man.
Sharia is a replacement law system covering every aspect of life, both for muslims and for non muslims. They are to try to get it implemented when their numbers have increased enough. Showing that when an islamic entity says defamation of religion they mean only defamation of islam and nothing else but that. By using reliance of the traveller to define how religion is defined in shari'ah law. They do not consider christianity and judaism valid, and thus consider them unbelief and do not consider them valid religions, only islam is considered a religion according to shari'ah law, therefore when OIC says religion, they mean Islam and only islam. "moderate" muslims tell you there are no absolute rulings in islam (trying to hide from you what the rulings are like when you find sharia law unpleasant for instance) wrong.. ofcourse there is.. Scholarly consensus) Adherent muslims know what they follow..
Reliance of the traveller b7.0-b7.2"When the four necessary integrals of consensus exist, the ruling agreed upon is an authoritative part of sacred law that is obligatory to obey and not lawful to disobey, Nor can mujtahids (expert islamic scholar) of a succeeding era make the thing an object of new ijtihad (different ruling), because the ruling on it, verified by scholarly consensus, is an absolute legal ruling which does not admit of being contravened or annulled."

god they get really annoying in the fall...

There are already local sharia courts in the UK setup for "family disputes" so the britons are told, this is the gradual introduction of sharia law in the UK that seeks to replace all UK law.

By allowing them to have these local sharia courts, you allow them to keep their local communities in strict compliance with islam and actually makes it nearly impossible to integrate/assimilate them.. This is precisely why they want sharia law implemented for themselves first because they do not want to assimilate nor risk that someone in their communities decides that they want to be secular.

You are basically agreeing to having a competing parallel law system that seeks to replace your laws, thus creating parallel society in your own nation by allowing this out of tolerance..

And make no mistake Islam is a theocratic totalitarian system there's no separation between church and state.