Is 175 cm 5`9 considered short in your country?

Is 175 cm 5`9 considered short in your country?

I feel like a midget. looking to move

i'm 5'9 too and feel average

You would be drafted to play with the national basket team

Ya im 5" 11 and even girls tower over me.

I am 190 cm and feel short on a daily basis, most girls are 180+ if not 185+

i'm 185 and feel like a manlet sometimes

isn't that short everywhere?

Where do you live? I'm in socal and every guy has like 1" or 2" over me. Even girls. Only people see are old women shorter than me

>most girls are 180+ if not 185+

That's below average in pretty much every western country. Don't worry about it though, height is something you can't change so there's no reason to even think about it.

t. Ahmoud Bin Al Hassan Abdullah Mohamedin, residing from Rinkeby
Så klart invadrartjejer är korta, svenska tjejer är ju åt helvete långa

East Boston, i see guys taller than me every day too but that means nothing

How are people so tall that a teenage girl can dwarf me. I have to stand on my toes to feel normal

Teenage girls are as tall as they'll get. Why does this surprise you

I know... you're right, it doesn't. I'm just tired of being a little boy.

I got these boots that add like 1.5" that make me 5'10. It works but I hate that I gotta wear them just to feel normal.

You would be taller than most old dudes, and average compared to young ones. But I'm starting to see teens above 180cm quite regularly.

Short answer (pun intended): no

Average, thought you'll run into a lot of people far taller and shorter

It's not considered short but most people under 30 will be taller than you.

This is the kind of message who depress me a lot... even if i don't live in sweden
I'm tired of being a fucking 172cm manlet

That's the average male height here.

It's short even here
t. 174 cm

We made fun of somebody for being 180cm short.


It’s the ideal height in this land of Samourai.

Kek. I’m 167cm or something.

tfw only 170cm

172 wop here

if you just talk louder people forget that you're short

I'm 192cm and tower over like everyone I see. Most girls are like 170 and under

I don't know what short or average height people consider short.

Yes, you may actually be too tall for some public transportation

I meant no

No, it just makes you short and obnoxious

I'm 1.98m and I feel like a vertically challenged person

Yeah, i'm 2.03 and i feel myself short

Hahaha look at this manlet
t. 173 cm

perhaps but it's better than not being noticed :v

god I hate that face
it reminds me of every 12 year old on the internet

The only countries you will feel tall in would be Peru and some SEA shitholes. Move to any European or any other South American country and you will still be very short.