Do you think they're going to address the consequence of millions of people killing each other and half of the world's elite being decapitated or are they going to pretend the world recovered from that without any lasting changes?
Do you think they're going to address the consequence of millions of people killing each other and half of the world's...
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it's just a kid's movie dude
kids movies like the avengers address this issue tho
Why is colin firths character alive?
So no one told you life was gonna be this way?
Kid's movies have decapitation and anal sex these days?
The first movie was a dream, so there was no consequence to any of it.
This should petty much answer OP's question
You can survive getting shot in the head
>first movie has glasses, umbrellas, and suits that can resist bullets
>guy gets shot in the glasses
I love seeing the trailer for this at the movies. Calling the reaction it receives "neutral" is overstating by quite a margin. It receives the perfect non-reaction.
How do they? By getting reprimended and then go to have a fight in an airport and wrecking everything without giving two shits about it, and suffer no consequences from it?
Isn't Colin Firth dead in this series. He was the sole ray of sunshine in the abomination, then he died.
stop posting trash
Those tie knots look absurd
I dont entirely care, honestly.
I've seen this trailer plenty this summer and everyone I've gone with has said they wanted to see it.
What fucking retard made this poster?
Nope. They'll allude to it and the tards in the audience will snicker uncontrollably before one of the characters turns to the screen and winks, at whihc point the "nerds" will scream with laughter and send popcorn flying all over the theater
>The shadows are reflections
This poster is fucking kino tbqh
This b8 is HARRIBLE
Someone's angry
>ITT: Sup Forums contrarians
It's a fan art poster
Colin is supposed to have an eyepatch in Golden Circle. This is some fan-made poster using promo art from the first movie.
>we can do it in my asshole
The first movie surprised me by being incredibly enjoyably in spite of some truly shitty special effects. Hope the sequel follows form.
did they really make the shadows by mirroring and deforming their pictures, but didn't make them a flat grey color?
Why would they do that?
holy fuck i didnt even notice that detail. i just thought it was another bad shop poster. holy fuck im dying haha
kill urself faggot
Everything about this movie pointed to a flop
>February release
>Shitty premise
>tired genre
Like you, I was pleasantly surprised at how enjoyable the movie was
>names aren't lined up
Even by trash action standards it's a boring film. So I guess you'll get some joke and a quip explaining everything.
holy fuck, this makes those x-men posters look good. Why does this keep happening to Vaughn?
>Not appreciating high-quality trashkino
and she takes him then and there without lube.
Getting raped by Somalis on the daily back home must have really stretched her out.
No they don't. Hundreds of thousands of people died at the end of the first Avengers, nobody ever really addresses that. The only consequences people talk about are buildings being destroyed.
God damn, do you really can't see it's a fan art? The characters are over-saturated, the font is a Tahoma, which is default and doesn't fit the movie style, it even has an exclamation point in the slogan.
Yes, then they realised this and wrote him back in.
Its a world where super villains kill few million people every now and then. People move on and forget.
at least the nigger's not returning, h was the worst thing about the original
>or are they going to pretend the world recovered from that without any lasting changes?
Basically this.
How did you guys make it past the first ten minutes?
How is that any less Reddit than Deadpool?
he's not; didn't you see the trailer?
I stuck around because it's a Matthew Vaughn movie, but when that happened I could tell this was gonna be a trash movie.