Trump is so desperate he has to pull publicity stunts in Louisiana. What a disaster. A BIG FAT MESS like Trumpfags used to say.
I wrk for 538 and can confirm this is how the election goes down
Uh huh
hahahhahaha I love aussies with proxies
Nate has been wrong so far this year
Silent majority is going to cuck him hard
oh look more bronzefags
Nate's opinion pieces have nothing to do with polling data.
>alaska going blue
o i am laffin m80
>Texas going Blue
Texas would vote Lucifer if he had an (R) next to his name.
feels good to live in Tenneese
>implying we wont be feeling the Johnson come Nov 8
thank god
>Nate Technetium
Really? Who's your boss, Nostradomus?
really want him to do well tb h
the two party system is cancer
And there goes any credibility he had left.
471 to 67? Give me a break, it's never that wide a margin. Never has been, never will be. There are simply too many people, with too wide a variety of views, for that to ever fucking happen.
I'd believe a Hillary win. I'd even buy a 10% difference if there was a persuasive argument for why. But when their "predictions" are this obviously bullshit, that makes me think we really are in an age where polls are prescriptive, not descriptive. They're forcing this to manipulate perception, and that means only one thing. They're afraid.
>being first lady of Arkansas
>can't even win Arkansas
It was based on a hypothetical, OP is just trolling
>it's never that wide a margin. Never has been, never will be.
There have been 9 times in American history that a candidate has won every single state except 1.
Reagan ALMOST won every state, but lost Hawaii by roughly 6k votes
His """""""""""prediction"""""""""" would be an opinion piece you fucking pathetically stupid nigger.
>Nate's opinion pieces have nothing to do with polling data.
But his prediction piece isn't an opinion.
>Going blue, ever
I'm voting for Johnson, but even I'm not that delusional.
Hes havin a laff m8
Never won Minnesota and Dc
What about this polling data?
>polls from people selected in some unknown way by news media
lmao republicans so delusion just look at this data
>polls from unfiltered mass of people watching national convention speeches
wow seriously your source is youtube??? this data is invalid lmao
Literally correct, basically.
Pollsters are respected for their accuracy in past elections. If you suddenly believe they're all lying, feel free to believe that.
And don't forget to ask Howard Dean about rallies.
Sure seems like if what you claim is true then there should not be contradictory evidence anywhere if pollster polling ''''''''data'''''''' was unbiased. Unless you believe youtube is some hotbed of republicans.
Can't wait for this faggot's credibility to be permanently destroyed come Nov 8
hurr durr im a libtard. isnt drumf such an id10t, i'll vote for hillary, my wife's boyfriend is too
>Donald Trump would be easy to stop under democratic rules
Also, this whole collage reminds me of the Paris newspapers as Napoleon was marching back to Paris.
youtube views and likes aren't indicative of anything because you can view and like something multiple times.
the stench of D E S P E R A T I O N emanating from your pores would overcome a waste factory
>> Silver
Jew faggot
How about a link because I'm calling bullshit.
Looks like one of his "scenarios" rather than a final prediction.
Lol you silly retard
Ever seen Hillary fake a southern accent while speaking to an all black audience?
Youtube it
>really want him to do well tb h
>the two party system is cancer
It would have the opposite effect if too many people like you vote third party.
It would ensure a Hillary win and guarantee a one party system.
A little service Nate provides so people can spew misinfo with pretty readymade bullshit graphics.
that's the kike lie they've been feeding you for 100 years plus
I don't have time to debate this but keep in mind the only thing the establishment fears is a breakup of their retarded locked down little garden
With Jews, Trump will lose.
>data showing trump doing well
>people have made multiple youtube accounts to dislike a video many times the data is invalid
>data showing hillary doing well
>this news media poll is completely legitimate and unbiased there is no way any forces could be at work to make it otherwise
I know STL and KC exist but that isn't going to be enough.
t. Missourian.
>that's the kike lie they've been feeding you for 100 years plus
>I don't have time to debate this
Fucken pussy.
that fucking faggot
>go to Sup Forums
>start thread
>post with a screen name like a complete fucking faggot (what's with that lately??)
>post the same fucking anti-Trump pasta
>get called shill
>post same fucking shitty rip-off smuggy (why cant lefties into meme?)
>get saged
MFW left wingers have to steal our memes
MFW left wingers projecting this hard by parodying their own policies
MFW left wingers spending all this time trying to curb Trump support and simultaneously saying he has no chance
It always seems like it's the idiots who get picked to infiltrate the other side's forums doesn't it?
(((Nate Silver)))
>summerfag trying way too hard
He kinda sucks but I'd like to see him gain some popularity for the Libertarian party even though he's not really a Libertarian.. the vast majority of support he receives will be leeched from Hillary so that's a plus. But other than that, the guy has done nothing but.turn me off, especially since his little gun tantrum at the the Libertarian Convention where he threw that Flintlock in the garbage.
Lucky for you there will be 3 right-of-center parties in 82 days.
Republicans, a new party of purged alt-right trumpshits (groundwork has already been laid, it's habbening as soon as RNC pulls support) and libertarians.
Tick, tock.
Literally, literally true.
Trump only getting 67?
Nate silver is a retard and always has been, why even give him attention?
>data showing trump doing well
[citation needed]