Do girls actually do this?
Do girls actually do this?
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>Do girls actually do this?
What? Hold their hands out and receive a white dot?
I have no idea whether or not girls do this, but it doesn't seems like an ability that is exclusive to males
guys do it so im sure girls do as well
Assuming that video contains anything other than "truly love a man based on the content of his character and not his wallet" then yes probably.
yeah you can find them on instagram all the time
no, girls actually don't derive any physical pleasure from masturbation, it's mostly for show. all they get is a slight psychological tingle, because it's the only way their inferior body tells them that they're ready for reproduction.
male masturbation/orgasm is way superior
Edgy, controversial, mindblowingly original. Derek Fucker from calls YES, GOD, YES a Tour de France.
giv skeleton gf
I don't believe you
>"ethernet cord, who's ever heard of that?"
>knows exactly where the Ethernet port is and how to plug it in
I'm pretty sure she might be anorexic
You see a good bit of her body in some other stuff that really gets the grey matter greying
This is actually true
Well that was kind of underwhelming.
so you saying traps are gay?
you're 1000% wrong
that really doesn't ring true
This really rings true
You're 1000% right
Natalia a cute
>ur soaking wet too
ok I laughed pretty hard
girls have no nerve ending in vagina because to make childbirth easier. is just to make men horny when they maserbate
jeez already on the doorstep to granny status
where are the proofs
Is everyone on this board a virgin?
There's only 1 or 2 ports it could go into. If he already had the modem plugged in then there would be only one port it could possibly go to.
do you really have to ask that?
she looks like a proper slut
can also confirm
i wonder if women are genuinely this interested in their own sexuality being covered in every medium or if they just enjoy the slow death of every beta male being tormented by neverending loneliness hmm wait it's both isn't it
how has nobody tried to spin this into fap kino?
One thing that's always irked me was how supposedly masturbation feels much better for women, and that they can masturbate for hours having orgasm after orgasm, and yet it seems most don't do this ever, if masturbate at all? What? If men could masturbate for hours and cum several times, even if the pleasure of it was as it is (instead of the same level of women's), men would still do it regularly. What's up with that? Are women both brainlets and pleasurelets?
What's wrong with her mouth?
Befriend a girl and ask her how much she masturbates, you'll be surprised.
it's small
for accepting small dicks
>it seems most don't do this ever
here's the problem, you're wrong. girls most certainly do cum for hours, they just don't tell you.
put le me in le screencap
My dicks in it
it's about testosterone
just a free (you) for triggering the roasties
Girls do masturbate a whole lot they just have less testosterone/less sex drive so it's still not as much as a guy would. Also it's "easier" for guys to figure out how to do it, most dudes I know figure out how to orgasm practically by accident whereas a lot of girls have to experiment a ton or even look up how to do it online lol.
so you're saying I have a chance?
>ywn date a shy, private girl who knows nothing of sex
>ywn teach her
>ywn be her first everything
I knew a girl like this and I never acted on it because I had a girl at the time
Biggest mistake of my life
Girls masturbate just as much as guys do. Even girls without dicks do it a lot more than you'd think.
describe what a boob feels like.
do it.
He's really good at conveying a sense of Chadiness
I feel like a Chad just watching him
t. shut in basement libtard who believe internet
Can't speak on the male masturbation being better but it's certainly more than a tingle. Certainly not as good as the real thing when it's good, but better than the real thing if it's bad.
>pass user
top kek, this has been made by someone who clearly did not go to a catholic school in the 90's/00's.
This perhaps would have made sense if she was like 11-12 and this was set 95.
Why don't you tell me since you apparently talk a lot about masturbating with your female friends? I've had female friends and never did any one moment seem alright to ask "hey by the way, what's masturbating like and how often do you do it?"
I doubt it, most of the girls I knew always studied a lot, a lot more than the guys, and they also had all the other shit they did too, work and hobby shit, socializing. Sure some of them probably took a rub every now and then, but the several hour sessions I doubt.
But it's not like a dick, what does "sex drive" factor into it? The whole point is that they can keep going until they're exhausted, it's not like the horniness ends after they reach the first orgasm like it usually does with men. When you say "sex drive" it makes me think they can't be bothered to masturbate even though they're guaranteed to feel good whereas with men you can't because your dick might be sore or whatever.
From what I understand a clitoral orgasm is about the same as a male orgasm and a g-spot orgasm is better/lasts longer. I think, anyway.
> he bought a pass to post dumb normie opinions
like salty coins and milk
I have a lot sisters idiot.
>it's not like the horniness ends after they reach the first orgasm like it usually does with men.
This does happen actually. With clitoral orgasms, at least.
from a medical standpoint, a full 33%+ of women are physiologically unable to orgasm, and a proportion of women who can orgasm don't always. so to some extent they're pleasurelets, it's just that the vocal minority skews the polls.
do you ever masturbate with them
Women do a lot of kinky things.
That kind of talk comes naturally with chicks that have confidence in you, how old are you user?
I've had friends tell me they masturbate once a day or even more.
and they told you they love dicks and masturbate alot? they want the D user. you know what to do
Holy shit, really? Is that just g-spot orgasms or does that factor in clitoral orgasms?
I touch my clit without realizing every night and my hand just automatically goes there, it's like my brain goes "comfy? Oh yeah, clitoris!"
I do masturbate heavily 3 times a week (that seems to be little for a lot of people) but my orgasms can last minutes and I can have one after another up to 5 times every two minutes
So yeah, you guys will never know what it truly is to be ahegao as a qt grill
This. Women gain no pleasure from the act of sex, only what they can get out of it (e.g. attention, resources, or children.) The only reason they like Chad is because he has lots of social connections and can talk his way into a good job. Masturbation means nothing to them.
she has the sluttiest face ever. i mean she looks like a sex crazed nympho isnt she?
someone start posting the movie theater cucumbers during the 50 shades screenings
>orgasms can last minutes
clit only or g-spot?
I guess Leia wasn't around?
I had a gf who did this and it'd weirded me out and it was probably partially the reason we broke up. Like it was cool to be with somebody who's down to fuck any time of day but her jilling off all the time made things awkward. I'd be trying to study and shit and writing my thesis and she'd be moaning and shit all loud and shit.
In retrospect it'd be cooler if I wasn't in school at the time.
poison i.v.
.....ya know, because she's grossly thin and doesnt eat much
t. megavirgin
Don't assume you know me or how things work where I live. I'm the man of the house. I get the exact treatment I deserve from the women I live with.
It depends on how stressed you are and how much edge you can handle but I believe the g-spot to be an extension of the clitoris, the clitoris is in fact much bigger than you think
The g-spot is a lie
So clitoris only
Maybe one or two fingers in
Wrong. This the level that comes after hating women. You pity them
In a way, men have it easier. Even the betas. We start our adult lives with nothing. In order to be successful with the opposite sex, we have to learn, practise and fail socially. We cultivate skills and resources that will make us desirable. Eventually, we might get the hang of it. Even if we dont become 10/10 Chads, most of us still mature out of that awkward adolescent phase. For males, it's a gradual process of things getting better
It's the opposite for women. If you've ever read Flowers For Algernon, you'll understand the horror of being a woman hitting The Wall. In the story, a mentally retarded man undergoes a medical procedure that gives him super human intelligence. For a while, he lives as a genius. But then the procedure starts to reverse, and he slowly, helplessly, regresses back into a retard. That is what it must be like to be a 30 year old woman. She starts life as a young girl girl, hits puberty, and is suddenly treated like God's gift to the world. Everyone laughs at her jokes, people hang on her every word, doors are held and drinks bought for her
But then, as she enters her late 20's, things start to change... Her youth starts to fade and with it goes the attention, the social priority, the sense of value. She clings to it, desperately. Resents the younger women around her and the men whose glances, little by little stop falling upon her. Maybe she even doubles down and tries to maintain the carefree party of being a 20-something girl in a big city.
But she's 30 now. And the drinks and the nights aren't quite as exciting as they once were, so she nods off early. And one by one, her BFFs got off the subway, so now she rides alone. The tinder date never showed up, so she just got a pizza. But like her rapidly fading youth, it's slowly sliding away. It hasn't quite touched the floor yet, it's still separated by some wax paper. But at this point, is it worth saving?
all orgasms, I don't think there was a breakdown. they reported that they've never had an orgasm in their lives ever, regardless of what they tried even with sexologists' help.
its an interesting subject and looks like its well filmed.. id give it a go
also to OP: do girls do this? of course they do
Oh I was asking because I've only done clitoral masturbation and my orgasms last for like 5-10 seconds lol. Guess I'm just unfortunate.
It's weird how I can jam things up my ass and still cum, but women can't.
>that clavicle
if you're a girl, what are some unusual places you've masturbated at?
male g-spot feels goooood.
>ayy lmao I'm a skeleton
I still would
a/s/l ?
Girls regularly walk around all day with vibrators up their cunt, at school, work, church, w/e
on low and insulted it's completely silent, you wouldn't even know
literally the perfect body type
look at her knees, she sucked alot of cock to get those roles
only 1% of men have the same problem. it's not weird if you think about it - orgasms are a necessity for men to procreate, so orgasmless men never contributed to the gene pool.
to some extent, the idea that 'orgasms in women are like nipples on men' is probably accurate. they probably have them as a side effect of males absolutely requiring them.
>females can have orgasms
its a myth mate