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fuck off
OY VEY, the /alt kike/ are on the warpath!.
>QUEEN OF Sup Forums
What did I miss? She's a Canadian.
You realize there was non-Jewish victims from the Holocaust, right? She could've been drawing a parallel to Jews still recovering and her non-Jewish grandparents.
Regardless, this shit is so petty. Post/point out actual dirt on someone if you want... but simply labeling them as jewish is annoying.
>inb4 Holocaust wuz a hoax!!!1
There was also a huge fucking war that completely demolished the whole of Europe. I mean, why would one lose things because of that and consider fleeing the continent? It was just one lousy world war.
>ITT Sup Forums pretends they aren't the absolute core of the alt-right.
Inb4 newfag.
She works for Rebel media literally owned and founded by a kike
Theres no chance she would even get a hundredth of her current support if she wasnt "pretty"
compare her works with someone with real intellectual capacities like Molyneux and you'll she her for what she really is: controlled opposition
The only way she gets attention is by her looks and by deliberately being provocative
Yeah no
>muh jews
Grow up
it's sad how easily unattractive females find a niche with the childless single male anime masturbators of Sup Forums
>pandering to some Sup Forumsacks to get viewers
t. rick wilson
> working for kike media
> saying the jews are still recovering and not destroying nations
> no intellectual output/ action,
Shes quite attractive, i must say
Stefan Molyneux is a Jew too, but it is one's values that triumph over ethnicity. To hate a person by default due to their race is unreasonable.
She is not the Queen of Sup Forums.
She is an ugly Canadian attention whore.
Sister who is the true Queen of Sup Forums.
Would marry /10
literally who?
why does the dog look ashamed?
Her grandparents weren't even there and they still peddle the big jewish lie
>Lauren Southern on Molyneux
Molyneux is a retard
Southern is an idiot
No matter how many times a day you shitpost them, they will always be shit and you will always be shit.
You might be on the wrong board maple nigger
Holocaust was a hoax.
Damn that guy sounds like a turbo-virgin, he reminds me of male Twitch streamers that rant about their female counterparts. Sex sells, if you don't like it then convert to Marxism or something
>that dog
I don't believe I am. I myself am I right-winger who dislikes Jews for enforcing Marxism in our societies through control of media and censorship, but I will recognize exceptions such as Molyneux instead of disregarding their voices as well. I also acknowledge that race does not determine one's values, it only influences them.
>Lauren Southern, Queen of Sup Forums
>Mummy, Queen of Sup Forums
>Marion "d'Arc" Le Pen, Queen of Sup Forums
What the fuck's it gonna be? Even Sup Forums could stick to one Queen, Boxxy.
t. Ben Shapiro
marion and that lady in germany with the far apart eyes and the legs, natalia is second tier in her age
What lady in Germany? The lady in charge of AfD?
what is this queen of pol meme shit ?
is this 9gag here !?
fkn beta cucks need a symbolic female representant of "their" board.
this is why the basement dveller, looser, neckbeard meme never dies here.
Cuntfirmed this cuntt self promotes on halfchin. Fuck this board sucks.....
>le queen of Sup Forums
I didn't hear about the bitch, let alone voted for her. Saged.
You realize the holocaust is an over inflated lie?
>le redpilled woman
Daily reminder that Sup Forums's every alt right hero is a fucking kike.
Milo is a fucking KIKE and a FAG
Moly is a fucking KIKE
Lauren is a fucking KIKE
Shapiro is a fucking KIKE
DAT ((((((((COINCİDENCE))))))))
That's why she's the queen of Sup Forums and not the king you shit louse.
This is actually a really good point but I think it's also sort of wishful thinking.
Either way I could care less if she has Jewish heritage or not. Whenever I see a video or pic like of her in that specific pair of boots she's got me hooked.
>They don't know about her coal burning past
this board is pathetic.
boy you guys really hate white women huh? why? what about the aryan race?
>THE QUEEN OF Sup Forums
Quick i must find a way to make these goys forget about my defense of Soros
well i just have to invite a fuckable woman who will circlejerk the same opinions as Sup Forums !
What ya talking about? I'm not from stormfront. I hate white women. Asian women all the way tbqh
>Sup Forums hero
Good one
Marion no debating.
>They don't know about her coal burning past
What exactly is her coal burning past?
Every time says it, they just make-up a different story with no evidence or source.
For example, I've heard
>Her and Milo were out hanging with a bunch of nigs at a club
>no source, video, photo or tweet to prove it
>On a podcast she once said she knew black dicks were bigger because she dated a black guy
>no one can tell you what podcast it was, or give a link
So, what's your story?
>and that lady in germany with the far apart eyes and the legs
That'l be frauke petry
>someone with real intellectual capacities like Molyneux
Pretty sure jews have made all their money back and then some by now. There's never been this level of usury in the world.
>someone with real intellectual capacities like Molyneux
defense of Soros
did he really?
This trashy whore and that faggot. Lol no..
Katrina pierson is the queen of Sup Forums
Did this really need a thread made about it, I'll inevitably have the video show up as a suggestion anyway, and even then I'd likely ignore it
Molymeme is a slimy cunt and I don't care who this bandwagon bimbo is 2bh
>not realizing these fuckers spam their own bullshit here for views
I know.
Sup Forums is never going to understand that most of these "heros" or "icons" they look up to or just enjoy are regular normies that believe the holocaust happened.
>tfw Lauren Southern would just be a 5/10 in Norway
Anzu is the true queen of pol.
I know crazy man there's people out there right now that don't let joos and the holocaust live rent free in their minds 24/7 like you.
Ugly bleached haired anti-white cunt.
you don't belong here
I hope somebody dumps poo on her
Well then introduce us to your gloriously informative youtube videos, I need to be presented to your unquestionable genius.
there are people out there who would vote for hillary. everything is possible nowdays.
Hot and redpilled, would eat her toenail
She doesn't have Jewish heritage... Why does everyone on here accuse everyone of secretly being a jew???
I'd give her the meat rod
yup, he did, all while mumbling about the """"market"""". Damn Stefan slid his own video from Sup Forums I guess
fuck off lauren
I didn't say she is or isn't but I also wouldn't be that surprised if she was. I have zero definitive proof she is or isn't. It's not an important factor for me at all to be honest.
I'm getting near the end of her Stefan interview right now and I think she is doing good as a whole. She's on the good side. Joo heritage or not.
I never really got into her, she seemed really weird.
Evangelical Christians and Zionist Kikes have the same aura of self righteous blood lust.
A certain faggot comes to mind
I unironically want every single hook nosed Semite piece of shit to be turned into mulch.
is it bad i want to suck stefan's cock and stroke his beard
tfw i will never get to tease his nipples
ffs he just needs to off himself
Laurens mind ups her attractive fâm
Pretty good for a 21 year old in North America right now right? I like her.
>Theres no chance she would even get a hundredth of her current support if she wasnt "pretty"
This goes for literally every woman who pretends to be redpilles. The white knight faggots who browse this board are easily manipulated by women
>tfw no qt alt right gf
>she's only 21
clearly I haven't been doing enough with my life
I have no idea who that ugly cunt is.
One thing is for sure tho, Stefan really is a sell out faggot. Interviewing complete nobodies and trying to pander to his newfound alt-right userbase. I guess the money is always right, huh there Stefan? Keep shilling yourself here too you dumb faggot.
>watching the video
>she actually mentions The Wall™
So redpilled
Stephan is right hand of KEK.
that adds to 1.00001
link to video because I don't see it on Stef's youtube