What, in your opinion, is the best course of action to take on the Islamic State?
Hard mode: no nukes.
God tier mode: you must leave the region and surrounding geopolitical landscape stable enough that western tourism is possible.
What, in your opinion, is the best course of action to take on the Islamic State?
Hard mode: no nukes.
God tier mode: you must leave the region and surrounding geopolitical landscape stable enough that western tourism is possible.
easy mode: kill all muslims
Stop buying their stolen oil, and stop giving them FUCKING WEAPONS AND AMMO.
If only. Impossible without destoying the geopolitical scape.
French and German militaries transfer their forces there with Putin's consent (threaten to take away his Miami villa otherwise), take over Assad's surviving personnel and facilities, and start state-building.
Stupid leaf, it doesn't do anything to stabilize the region.
>best course of action to take on the Islamic State?
yeah, well you know
Easy for you to say you non nuclear pleb tier country.
turn the desert into glass. Fuck them.
If you oppose your enemies, they win
Close the borders and let them kill each other
And that would work why? You'd kill millions of innocents, irradiate our piece of shit allies.
This isn't fantasy mode, this is real life solutions you tard.
I've thought about this long and hard.
It's an ideological battle and you need redpilled Muslims to stamp out the ideology.
Google "Muslim Reformers"
You know what they say... If you can't beat them, join them!
Or should it be: If you can't beat them, nuke them!
First you'll have to go through me
Muslims aren't innocent.
Somewhat reasonable, but what happens when ISIS takes the whole desert and can mount terrorist attacks from their strongholds?
Also, what if they capture assad's shit and start lobbing missiles into Europe?
>no nukes
Why the fuck is his scabbard the same side as his draw? This fuck really doesn't know how to use that.
Captcha was waffles lol.
Who cares? We get to kill inbred Muslims.
Carpet bomb the middle east with cheap, reliable, handguns and ammo.
and even easier to do you NUCLEAR pleb tier country
also I'd be getting a lot of the fallout so fuck you nigger
>we all have to make sacrifices
It won't really solve anything. Russia will have a kiniption, and Europe would experience bad shit from it.
chemtrails that sterilize all humanoids of the middle east.In less than 100 years it will become a nice tourist destination.
>Hard mode: no nukes.
VX everything
You could try, you know, actually fighting them? ISIS gets their shit blown out every time they face actual opposition. Their only victories are against """moderate""" rebels and the Iraqi """army""" who are as likely to fight under the ISIS banner as against it.
>sandniggers killing sandniggers
And why do we need to intervene again? They're doing an exceptional job.
It's your own fault for bringing them in, cucks. Enjoy the terrorism we've had since 1885.
>implying you're not looking for a reason to end your pathetic Eastern European existence.
That's no sacrifice.
This is interesting. Implying that chemtrails even exist, sterilization would help solve the problem.
The question is what to do after we kill them? Stay there and occupy then? It's a land full of retarded tribesmen that are hopped up on religious bullshit.
Goddamnit, Clapistan. You understand NOTHING about the Middle East. Just do fuck-all, the only thing you're good at.
got me good on that one, but I already have a lot of easier ways to do it,if and probably when i decide to, and for fuck sake you know you'd be doing everyone not close enough a YUGE fucking favor, and it only takes one push of button man c'mon yall ain't that fat, that you couldn't even press the button
Communism works better senpai
It worked with the Kurds
It worked in bosnia
It worked in Albania
It worked in Central Asia
Roaches can survive nuclear blasts shitlord
You really want to give terrorists a bunch of cancer causing nuclear glass they can use as shrapnel in their bomb
Fucking idiot I stg
I think they did their job very well. No attacks on the US, minor attacks in Europe, and they have killed millions of Muslims.
Unfortunately they haven't expanded into Saudi Arabia as we hoped, so we have to replace them soon with a more violent organization.
Drop nukes to USA so USA will stop funding ISIS.
>confusing turkroaches with sand scum
You did not disappoint, burgeer.
They are the same merchant
Black pill mode: stop funding them
Not really. One is a violent barbarian dipshit content on destroying the civilized world and the other is a muslim.
Why would we stop funding ISIS? They are a failure as I mentioned, but they have allowed us to continue a state of perpetual warfare and to keep our people afraid, so they run to gov for help.
It's simple.
>Muslims aren't barbarian dipshit content in destroying the civillized world
Typical jew
You can start by stop funding them and stop bombing the people that actually fight the
In fact, just stay the fuck away from the situation entirely.
Truth and reason from Germany.
Joke your head. I didn't expect anything better from someone who can't find his country on the map.
You glass everything, including Israel
REEEE. Fucking Yanks unnecessarily interfering in our internal bollocks.
Assad is a son of a bitch but he's OUR son of a bitch. He can bark all he wants, there's fuck-all actual action came out of his cesspool in our general direction.
ISIS exists for a reason.
Discrimination of Sunnis at the hand of Iranian puppet states in the Middle East is causing a massive radicalization of Sunni people.
Of course, Iran, Syria, Russia etc refuses to accept their guilt and instead just plays the good ol "blame usa and the jooz n shiet they bad".
don't want our help? stop taking our money you fucking kike.
ban islam.
you can't be serious. do you REALLY THINK THIS WILL WORK YOU DUMB FUCK!
Do you like Oreos? Guess what I just banned liking oreos. You're not allowed to like chocolate cookies with cream in the middle.
You still like them? point illustrated.
Go fuck yourself.
Nigger, 3% of our GDP as the "aid" you give us and you fucking cucks destabilizing the entire region are two MAJOR differences.
Personally, I don't want or need your dosh, it's your aircraft carriers, submarines and nukes that'll be vastly useful when we decide to nuke the cube.
>Israel's leadership understands well why defeating Assad is now in its interests.
Nice try merchant.
>Implying we would actually help you fucking kikes.
We don't give a shit about who's who, we just want to come out on the winning side. That's a losing proposition from a losing rat of a race to help you fucking vermin when all the sand niggers come down on your "state".
nothing because they're pretty much done
they're about to lose their last border town and lifeline to turkey
>blue pill - the post.
Could you be any more of a mainstream media goy?
You just don't get it, do you? How hard is it to comprehend we want ME stability more than anyone? When shit goes down we always take the first strike and frankly, FUCK running to the bomb shelters every few hours.
>we just want to come out on the winning side
Then you best supply us with dosh and ammo and shit because if, YHWH forbid, Samson Option becomes a reality we'll go fucking full out on the entire planet.
lol with your minuscule army? please. Without the big cock of the US to swing behind you, you'd get steam rolled by the collective might of the muslim.
your retarded little yaweh doesn't even exist. It's all for naught you piece of shit.
Now go back to your little desert rat hole and try not to fuck up our real life risk game anymore than you already have.
>you'd get steam rolled by the collective might of the muslim.
Just like they tried in 1948, 1967, and 1973, amirite?
>Now go back to your little desert rat hole and try not to fuck up our real life risk game anymore than you already have.
Fuck your shit, asshole, you do NOT toy with Jews. Haven't you learned your lesson yet?
What do you define as Muslim desu? My parents are considered 'Muslim' but they're secular and integrate well and don't harm anyone. I think you're just referring to the Sharia-waving ones.
Learned my lesson? Please. Haven't you learned your lesson?
Last time you went up against anything but a sand nigger 6 million of you got gassed like you deserved.
Europe didn't want your filthy people, so we cordoned you off to some shit hole in the desert where you can jerk each other off, clip your foreskins, suck some blood off the pecker and collect your shekels.
You are nothing. You are scum. You are a rat.
Just clean the area and install a NATO government.
Not a puppet government, a western government, ruled by western people and with no representation of the citizens.
Just smash them into submission.
>Haven't you learned your lesson?
We have. Guess who owns your ass now :^)
Against Jews, you lose.
you don't own shit. All you do is talk talk talk talk talk talk. Oh we're god's chosen people. Oh we'll blow the world to smithereens if we don't get our way.
Yet you keep taking money from us to prop up your weak state.
You couldn't even live in Europe for christ sake!
I hope you get hit by a fucking rocket you filthy vermin.
One day the world will wake up and realize how much of a leech race the Jews have been their entire existence. Constant greed, lying, manipulating, backstabbing, plotting anything they can in their favor. I'm glad you are who you are. Reputation is a bitch and you'll never change. I'm proud of my white ancestors thirst for knowledge and exploration. Enjoy your never ending thirst for more shekels.
Ok guys I've been sitting on this idea for a while now... and I think it could work.
Britain, France, America and Japan (important) all pool an agreed amount of resources and create an army of ISIS killing robots.
I know it sounds outlandish but think about it, with today's technology it wouldn't be that much of a stretch. I envision a unit of terrifying metal beasts equipped with all sorts of crazy weaponry - heat seeking missiles, rail guns, ear-splitting sound weapons, holographic weaponry (to project angels of judgement in the sky). Also, inside of them (in a bomb-proof chamber) will be microbots that will emerge after the robot has been felled and wreak more havoc (just like cockroaches!) They will also blare Christian hymns when running into battle! And to prevent ISIS from getting their hands on this technology, each unit has a built in self destruct sequence to be activated once the allies realize that ISIS have some captures units.
It would be the most glorious war in our recent history, and not a single person needs to die (not counting ISIS because they are not people).
Say it with me Sup Forums: The Robotic Crusade of 2018
Colonize it and drive the native Muslims off into the desert to die, poisoning all natural water sources. It's what we Anglos are best at.
let the middle east tear itself apart and once a clear ruler ship has been established nuke them into oblivion if they don't tow the line
Hard mode solution - Systematic high frequency carpet bombing using napalm
God mode Solution - use a rock covered tsar bomb, call it a meteor strike and send your scientists in, put it on the news.
carpet bomb every city and country they are in: Paris, Brussels, London, Dearborn, Washington D.C., Baltimore, Detroit, Houston, Alexandria, Merkel, Scotland, Mexico, California, Manhattan, NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, PBS, Megyn Kelly, Dana Perino, Minnesota, Bill O'Reilly, Mark Levin's bunker, Utah, Beck, NRO, Ireland, the rest.
I really want this to happen. That's glorious.
>easy mode: kill all muslims
probably a lot harder then you think...killing off 1.6 Billion people- nearly 25% of the Worlds population...
Got tier play...
It starts with the oil in Iraq, we establish control of the oil in Iraq by bombing the roadways in and starving them out. Then airdrop in our people and begin building up the area.
Move to Iran after the assets in Iraq are controlled. Establish Shiraz as a air base of operations, and build a naval base at the neighboring coast.
This all leads to a blitzkrieg on Mecca. Come in fast and at night, and level the entire city. Proclaim the religion of Islam dead and wait for the Saudi's to over extend.
As they try to cross the Persian gulf, our new naval fleet and air force will destroy any resistance.
Take over Saudi Arabia.
Pass over large segments of land to Israel.
Keep the rest as US territories.
Establish commerce.
Build cities, universities and allow culture to flourish.
Well considering that the main core of ISIS does not exist except in the media, nothing. Once they have served their purpose they will collapse and disappear. A few groups of ignorant grunts will split off into various terrorist cells and will quietly be rounded up. Onto the next distraction.
Does anyone have the webm of the actual view of the beheading studio?
Mankind will one day build a robot army, why not use this oppurtunity to experiment with them. Just look at these terrifying beasts sitting around going to waste.
Kill everyone in the whole world
According to Angela Merkel you let them into your country and give them your lives as a sacrifice on the alter of western guilt.
I think we should hand over the Bush administration members who were responsible for Iraq and let ISIS try them for war crimes.
Carpet bomb the entire middle east
kek that filename. Too bad I'm too much of a pussy to actually watch it.
No one is making a effort to kill ISIS, everyone is taking care of his business, it is just deals and political bullshit.
let's see them try that shit with the glorious Serpent of Eden Unit slithering up their rectums and opening out their spinning razor jaws, delivering them from their life of sin.
Fake news reports about a high profile terrorist preacher being sent back Syria, really hype that shit up. Instruct him to unite as many insurgents into 1 building as possible to discuss organising the biggest atrocity staged by isis. Before big speech he pops out for a piss. Door locks. Thermite stored in the rafters rains white hot justice on their heads. No collateral damage. Many high profile targets taken down. Isis infrastructure destabilised. Pick off the remaining weaklings.
We need to send a campaign of troops in suits of literal walking tank power armor with full air, ground and intelligence support to just stomp though countries that isis operates from. We need power armor, seriously.
Large scale military escalation, fast moving armoured forces move through the wide open country side, isolating pockets of is fighters. Simply a matter of starving them out, and blowing up any attempts at a break out.
Following the defeat if isis, demand immediate ceasefire and bring all sides to table under threat of letting isis loose. Secure kurdish state, remove extremist elements and bring assad to cooperate with moderates. A un mandated task force will stay in syria to keep the peace between the factions until such a point they can work together.
are you a sympathizer? Why assist them with their propaganda?
Best scenario that won't happen: nuke the middle East
Best scenario that could happen: ground troops fighting Isis
This only makes people hate them more you short sighted idiot.
you are in denial roach, everyone is making lots of effort with airstrikes and ground combat, but they are too resilient or they have some kind of spawn hive like you roaches. it's like the more you kill the more they grow.