When did Sup Forums go to shit?
We used to argue earnestly about politics across the aisle, and share conspiracy theories here.
Now it's just an absolute shithole.
When did Sup Forums go to shit?
We used to argue earnestly about politics across the aisle, and share conspiracy theories here.
Now it's just an absolute shithole.
Because Australians started posting here
Ur doggo is too fat u need to take it for a walk
>Canada blames Australia.
Around presidential elections this place is shit
I hate to break it to you, but the entirety of Sup Forums has been shit for ~5 years now.
Sup Forums is one of the only boards that still functions like pre-2009 Sup Forums
Americans don't walk their dogs
Because it's filled with disillusioned robots or MGTOWs who have invaded and turned this place into just another one of those beta shitposting boards.
Poor doggo
>When did Sup Forums go to shit?
When the trumpcucks took over.
it went to shit when it went from jews and shit bordering on /x/ tier to all trump all the time.
typical election cycle bullshit. i doubt it'll ever be as good as it was during the trayvon trial but it should at least return to proving the kikes are behind everything after this election.
pic related: notice hillary clinton in the red on the left side.
$0.01 has been deposited into your account
Really makes you think.
>When the trumpcucks took over.
*Couphs* *Couphs*
>When thy shills came over and made Sup Forums a literally shill factory
>Also CTR shills came over with the Liberal Shills
Poor pupper ;(
I do take my dog on a walk most days, leaf disguised as americunt
Its okay, because that doggo was adopted by a veterinarian and lost all that weight
He looks like he'd be tasty. Yum.
Yeah walk from the ford pick up truck to the walmart at your strip mall
gook detected
A few things to blame:
>Sup Forumstards
Raids accomplished nothing with Sup Forums alone, so retards started recruiting Sup Forumstards and that attracted them to this board. Now you have Sup Forums YLYL/YRYL threads.
I don't know what the fuck is up with this generation of posters, but it seems to me that "ironic" meming is not ironic at all. How many threads per day requesting "memes" of any particular subject without any backlash? 10 Years ago, we'd have told you to all lurk more and go to /r/.
Enough said. They are also part of the previous two communities.
They stickied rules they don't even enforce.
Nope. I've just always fancied trying dog meat.
I have a dachshund this exact color and these pics infuriate me. Glad my pupper is /fit/
Those fucking geese are awful.
It won't get better until after the election. However, the occult threads seem like they are here to stay. This place will forever be full of people worshipping ancient Egyptian frog gods, obsessing over moloch and owls, and threads about flat/hollow earth or hidden alien bases on the moon or Antarctica. At least those threads are entertaining though.
Your in canada, nice try leaf. We don't even live close to each other. Not even at the boarder btw.
Wait till the election is over I guess. Trump and kek have made this board a political version of s4s.
I miss when Sup Forums was /new/
shills and massive amount of newfags
Shart in Mart
People from Sup Forums started to post here.
It sucks, but theres nothing we can do
just go down to the local gook market or gook flied lice restaurant, though you're gonna have to ask for dog as cat is more common.
Good all Americans should go South, anywhere it snows is Canadian Territory
I've read a lot of whack shit here tonight but this just pisses me off.
>Most days
You shouldn't own a dog, you piece of shit.
Libfag here. Nobody bothers to even argue anymore so it stopped being fun. I'm just here because I like watching altrights making complete idiots of themselves.
>strip mall
>implying strip mall businesses can compete with Walmart prices
Our local walmart is at a strip mall
Leaf I live in Washington. So I'm all the way to the east of this whole fucked up country. So you know leaf I live in the North. South is so so land but canda once we get fucked over for our mistakes but you're next for the niggers, mudslimes, and sjws. Just remember that, entitled leaf.
My Sophie almost got that bad before I adopted her
People who let their dogs get that fat just lock them up in a cage all day and over feed them out of guilt
just wait for American elections to be over + 2 months and everything should go back to normal
Nice post. Thank you for making America great again.
>When did Sup Forums go to shit?
when you defeated the Republican party
>You shouldn't own a dog, you piece of shit.
So I shouldn't care for an animal. Whatever not like I care.
Make sure to pet, feed and walk your wiener properly.
>Hillary Clinton in red
Are you fucking kidding me you fucking retarded.
The face of nightmares
also that kek'n at that ill bill
I know that feel bro. Trumpkins, CTR shills, autistic kek bullshit, etc... I'm struggling at the moment. It reminds me of Sup Forums harbor.
hillary supporter detected
It will be back to normal after the elections.
It's the usual cycle. Just sit back relax and enjoy the ride kiddo.
Pfft. You're looking at this place with nostalgia glasses.
In the past the BBC porn was more rampant, faggot liberal trip fags like Rosemary used to create threads non stop, and merchant threads were the only fun threads in existence. Plus muh JIDF
This board hasn't changed much at all you worthless faggot piece of shit
Australian shitposters and some Romanian ones play a part in turning Sup Forums to shit, but the rest of you motherfuckers love to feed the trolls.
This place has been invaded by paid shills, I'm not even joking. Whenever Clinton is not doing well the place is inundated with left wing nutcases. I say nutcases because I honestly believe they're suffering from a disorder, they feel extremely threatened because their belief system is being torn apart.
>We used to argue earnestly about politics across the aisle, and share conspiracy theories here.
I seem to remember anyone who dissented with the main view of the board being accused of working for the JIDF. Now it's CTR. Sup Forums's the same. It's you whose changed and wrapped himself up in a false sense of nostalgia that never existed in the first place.
Surprisingly redpilled
Donner , Zimmerman, and Trump was the final nail.
now it is all meme spam.
no discussion just an echo chamber anyone who disagrees with "us" must be a shill or some other boogyman.
In addition to Clinton shills, there' Putin shills. This board is literally a battleground for opposing shills. Whatever opinion or "truth" is voiced the most is accepted as fact. This kills the board
I wonder if the ruskies are aware of how many putin shills there are
stop re envisioning history.
Sup Forums hated dubya and made fun of his stupidity constantly.
It will go back to normal after the Election.
It seems KEK has blessed our posts and this thread