Well this show was accurately named.
Basically every single character is the Flash.
Well this show was accurately named.
Basically every single character is the Flash.
what does that mean
Flash is great but the show is fucking stupid. All the other characters are just some weak variation of flash
That doesn't make any sense. Anyone else kind of pissed that we'll never get a actor that actually looks like Flash.
This whole post is spoilers.
You've got Barry Allen,The Flash, and then you've got Eobard Thawne, the Reverse Flash, okay? Sometimes Eobard Thawne is called Zoom, but not in this show. Now Reverse Flash wanted to be The Flash, but everything got messed up because of time paradoxes, so he decides to be the opposite of The Flash, however while fighting The Flash he killed The Flash's mom and caused another time paradox so he couldn't time travel anymore. So what he did was kill scientist Harrison Wells and take his place. So Harrison Wells (who is really the Reverse Flash) uses science magic to turn Barry into The Flash, but then they all figure out who he is and erase him from time. The Flash goes back to the past and meets Future The Flash who tells him not to save his mom to avoid more paradoxes. Pretty straightforward right?
Now, The Flash accidentally opens a portal to another reality where they meet Harrison Wells, who isn't the Harrison Wells we knew, nor is he Eobard. Harry's planet is being harassed by a black Flash who his reality's version of The Flash can't stop. This Flash, known as Jay Garrick, comes to The Flash's world but doesn't have any powers. Everyone ties to fight the black Flash, who they call Zoom, and in doing so accidentally give Harrison Wells daughter speed powers and turn her into the girl Flash (but not our Harrison Wells because he died before he had a daughter). Then Zoom kills the Jay Garrick Flash, and all hope seems lost, but it turns out Zoom actually the Jay Garrick Flash, because he made a clone of himself with time travel, but Zoom isn't actually Jay Garrick, he's Hunter Zoloman, who is his reality's version of The Flash, and he has kidnapped another reality's The Flash who is the real Jay Garrick (But not our Jay Garrick, who is our Flash's dad). So, The Flash (Zoloman) kills The Flash's (Allen) dad. They stop Zoom and Undead Flashes turn him into the Black Flash (Capital B). Got it so far?
Continued below.
I forgot to mention, they stop Zoom by making a second The Flash with time travel and killing him.
Now, The Flash was upset about his parents dying, and goes back in time to save his mom by stopping the Reverse Flash (who isn't Harrison Wells yet) and erasing The Flash (from season 1) from existence. After a few months, he realizes this is a mistake and tries to fix reality, but breaks it more. The Flash (Garrick, the real one, but not ours) tells him that he fucked up and to stop time traveling. They fight a black Flash (costume, not skin color) who isn't Zoom, he's actually from the alternate reality and somehow came here. They call him Rival, but he's never mentioned again so whatever. The Flash (Allen) caused changes that made a new villain, Savatar appear, and Savatar is giving people powers. Savatar gives Barry's adopted brother speed powers, and he becomes a black Flash (skin color, not costume) who they call Kid Flash. Kid Flash was The Flash back in the alternate reality that The Flash made. Harry helps the team find a new Harrison Wells, and after interviewing about three, the team brings Harrison Wells to their reality, who they call H.R. and isn't a scientist but is a writer. The Flash and Kid Flash try to stop Savatar, but he is always outsmarting them. Eventually, they put two and two together and discover that Savatar is The Flash from the Future (But not The Flash from the future who fights Reverse Flash in the past. Did I mention Reverse Flash is from the future?) This Flash is actually another time travel clone that The Flash made to stop Savatar, but ended up becoming evil, and eventually Savatar. In the end, The Flash (Allen, Savatar) manages to beat The Flash (Allen) and kill Iris but actually Harrison Wells (H.R.) manages to trick The Flash (both) by pretending to be Iris and getting killed. This requires Harrison Wells (Harry) to comfort Harrison Wells's (H.R.) girlfriend.
Almost done
In the final battle, The Flash (Allen), The Flash (Garrick, but not ours) and Kid Flash all fight The Flash (Allen, Savatar) and they even bring in Black Flash (Costume, not skin color, who was Zoom who was Zoloman who was Garrick) and managed to just barely save the day.
So yeah, everyone is The Flash.
Well now that I think of it, I guess some people were Harrison Wells too.
capeshit is so fucking stupid
Don't forget emo The Flash from the future who is also black (clothes and hair, not costume or skin color)
>Sometimes Eobard Thawne is called Zoom
no he isn't, he used to be called Professor Zoom sometimes, Zoom has always been Zolomon and since his creation Thawne was practically never again called Prof Zoom
We did
The dude who played Eddie
As someone whose never seen the show or read the comics everything you said confused the everloving fuck out of me. Are all those Flash's from different universes or are they from different time periods?
It's mostly CW-tier teen schlock but it has occasional flashes of brilliance.
what the fuck
The first season was fun; the second was clearly being made up as they went along and had lapses in logic aplenty, but was still kind of enjoyable; the third just took things to new heights of absurdity and was pure cringe.
The only thing that can save this show is if they massively dial back all the time travel/alt universe/cosmic shit and make it more grounded. But considering the trajectory of the series as a whole, I'm not optimistic.
come on spoil that shit for those who haven't watched it
I loved the show but it's really going the route of Arrow.
>The show just can't have Barry be the only good speedster
>Fucking half the cast is now speedsters, we have Barry, Wells' daughter, Joe's son, Savitar (Bad barry), several others who have died
>Joe's son is fucking faster than Barry even though he's only had powers for a couple months compared to two years
>Completely unneeded relationship drama that fucking overwhelms the plot
Honestly the last season was pretty bad towards the end. I mean holy shit, who the fuck didn't see Savitar being Barry? There's foreshadowing, and then there's just fucking screaming I AM THE FUTURE FLASH in three different fucking scenes like it's some clever deep line that no one will understand. And Savitars origin story doesn't even make sense. So he's meant to be a time remnant of Barry, and the original Barry dies, and he ends up turning evil because his friends and family reject him and treat him like a monster. The problem with this is his friends and family would never fucking do this. I mean even they seem shocked about it, and make a real effort to befriend Bad Barry even though he's fucking murdered people. They'd never treat a clone of Barry as a monster when it did nothing wrong, but they wrote that in just as a fucking cop out for le evil clone meme
>the second was clearly being made up as they went along and had lapses in logic aplenty
I'm still fucking mad over that MASSIVE lack of logic near the end.
>Barry finally gets fast enough to beat Zoom
>Literally runs circles around him
>Zoom somehow manages to outrun Barry and kidnap Wally. Kind of a stretch, but okay
>Zoom threatens to kill Wally unless Barry gives his powers over
>Barry agrees
>Zoom brings Wally over, and EVERYONE is there with weapons, and Barry is STILL fucking faster than Zoom
I'm fucking sick of this boring as shit cliche of "We the good guys, so we can't ever lie" bullshit.
maybe i'm retarded but i still have no idea who the ''original'' Savitar was
I think it's just a fucking paradox shit with Savitar always being Barry. Or the original Savitar was a nameless character, but by using a time remnant to defeat him they ended up creating the new Savitar
>previous episode
>flash loses to reverse flash
>next episode
>"my name is barry allen, and i'm NOT the fastest man alive"
God damn this is so sad because it is so accurate
Yeah that was heard how he never got the role especially since bobble head got the role.
Yeah I was on board with Season 1 because it was just Flash and Reverse Flash. Kinda stupid that the bad guy was also The Flash, but it wasn't a big deal because all the heroes have an opposite version of themselves. Like Bizarro or Sinestro.
But then Season 2 happened and it was just The Flash again. And then everyone became The Flash, and I jumped ship.
This. Killed. Me.
As I was watching it, I thought "They must have tricked Zoom. Like, draining his power instead of Barry's. Or...or something."
Like you said, Zoom had ZERO leverage at that point other than Barry's "honor" of keeping his word, and obviously any rational person would agree that it would be more honorable to lie to a psycho than to basically give him unlimited power.
Truly a shark-jumping moment.
It was all an elaborate ruse so that Barry could inherit his father's estate.
Original Barry doesn't die, he becomes emo.