Why is my country so stupid when it comes to healthcare?
Why is my country so stupid when it comes to healthcare?
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It'd be more realistic if Walt died waiting for a hospital bed for Canada.
Something something muh freedom
Le ebin socialized medicine doesn't work maymay xD
Because fags like you deserve to die out
>next week
Pretty sure you get on a queue that starts about 3 months away from diagnosis. Same with all other chronic issues. The only real benefit is if you have an easily treatable problem in the ER, which gets treated for (seemingly) free.
That pic is also related to French health system
Walt would've ended up cooking meth anyway. He was already unsatisfied with his job and the people in his life. He had the capacity for evil and the want of adventure, cancer was just a catalyst
Yeah no. Yours is costlier. For a shorter life and more infant mortality. Also more fatties. The end
>next week
It'd be the same show he'd just have to drive across the border and pay privately. There'd probably be more Molson as well. And puffy jackets.
Except you have to ignore the part when he declines payment for treatment from his partner.
Holy shit! It takes over 2 months to get a CT scan?!
If I went to the ER now, I could have one within the next 12 hours
Doesn't inoperable mean its unable to be operated on? It had nothing to do with money
Adjust for race and see why I love our system
>not the medical jew
>you have cancer
>you're going to be put on a waiting list for the next several years until our batshit system can find room for you, good luck
>my country
Profits on our health.
Instead of making sure all its citizens are top notch fighting condition.
is there a full time teacher in america who doesn't have decent health insurance?
will walt ever get the treatment he needs after waiting 2 months? stay tuned to find out
We only have those problems because of all the spics and niggers. If you're a white person with a decent job, you're in the clear, and on average just as healthy as Canadians
They found a polyp was blocking my nasal cavity when I went in to see about some breathing issues in mid June.
Appointment to see a specialist: September 27th.
And I'm not sure if that's just for them to look at it and make a plan for its later removal, or if it gets removed that day..
I don't like to be a mouth breather, I want my sense of smell back.
more like
"we have noticed your survival rate doesn't meet the requirements so here is medication to ease the pain of death"
It does?
The problem isn't usually lack of insurance, the problem is covering the deductibles. Also, certain policies won't cover certain procedures, so those have to come out of pocket.
Are American Doctors over paid or do they deserve the $200k salary instead of the $100k salary?
That sucks
I can just drop by the witch doctor any time. He will give me some cow piss and put some leeches on my penis. I'll be good as new.
Except the teachers union would have even better insurance than the leafs.
Why are the people in my country so stupid?
There's a reason the best doctors in the world come to work in the US
Canada is actually a pretty poor example of socialised medicine by international standards.
You should thank God that you don't live in a socialist shithole like Venezuela.
> Why is my country so stupid
At least you're asking the right question.
Isolation from Europe made you stupid. You're an Australia with nukes.
Tip top kek
Cow piss & leaches, Pffft I get that treatment every time I go for a swim in the dugout.
God bless Alberta!
>I'm not clicking an archive link
You're a fucking faggot.
One has to wonder if you guys are getting ripped off.
Try living next to rich as fuck neighbor who treats healthcare as a growth business. Which isn't sustainable, because they are bleeding their population dry.
>UK, number 1 in almost all fields.. except it's 10th in the "healthy lives" bar..
Things that makes my gears turn.
I really don't think you understood what happened in the show at all.
He could have gotten the treatment just fine.
the US ranks average to poor in most healthcare provision, despite the fact that it spends more than twice as much per capita as countries like the UK
It would more be like: Ok then, just wait in the back of the cancer line for 6 months, or if you are on the edge of death... Treatment starts next week.
It depends on the urgency. CT scans will often happen same day for emergency care. One thing you have to understand is that because health care is "free" here, doctors see no reason not to use every possible tool at their disposal for diagnosis. This means a lot of diagnostics are done not because they're necessary but simply because they're available, and when you compound this into wait times it makes the metrics look horrible. Not that our healthcare system is without problems, mind you.
well that's why we need a good medical system - we're a nation of obese alcoholics
>archive link
>won't look
Oh now, the spooky Sup Forums ppl are gonna give me a Trojan
>t. plebbit
Did Walter want to have money to leave behind for his family, not necessarily get treatment?
youre a fucking cuck. I had a small lump on my leg and thought it was odd. went to get it checked and they ordered a specialist for 6 months later
so i simply called them and complained of pain for 3 days. less than 5 phone calls later i have a e-health on the phone telling me that my treatment for biopsy (and removal) in one week.
you are a fucking spin doctor kike. Talking shit about healthcare.
I only get fly amanita infused reindeer piss and semilanceata mushrooms from my local shaman, I really have to press him to start providing some leeches
Had an obese alcoholic from Leeds-on-Somethingoranother fly over for a 4 day paint ball tournament, cool guy, wished him luck with BREXIT.
you are retarded. yes, in relation to a country with 1/40th the landmass and double the population, we suck. but in the world, being top 10 is, in fact, great.
I would rather be last of the top 10 public healthcare systems than have nothing at all.
> Treatment starts next decade
>6 month waiting period
>has to lie about excruciating pain for three days for them to bump you ahead on their list
So... you're just backing our argument that our healthcare system is slow as fuck.
Good job you goof.
>next week
all the cannucks from hoc say special shit gets you put on at least a months waitlist
you must not be from canada bud
lots of canucks will head down to the states to get a quick surgery and shell out the cash because it faster.
You should remember that Canada has a huge line problem
people have died waiting in line for "free healthcare"
>b-but when you get hurt then everyone will help pay for y-
"Now please wait 2-3 years to receive your """"free"""'" treatment that we will choose based on how cheap it is. And be sure to remember to pay your 70% tax until then. Thank you for participating in he best health care system in the world."
>one week
thats still stupidly long even AFTER you bitched and complain about your non-issue
how many people do this? I bet tons, everyone trying to get to the front of the line
>any medical intervention
>next week
When 10 years of school is required you deserve that income
Has anyone tried bribing doctors or nurses? I feel it will become a norm soon
>the US ranks average to poor in most healthcare provision, despite the fact that it spends more than twice as much per capita as countries like the UK
All that money funds research of new technologies and methods that other countries eventually adopt.
Not to mention funding jewish lawyers.
>All that money funds research of new technologies and methods that other countries eventually adopt.
some of it, yes. But a vast amount is simply lost to the inefficiencies of the US healthcare system.
Also, do you honestly think the US is the only country that does healthcare research?
And the jewish lawyers meme is just something right-wingers bring out to distract from the crappiness of the US system. Lawsuits and liability insurance only account for a tiny fraction of healthcare costs
Two words
>Research Hospital
The US doesn't just treat people, we also pour a shit ton of funding into R&D. 90% of the cost of anything nowadays is R&D.
>next week
lmao, I fucking wish
sick lies leaf
Canada has research hospitals, friend. So does the UK and nearly everywhere in Europe and Asia.
>But a vast amount is simply lost to the inefficiencies of the US healthcare system.
I'm skeptical of this idea.
If this were so, obamacare wouldn't have been such a fantastic failure. It doesn't make any sense.
>>But a vast amount is simply lost to the inefficiencies of the US healthcare system.
Talk to literally anyone who knows about healthcare.
And they don't put out half the meaningful medical content that America does.
But I'm sure that's a coincidence.
people are willing to spend 10,000 dollars over waiting six months
I have private Insurance in Australia. If I needed a CT scan or MRI I could get it done today (today is Saturday)
>found outthat I have testicular cancer
>surgery to remove tumor a week later
>three months of chemotherapy as soon as I've recovered from surgery
>dozens of specialist doctors appointments
>heaps of x-rays and CT scans
Out of pocket cost to me: $0.00 (well parking at the hospital cost a couple of dollars each time)
If I'd gotten cancer in Burgerland, I'd have to choose between crippling debt or death. Here, with a decent health care system, getting cancer was more of an annoying inconvenience.
Sure feels good living in the first world
wasn't cancer the indication that you were meant to die tho?
then why not just stick with private insurance and not pay an extra 10% of your income to the government
I don't know about this, but I was assigned a CT scan and I got it 3 weeks later. Wasn't even serious.
Thread Closed: Obamacare solved healthcare
Next week? Lmao, I had to wait three months to get treatment.
No, but it did improve insurance coverage.
Do you support me being shot?
>treatment starts next week
lmao is this what foreigners seriously think about our medical system? Treatments starts in 2-5 years bro.
RIP in piece Canada bro
Social darwinism is a DUTY.
you guys don't have options?
over here we have both government funded hospitals and private hospitals.
both are quite reasonably high quality.
the private hospitals are also fairly priced, seeing as they are basically competing with free.
No more than someone getting any other sort of illness that needs medical intervention.
Does getting an infection and needing antibiotics indicate that someone was supposed to die? Perhaps, but that just shows how far beyond the rest of nature humanity has progressed
Tell that to the insurance companies dropping Obamacare. Aetna for the most recent example.
""""""""""""""""""""free""""""""""""""""""" healthcare is a meme for idiots
Here's your Saudi doctor that doesn't give two shits about anything in life and just gives you any pills you ask for.
I had cancer when I was younger. I started treatment about a week after I was diagnosed. Quite accurate IMO.
You already pay for other people's Healthcare, but because there isn't a line item or tax showing you do, you think you don't
Google "United States when your 911 call goes to wall street". A very enlightening article about privatization of healthcare.
>Be American
>go see doctor
>Get order for CAT
>drive to hospital
>Go to Radiology
>Throw down script
>Tell them...
>Oh wait I'm already ready to go
>Get diagnosed as nothing wrong
Whew lads
Google "canadian prime minister goes to us for surgery"
fucking leaf
Wait, so it didn't improve insurance coverage?
>implying it takes that quickly