Why is this so comfy?
Why is this so comfy?
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For me it's the soundtrack that made it comfy. If you're looking for something similar in tone, I would recommend Tree of Life or better yet, pic related.
For me? It's the McChicken.
Is Japan comfy?
not in the cities. It's overcrowded and everyone is stacked on top of each other.
what's up with scarjo and japanese shit? isn't she american?
no. everyone smells like garlic pills and has visible wiry pubes.
I live on the group floor, view like this always makes me jelly.
I remember on pic from comfy thread, mattress in the corner of the room, with big windows that cover whole room.
comfy 10/10
cute girl, funny old guy you can project into, lots of bright colors, soothing music
>It took some time to convince Scarlett Johansson that a lingering shot of her bottom, encased in sheer, pink pants, was categorically the only way that director Sofia Coppola could open Lost in Translation, officially the hottest film of next year. Johansson had reservations. 'I really didn't want to do the sheer underwear,' she says. She's not being coy about it. Coy isn't in her repertoire. It doesn't go with her voice, which is low, sardonic, fag-filled. 'I told Sofia. I said, I'll wear underwear, if it isn't sheer. I had to wear underwear, like, the whole movie. It became very easy for me to trounce around in my underwear, in front of a large group of Japanese men. A skill I probably won't utilise again, admittedly. But sheer... sheer was... different.'
>Coppola talked Johansson round. She wanted sheer pink underwear. She'd written precisely those pants into the script. She knew which brand she wanted. Coppola's an aesthete. These kind of things aren't negotiable. And in the end, after Coppola had modelled the pants personally, and Johansson had admired the way they looked on her director's minuscule frame, she agreed.
Not that comfy at all the lighting makes the city look gross and dirty (which it probably is)
Please tell me more about these "visible wiry pubes"
>Coppola talked Johansson round. She wanted sheer pink underwear. She'd written precisely those pants into the script. She knew which brand she wanted. Coppola's an aesthete. These kind of things aren't negotiable. And in the end, after Coppola had modelled the pants personally, and Johansson had admired the way they looked on her director's minuscule frame, she agreed.
This makes my dick hard.
Hey everybody, watch out! We got an aesthete in here!
Wide shots, soft lighting, and lofty music
Scarjo, Bill Murray, Tokyo, Shoegaze, Romcom. Pretty decent recipe for comfy
she's a jew
director was a jew
producer was a jew
coppolas are italian
its literally the story of why sofia and spike jonze divorced
and "her" is his version of their breakup
scarjo is in both...
paternal grandparents were polish jewish immigrants, her cousin is jason schwartzman
t, never has been in japan before.
everyone is literally walks in a straight line and stays out of your way, they dont even look at you
how its like being a white person and going to asian country? do you feel smug all the time?
The main characters lead comfortable lives
I blame this film for starting my hobby of watching live webcams, street walks and train journeys or simply just browsing foreign lands in Google streetview. Very good way to relax.
>coppolas are italian
Imagine being in your 30s but mentally remaining a child.
I wish I had your cozy brain where nothing hides anything.
t. has been to Tokyo and thinks it represents the entire country
i downloaded this months ago but it just looks so fucking numalecore
>how its like being a white person and going to asian country?
"This is just like [INSERT ANY WESTERN CITY], what a waste of time."