ITT: Shit movies Sup Forums tricked you into watching
ITT: Shit movies Sup Forums tricked you into watching
Same OP
It also seemed like a remake of the superior (but still meh) Felon
Maybe prison movies that aren't Shawshank or The Great Escape or the Eastwood Escape from Alcatraz aren't for me
it wasn't bad but a bit silly
I wouldn't say it was shit. I have seen a lot worse recommended on here.
it was god tier
also /ourjew/ was involved.
The movie should've been about Bottles.
fucking awful
did his balls itch?
white collar power fantasy
this one will be popular at the office
Off the top of my head...The Conjuring.
The movies this year have been so underwhelming that when a movie like Shotcaller comes around it is praised. It is something that feels different and the lead puts in a good performance. It may not be great but it is a cut above what has come out as a majority.
I agree. It's easy to shoot holes in the plots of many movies, but being that it wasn't a major release, it's not that bad. I get it that it's not perfect but I didn't have high expectations and was entertained.
God this was so shit.
Turned it off halfway.
Why do Americans have 0 fucking taste.
Trite, hipster trash. LOOK HOW QUIRKY EVERYTHING IS. Fuck off.
Give me some recs then since you have such good taste.
Nobody here told anyone ever to watch fucking JUNO.
jacob's ladder and dunkirk
We're to busy running the world while being in second place.
> t. Pleb
lmao he's fucking great
What a terrible fucking actor - are you serious?
yes fuck you, you just don't get it
great pleb filter. easily the best film of 2016
Mad Max: Road Fury. Not falling for this board's shit again.
So I should try rewatching Neon Demon tonight instead of Tank Girl for the first time?
I just couldn't connect to the theme of the movie, I'm not obsessed with beauty
Fortress is a better prison flick
Was getting caught part of his plan?
How many shots does he calls in the movie? Be honest.
It Follows and The Void.
People who watched this movie are the same type who still watch b-tier horror flicks
Beyond the shit rainbow
No other shit movie has gotten such praise from Sup Forums
Read some more and maybe you''ll appreciate BvS
name a better example!
Read what? Sup Forumss 20 different variations of headcanon to explain away the various glaring plotholes or the ones defending that stupid jar of piss? My favorite are the Eisenberg ones. Bring up Lex and the only response you ever get is "Name a better MCU villain". DCucks are so insecure they bring up the MCU in every argument, it's pretty funny.
This but the ultimate edition.
Lex was a fine antagonist. YOU prove your point
Nonwhites who are definitely not in the car
Then name some recs, fuckface.
>white boi pucci stock broker becomes leader of LA white Power gang
Totally believable
When will these prison movies die out?
It was so obvious what the outcome would be once I saw Shotgun's(Bernthal) behavior around Money(boi pucci Charlie Hunam) the first scene.
I thought is was only OK, but I am a burger.
Fuck off
is that the green ranger?