do it fag
Do it fag
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I'm here in the Olympics chilling because of him. Thanks Obama!
Pretty good President and a hell of alot of better then Bush also he trolled your queen pretty hard
there is no if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if rating
I wouldn't rape that person with your dick.
WTF is wrong with you?
He is the worst president we have ever had
Figures pulled out of someones ass.
Source: Dept of Labor.
How is Obama worse then bush?
He's shit. He's just simply shit. Even his skin colour is pointing towards him being shit.
>Liberals actuallybelieve obama rubbed his hands together and created jobs all by himself.
I want to die.
He created more jobs then Bush and thats a fact
15x more
lol like this really proves anything. just admit obama is a globalist facist and we can go from there
Mediocre Golfer
He hasnt aged well. Would not fuck!
>15 million jobs created in 77 months
>but we needed 38.5 million new jobs over 77 months just to keep up with population growth
Sixth post best post.
Gotta be down there...........maybe 2 out of 10........although everyone has a job at Arby's now.
right wing retards fail at math every fucking time.
>>but we needed 38.5 million new jobs over 77 months just to keep up with population growth
Holy shit you think the US working age population goes up 500,000 per month?
Obama is far, far worse. He fucked the economy even worse than Bush did.
He socialized healthcare into a single system while lying that you could keep your current provider (in the majority of cases your healthcare does not comply with the new standards) raising prices, decreasing service values, forcing people to buy products they don't want to buy (you MUST have health care now or else you get fined) while at the same time he and congress has opted out of his own health care system because they are an elite class and are well aware of how stupid their regulations are.
Obama is the first president that I know of to assassinate a U.S. citizen abroad through drone strike. I don't know of any other president who has killed a fellow citizen except through ye olde honor duels.
He has presided over the most corrupt federal government we have ever had and done fuckall to stop it. I'd go on about it but I'm not here for an essay contest on why Obama's constant vacations and ignoring issues unless it's about saying that trayvon is totally a good kid before we even had a clue as to what had happened after he was later proven totally at fault like most retarded criminals. Obama is divisive with race issues and sensitive issues and politics, he is economically an idiot because muh stimulus and cooking the books to make his numbers seem much more optimistic than they are, he is a socialist, he is lazy, he is corrupt (of course he is, he's from chicago politics) he is the worst president. I would suffer through a hundred George Bush years before a single day of Obama.
Weed still a federal crime and gitmo operating.
Promises not kept.
No, we just understand that libfags constantly move the goal posts and do amazing mental gymnastics to always either claim victory on muh numbers or blame someone else for why their predictions didn't work.
You're on the wrong side of history, faggot. We've stopped bothering to care what you say because your fucking track record sucks and you can't seem to grasp the real stats when they're clear. Why argue with retards, so you keep on being you, leftistfag.
4/5. He should have taken advantage of a supermajority to establish a true single payer system instead of needlessly cooperating with congressional conservatives to create the half-measure that is the ACA. Other than that, he has performed an exemplary two terms, made the world respect America again, and done amazing things considering the obstructionism he faces.
He's done pretty good.
>Wall Street Reform
>changed the status quo on healthcare
>avoided war with Iran
>gave the Muslim Brotherhood enough rope to hang themselves
>Paris climate accord
>got Sotomayor on the SC
>a lot of little but important things like improving government IT
And much of this is with him only really having 2 years of being able to govern before the GOP congress came in and obstructed everything they could.
Points off for:
>continuing to allow NSA surveillance
>fuckups in Syria and Lybia
>gay attempts at the Simpson-Bowles "grad bargain"
Overall 8/10 would vote for again.
I agree with this, but his Syrian/Libyan regime change was shit.
>Email adress
>Postal zipcode
No thanks FBI
Is it true that Obama is the 4th worst in GDP growth? Such a great job creater.......shame he will go down in history with the worst of them.
Can you explain how your right wing retard friend got this figure.
>but we needed 38.5 million new jobs over 77 months just to keep up with population growth
>le flat lining jobs graph
Jesus Christ............I just watched you faceplant
>He fucked the economy even worse than Bush did
LOL are you serious? The stock market collapse and recession started under Bush nothing Obama has done to the economy even compares to how badly Bush ruined it, All of Americas economic problems can be traced back to Bush
really flatlining
>Not a single person prosecuted for financial crisis
>filled administration and goon squad with worst scum of wall street and silicon valley -- see Eric schmidt
>bombed 8 countries and took out a few Doctors Without Borders hospitals
>quantitative easing was massive failure for the average person
>Bush tax cuts, Patriot Act, and NDAA signed...put Manning away for 30 years
>got caught spying on all European leaders, don't think there's a lot of respect there
His best work was stopping the neocons from bullying him into Ukraine escalation, thankfully Hillary was gone by that point. The days where you actually got retard neocon policy from a retard neocon seem so quaint now that I almost long for them
Id guess he got that from emplyoment statistics which show how many people actually dont have jobs, while Unemployments stats show who doesnt have a job who is currently looking for one which leaves out many people who would otherwise be working if gibsmedats didnt exist.
It wasn't ransom, it was money the Hague had ordered us to pay anyway.
We've released a lot of money to Iran as a part of our detente. Would you rather he didn't get the hostages back and just gave them the money, or do you want another stupid war?
>He socialized healthcare into a single system
If only this were true...
>He has presided over the most corrupt federal government we have ever had and done fuckall to stop it
Were you literally born in 2008?
Is your period key broken?
To be fair the roots of the financial crisis go back to Reagan and Clinton contributed greatly too.
One of the things Bush did right was TARP. But his pathetic tax cuts and the Iraq war were very bad for the nation's finances and were totally avoidable.
ok............tell us HOW Bush caused the collapse..........oh can't............because it was deregulation that BILL CLINTON and the Democrats pushed........and Barney Frank and his buddies at Fanny and Freddie given to millions to who had no collateral, no jobs even......then wall street bundled these loans that BARNEY FRANK and the Democraps told them were ' good as gold and a solid investment' and lost their ass when the lying americans defaulted on thier house payments by the millions..........THANKS DEMOCRATS!!!
But no..............YOU the low information voter........just repeat what MSNBC tells you...........
3/10, would have been just mediocre if it wasn't for his piss poor method of dealing with terrorism by basically just saying "THIS WOULDN'T HAPPEN IF WE DIDN'T HAVE GUNS" and how shitty things have gotten beneath him as late, as far as race relations go.
>while Unemployments stats show who doesnt have a job who is currently looking for one which leaves out many people who would otherwise be working if gibsmedats didnt exist.
I guess you're the fucking retard who never heard of U4, U5 and U6 rates.
Seriously how are all of you so fucking stupid?
seriously, go away until you learn how to stop typing like a retard
We finally have 140,000 employed? Fuck you.
Arby's jobs for everyone!!!
Brawndo for everyone!!!
Don't talk about jobs you're not qualified for, right wing retard.
2/10. While abysmal, there have been worse presidents. His foreign policy implementation has further destabilized the mid-east, africa, and europe. The jobs added are not helping the ever-increasing pool of low-skill workers at the bottom of the heap. Our trade agreements are pathetic. ACA has been disastrous and it's only going to get worse. Racial tensions are at the highest point I've seen in my lifetime (born in 80). This is pretty much everything I expected with the slow slide of mediocrity I've been experiencing in my lifetime since the Clinton administration. God help us if Hillary wins, because I want off this ride.
Wow..............look everyone...........its the grammar fag..........
her dictator outfits kill me
great here we go again with the leaf that thinks Obama was great because of job growth while ignoring everything else that made him shit and calling everyone a right wing retard.
lets see how long it takes for him to get BTFO like in every single thread
You're using ellipses like a spastic woman on facebook. Get your shit together, dude, because no one is going to pay attention to the content of your message when you're doing the online equivalent of fingerpainting on construction paper.
>Literally more than 90 Million not in the labor force
>National debt doubling during his regime
Oh gee Barry Hussein is a saint thank god he cleaned up Bush's mess!!
But I did make a mistake: I should have said
>but we needed 38.5 million new jobs over 77 months to keep up with population growth and recover from the recession
Demtards who "love the poor" conveniently forget that we have the lowest population labor participation rate since Jimmy Carter. And that was back when a much higher percentage of women were stay at home moms.
But I'm sure all those millennials on their parent's couches just retired early...right?
Obama dashed the hopes of blacks in America on the rocks of a failed agenda for change. He could have been a force for good and healing but rather became a tool to do the bidding of the globalist.
Youve posted 9 fucking times in this thread...........with your little graphics at the ready.......Americans havent had a raise in 15 years.........job participation levels of 1978..........YA........he's wonderful........
So much this, the man is literally a miracle worker is makes me so sick that republitards cant see this. Its not like bush had a democratic congress and obama had a republican one, the president literally runs this fucking country. People pretend they only have control over foreign relations or something, which are also great right now.
>children and the elderly aren't working
Clearly this is a problem that we need Donald Trump to fix.
why is he still on vacation while one of the worst natural disasters in this country is taking place
Again, none of those statistics count the people I was referring to, namely gibsmedats, so theyre not counted into those statistics.
It wasn't a ransom it was just contingent on their freedom you shitlord. It was freedom money and nothing more.
You morons have no fucking clue who the 94 gorillion out of the labor force are do you?
They're elderly retirees, stay at home moms, high school students, university students, the disabled, etc etc. Pic related.
No wonder you're so fucking retarded. You get your information from outdated 2012 blog posts from right wing retard blogs that think my 80 year old grandma is unemployed.
>but...but...the lamestream media said the economy was good!
>Leaf needing to use his US proxy when he was getting trolled last week.
>Americans havent had a raise in 15 years
lol yes they have.
Maybe your NEETbux haven't gone up there dotboy.
>14 million person increase in 8 years
Oh pls think of the children
I didn't see an increase in my industry, in my area/region.
Gunna need more info than a single infograph, but I'm gunna err on the side of caution here and call bullshit.
every single time you get BTFO
but i don't save the threads because they're shit threads
seriously.............your on fucking 4 CHAN critiquing the way a poster FUCKING TYPES???
could you be ANYMORE OF A KEK???
your what ppl make memes about
I've never used a proxy once. You're just mad because I BTFO you right wing retards regularly. I save compliments and I also save right wing retards getting BTFO by me.
>16 years and OVER
It's almost like 10,000 boomers are retiring everyday AND LEAVING THE LABOR FORCE
>millennials = 80yo grandmas
Yes... he did create more jobs.
Minimum wage jobs, that is.
>Millions of births per year, every year since well before 18-24 years ago
>Muh 365,000 boomers per year!!!
Even your FELLOW KEK 538 did a column on it.............ahahahahahaha
You think the 94 gorillion out of the labor force are millenials? How fucking retarded are you?
I just showed you who they are
The college graduate unemployment rate is 2.6%.
It's right wing retards who don't have any skills or education that can't find jobs. You're the only losers bitching about the economy.
>U.S. gov labor force stats include retirees
You're pretty dumb for a leaf.
Already created the perfect list (slightly weighted towards modern presidents):
1) Abraham Lincoln
2) Barack Obama
3) Bill Clinton
4) John F. Kennedy
5) George Washington
6) Franklin Roosevelt
7) Theodore Roosevelt
8) Harry Truman
9) Thomas Jefferson
10) Jimmy Carter
11) Dwight Eisenhower
12) Andrew Jackson
13) Lyndon B. Johnson
14) Richard Nixon
15) Ronald Reagan
Thanks, I'm rubbing it on my feminine cock right now.
The krispy kreme machine broke?
Still not sure where you're getting that number from.
Also, not to be that guy, but that article is 4 years old
WTf are these right wing retards talking about? Why are you fucking morons so clueless about your own country?
US population growth rate is lowest in 80 years.
Seriously why are you so fucking retarded?
don't worry i will start saving the threads
>article is about college graduates
>"hurr durr only those without college degrees are unemployed"
The labor force is everyone 16 AND OVER.
Do you know what 16 AND OVER MEANS.
This is exactly what I mean. You fucking right wing retards are fucking clueless morons. You're so uneducated.
>Still not sure where you're getting that number from.
Then you didn't read the article.
You're right, what was I thinking? That was quality bait, friend. :^)