You hanging in there, user?
You hanging in there, user?
... I'm fine.
Y-yeah. Of course, man. A-all is well.
>tfw just jacked off for the 12th time today
I-I'm normal, right?
never been better :)
No, but don't worry, I'm gonna hang in there pretty soon.
My mom just died and I feel nothing, I don't know what should I feel. How do non-autists deal with grief?
did you get a free house out of it? if so then you should feel happy
27 touchless virgin still living with parents
but apart from that yeah
I wish it would end
you should probably write down your thoughts now and then again every few months. It's going to help.
Yeah man I'm great I love my life
>recovering alcoholic
>2 weeks in
>boss calls a meeting and chews out the staff for dumb shit
>not worried about getting fired but left a bad taste in everyones mouths
>want a beer really bad
>come home
>wifi is out
>fug all this
>drink a 6 pack
Better luck next week
what are good movies for a guy that's already been in school for 7 years and has three more to go?
20 years old and already feel like I wasted too much of my life
i just asked her on a date
waiting on a response
wish me luck lads
I'm slowly accepting the idea of killing myself more every day
>got a job selling cars
>goof around on /o/ all day
>meme on people when they come in
>end up doing just as well as the decent sales people my first month on the job
Working 60 fucking hours a week. Barely any time for kino. At least I get to drive nice cars all day. Time is moving so fast though.
Soon to turn 24 but same. There's no hope, is there?
The key is becoming comfortable with the concept of not existing anymore.
should i use 9mm or .45ACP to shoot myself? /k/ just posts memes and spergs out when i ask
Feel like I have another 100 years left to live.
I was feeling like killing myself but then I realised I will die eventually anyway, so I might as well continue living miserably and trying to make things better, because even if I fuck up and feel worse, i'm still going to die :)
getting tired of this life tbqh
That's the spirit!
Don't know much about guns but I'd assume both of those can pierce the skull.
Personally I'm leaning towards severing the carotid artery. I want to fully experience fading away, not just flip a switch.
get aids then
>waiting on a response
>asking someone out anywhere other than face-to-face
you fucked up my dude
Wouldn't you want to skip the suffering, though? That makes no sense.
>talking to people face to face
jesus christ how old are you?
I'm 27 and trying to get diagnosed with ADHD so I can get adderall and abuse it on weekends.
very nice digits
>tfw jerk off all day and avoid people
feels bad man
They post memes because a gun is a terrible way to kill oneself whether you use 9 or 45. There is a very good chance you'll just be brain dead for life and botch it. At best you might bleed out for hours unable to move or speak. Friend of a friend is in trouble because she saw someone shoot himself on cam but didn't alert any authorities. Apparently the guy was still alive for 7 hours :')
then ill just use a shotgun
its pretty much guaranteed to decapitate you
most doctors are crooked and get money for prescribing drugs so it shouldn't be that hard
Why don't you find a qt girl to lay on the couch and watch kino with, Sup Forums?
As I told user shooting oneself in the head is not the instantly lethal option it is often portrayed as being. Yeah there's a good chance you'll instantly die but it isn't worth the risk of being a vegetable for the rest of your artificially prolonged life.
the suffering ends either way. it doesn't matter. additional suffering at this point doesn't really make a difference. i might as well max out my credit cards, so to speak
Yeah it's okay.
Thanks for asking.
You good tho?
fuck you
Emotional closeness makes me extremely uncomfortable.
The opposite. Nofap is the first step towards normiedom
I just ate this, it was very comfy.
Go away deuschbag
I think I'm gonna be ok
Contemplating getting Taco Bell but I kind of want Raising Canes but its too expensive.
Any recommendations?
Are you at least drinking good stuff?
You give others a lot more to clean up, mang. And I don't know if you have family, but you don't want them to have to see you decapitated or your head split open. I think when people fuck up killing themselves with a gun, they fuck up the shot by either not aiming at a fatal part of the head or flinching before the shot. A .22 to the temple should do ya in with minimal damage and splatter.
realizing just how much the isolation has fucked with my head.
i want to start writing but i basically have no idea what people do all day or how they interact anymore. when I had internet friends it was easy (if probably autistic and cringeworthy.), now it's impossible.
i feel physically ill when I'm in large crowds. If the attention is on me I can't even smile correctly because my cheeks start quivering. What the fuck is that??
Honestly, Taco Bell is just as expensive unless you are getting their garbage options (anything not on their specialties menu).
These are the only things making this life worth living.
THe chicken fingers.
For your colon's sake.
shoot behind your ear.
Doing ok, still recovering from a bad break up after 8 years. Moved to a new city, lost 30lbs, getting settled in to a new apartment.
oh no poor normalfags having to sully their pure innocent normie minds with blood oh boo hoo for the normies so horrible for them boo hoo
I'm a broken half-human, there's no way I can survive in this world.
No one smiles naturally on command, make yourself laugh, you'll smile just fine as a reflex.
I am having panic attacks constantly again and its fucking up my life.
Jesus 8 years?
It's just an even more selfish way to go.
Nah. Had the chance to fuck an 18yo last night and end a 3 year dry spell but I cockblocked myself. I've been setting this up for a long time but I set it up to well and she is in love with me but didn't want to fuck because she thought it was too one-sided. Why didn't I just pretend I loved her?
i heard that putting the gun to the roof of your mouth rather than to the temple guarantees a kill, as it hits the center part of the brain and severs the stem.
>I won't pretend I know shit about you and your life
>But don't let it win
I'm trying professor, I'm trying
Once you get to the point of planning your suicide you're too tired to be selfless.
3 of those were long distance, but yeah. Tried really hard for a long time but all I was doing was throwing affection down a hole. Shit sucks, but w/e that's life.
Major anxiety due to social ineptitude.
Just write something from your isolationist viewpoint. At least it will be different from all the normie shit.
Dude don't bother with long distance shit. It doesn't work. There's plenty of people in your area that you can have a relationship with.
Last day of college ends in 20 minutes. Still hasn't hit me.
Does the darkness ever go away?
keep strong user, it's tough losing a parent
My last day was in May, last year, after my second degree.
it still hasnt hit me.
the only thing i live for at this point is shitting on game of thrones
>mfw I know this is exactly what will happen when my parents die
I love them a lot but why doesn't the thought of them being gone stir any emotion in me? Is it a defense mechanism? Will I feel the brunt of the emotion later?
Quads and we're all gunna make it!
Been hanging with a qt but she doesn't know im a neet, i have a feeling she will lose interest if she finds out
I'm living an empty life right now.
Everything is all hollow.
I do an important job that's very meaningful to the world but I still feel unimportant and unfulfilled. On my days off, and boy do I dread them, I read books, hang out with friends, watch television and movies, go to the gym, or go on bike rides. It's dull and predictable. I would rather fill my life with work to the point where I'm finally trying to get days off rather than the other way around.
I'm hoping that when I ship off for the military in a few months things will change. I will have structure, an important job, make good money, and be setting up my future.
Maybe I'll start a family someday and have purpose there.
Are you sure you love them? Maybe they're just useful.
im hanging with the boys in /qa/
You deserve it for not watching the superior show instead.
I'll be useful, sir
Goddamn you motherfuckers are depressing. I think I'm the only well-adjusted person on Sup Forums
Nice blog dumb faggot
It was worth a try, user
my life is really bad but i'm pretty fucking drunk right now so i don't even care
tomorrow the pressure and weight will set in, all the failures and anxieties will build up, but for now, there is only this moment
Perhaps a gf?
y-you too
Nope m8. Ending things soon.
>Only thing I enjoy in life any more is eating good food
>Don't want to get fat so deprive myself
I need something else to look forward to each day.
Not well. I don't think there's much left in me. Today I realized the compliment I've attached the most meaning to in my life was on a literature class paper . It just reminded me of how much I've wasted.
Everything in life is futile