
Do you give money to the homeless? I've only been asked for money once and I said no. He was like "i'm mighty hungry brother could I have $1 for something to eat?" I told him I don't have any money

Also I kicked a kid off my property and told him to move along and when he asked to use my phone I didn't let him use it. I wasn't a dick or anything about it. I know some people give food to the homeless so they can be sure they're not going to spend it on drugs or booze but I probably wouldn't do that either.

I've only had those 2 interactions with them, they weren't panhandling or anything but I have a feeling that if I had to deal with the homeless any more often I would get short tempered and end up mouthing off to them and tell them to fuck off and get out of my face

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I ask them to recite the first two verses of our national anthem. If they know it, I give them 5 euros

No. Fucking never.

If you end up homeless in Belgium, you're trash and not worth helping.

i used to til my dad told me they dont deserve money. now i just pretend not to hear them

I once walked by a nignog who was texting on his cellphone who looked up from it and asked me for money for food.

>I know some people give food to the homeless so they can be sure they're not going to spend it on drugs or booze
besides food, what do you think they're going to spend it on? they cant rent a room, drugs/booze are just about the only solace they have in their lives.

No. In the last few years I only gave money to one guy playing music in the metro because it was good, and a niche music genre that's one of my favorites.

I recognize a lot of homeless people begging in the metro, been seeing them for years. They don't deserve money.

Then they should be honest about it.

It all depends on the homeless person in question; also who I'm with.

Generally, if it's a cracked out bum who's following me around trying to conversate, then giving them a couple quarters is gonna get them out of my face faster- I'll just give it to them and be on my way.

I almost always give an old white person or a pregnant woman money if they ask for it.

Also if my woman is with me I'll almost always give them something just to get away quickly. She's terrified of bums so it just works out best to throw money at them money and shew them along.

Not unless they hold up a funny sign like "I need money for booze" or they're playing cool music or providing some other service of value.

Instead I offer them food. If they're not going hungry then they don't need my money.

What I'd do if I wanted to help the homeless is to buy a big bag of $1 cheeseburgers and hand them out. If you give them money they're just gonna go spend it on drugs or alcohol.

>fat homeless begging for money

Seems like you don't have a problem finding food, no money 4 u

I dont really give money

sometimes if I'm walking by and have nothing to do I'll stop in the store/mcdonalds next to them and buy them a 2$ sandwich.

at least its going to their hunger and not their drug/alcohol addiction

I'd be fuckin broke if I gave money to every spic that walked up to me at the gas station though

How do beggars exist in a wellfarw state?
You literally get free money if you are unemployed. What the fuck are they doing?

God no I hate beggars so fucking much.

I used to tell them to go ask Chavez for money, now I tell them to go ask Maduro. Fucking idiots get what they deserve.

I'm going to do that here too in the future. The 1st and 6th verse form the official anthem and barely any moderncuck knows the 6th. Hell, I'll give the hobo €10 if he knows it.

No. I work for a business that funds charities and there are plenty of charities that help homeless people.

The catch is that the charities only help if they stop taking drugs, so if you're homeless and needing money then you're a smack head and getting nothing from me.

they could save 20$ to get a clean pair of pants, maybe a little more for a shave. You think a nice old man barber wouldn't give a dude a shave and a cut for 5-10$ if hes looking for a job?

They come generally from one of two categories:

1. Mentally deranged / hopelessly addicted / whatever and literally are incapable of functioning at some kind of baseline level.

2. They make more money staking out a good spot to beg at and doing that as a day job.

pretty sure you need an address to get welfare m8

I give them food if I went to a restaurant and have left overs but only if they arent asking for it.

I find one that just looks happy to be alive and brighten up his day.

No. From working at a gas station over the summer most come in and buy either cigarettes or alcahol. Then there's the ones that pretend to be homeless. I've seen two of them run towards fancy cars that pick them up and drop them off.

>you got any change man?
Change can only come from within, my son.

buy them a beer and be on your way.

I give money to any homeless or begging woman, but a man never.

I give money to white homeless. I don't care if that sounds racist. Whites are the only ones who don't fake being homeless.

I have three memories of non-white beggars.
1. Black guy asked my dad for money for food. My dad gives him money. He walks across the street and buys alcohol.
2. Mixed woman asks my mom/dad for money so she can buy a burger. My dad buys her a burger. She's fucking furious and throws it on the ground.
3. Mexican guy, his wife, and his daughter sitting on a curb holding a "please help us" sign outside a CVS. Go into CVS, come out, see the Mexican man put his sign away, rent a movie from Redbox, then get into a brand new Acura with his family and drive off. His car is worth more than mine.

But you get free housing. Also is US such a shithole that they are going to tell you to fuck off if you don't have a house and need welfare?

Would you rather have one dollar and no homeless people. or no dollar and homeless people?

That is the choice you're being asked to make when asked if you can "spare a dollar"

>Do you give money to the homeless?
NO. They are mostly mentally ill and a blight on the community. Living on the street needs to be discouraged so they go to a shelter or institution.

With the presence of scammers and people who misuse the money I would never give money to the homeless.

I would consider taking a homeless person to McDs, but I wouldn't give them foodstuff they could take with them because again scammers.

What do you guys think of internet panhandling such as stream beggars, gofundme, etc. ? I honestly hate them more than street beggars.

Women deserve it less than men. Women get free stuff from men and the government just for existing, it's impossible for them to be involuntarily homeless (in Canada)

Like I said i've only seen 2 of them in my town. It's not very urbanized. I feel like if they were a problem I would want to get them out of my face pretty quick though

It's a good idea.

No one ever helps me or gives me a break when I need one. Why should I help them when no one ever helped me with anything.

"free" housing isn't all that common in the U.S

Section 8 exists, but they give special treatment to nigger moms with 5 kids.

The government has to pay people to use their property for section 8 housing. The niggers ALWAYS destroy the house/apartment, smoke crack in the bathrooms and leave burn marks in the counters, don't report leaks and the floor/ceilings cave in etc.

So most property owners don't want to supply their property for Section 8. Even though the gov. gives them a lot for it, its just not worth it.

Example : youtube.com/watch?v=Puc1CLwWNms

I sometimes buy homeless people that don't look like crystal junkies or Roma pic related.

Some even get angry, because they want money for beer topkek

yeah, one time i did, i knew that the fucker would buy liquor, but i gave some change money for him anyway, faggot did not even said thanks

Men also get " free stuff " this doesn't change the fact that I have no pity for men who cannot cultivate an inner strength and end up in such a situation. But for women my strict expectation to be strong above all personal problems does not exist and so when I see a woman in such a situation I do always give.

Yes it is. You Finns are full of good ideas. In fact, the factory I work at has been flooded with Finns, the place is like a living Spurdo meme.

Only when I am in poor countries like the US/Eastern Europe etc.

>old """homeless""" gypsy begging in my street
>says hello to him everyday
>sometimes give him some spare change
>9yo gypsy in levi's jeans and armani blazer bring him a tupperware and a thermos
>gypsy with gold chains and addidas track bring him a tiptop survival gear for the rain
>gypsy in mercedes help him packing up his stuff and give him a ride to god no where gypsy shithole

>mfw, no... my face when he dares to say hello to me again the next day

You can make a lot of money panhandling if you're good at it.

What do you manufacture? Ebin memes?

>Black guy at a Greyhound station sits next to me
>Him: "I'm having a bad day"
>Me: "Yeah?"
>Him: "My momma died."
>Me: "Oh that is bad."
>his phone rings and I walk away

Most finns are actually proxies because finland is a nation of 5 million and on top of that non english speakers yet they are extremely over represented in how often you see a finnish poster when you begin to pay attention to this.

Yep, we have those organized Roma aswell.
They even expelled other beggars and surprisingly all have the same disability.

There really is nothing else to do here besides shitposting on the internet. We also have high quality english teachers so that's another reason.

>I told him I don't have any money
Tell him you don't want to you cuck. It's not hard, I started doing it myself.

I give decent amount of money to working men, usually in construction, who rough it on the streets.
It's tough to work 12+ hours, eat a bit of rice and a potato then sleep cold nights on the pavement.
Things chinese rural men need to deal with.
I give nothing to beggers, fuck them.

That's incorrect. Finland and Sweden both had top-tier internet connectivity very early on, and used to dominate much more when it came to country representation by IP.

Yes i always give to beggars. the exception being those who are obviously gypsies/foreign scamming and those who are aggressive.

drugs don't really matter to me as people need help to get out of a shitty situation.

But i never give to street performers or buskers as they often make lots of money and see it as a way to further their careers, go perform in a pub.

I know the jews are using rent and housing costs to make good people homeless.

so many people are fucking trash on the internet who want people to suck their dick, like sam molyneux how is he not a fucking beggar?

get a fucking job sam hyde.

Mostly. Although paper and cardboard are also produced. For other people to print memes on, although we tell the outside world it's for magazine printing and packaging purposes.

Finns are on the internet a lot. I believe they have the largest internet penetration after the Netherlands and some Singapoere-tier city states. Their extensive domestic meme industry proves this.

I guess it's because you're..... Hungary?

Some bum was sitting I front of a diner.and he asked me if I could give him $ for a cheeseburger. I asked him how much one costs,and he said $2.10

So I gave him $3,expecting him to eat,and the faggot sat right back down on the bench.

I thought the homeless population in Hungary was close to nil?

I used to until I have come to the realization that it just encourages them to beg for more.

>be me
>homeless man at corner of street errrrdayyy
>comes into buisness to change coins into bills
>always somewhere between 25-75€/day (tax free)
>befriend a little
>he shows pics of wife, kids, house and huge property (gigantic garden with small forest)
>cant believe it

never again i will give money. those guys live better than me by just sitting on the street while i work my ass off. fuck that.

I nearly beat the shit out of some white faggot for doing what you are talking about.

I was outside the gas station walking in and he comes riding up on a Haro Bmx bike (like 300 dollar bike) on his iphone 6 and says bro I am fucking homeless and starving please give me some money. I said sell your fucking bike or phone if you are so fucking hungry. He said no I need these. So I said then eat out of that garbage can over there if you are hungry and wont sell your shit.

Well he got offended and tried talking shit so I started walking towards him ready for a fight and he sped off like a punk.

The next day a black man was outside and he asked for 50 cents so he can buy a 40oz I said I dont have cash man sorry and he said no problem brother its not your responsibility to support my habit god bless and take care.

I came out with 50 cents for that one guy. (only time I ever gave money)

>I've only been asked for money once
I'm surprised they have internet where you live.

Fucking hicks. You realize that most of the homeless people we get are either queers you redneck jesus-freaks tortured and disowned, or veterans who listened to your retarded war propaganda, fought in a retarded war you supported, and ended up totally ruined.

Then you have the nerve to complain about homeless people in the cities. Fuck you. These are your people who you destroyed.

The hell? " working men usually in construction who rough it on the streets "

Is Sweden Dubai? Are the construction jews there just hiring migrants en mass and paying them nothing and this situation is then possible as you describe?

here is some fresh oc i made

It's just illegal to beg I think, at least in Budapest. The police beat them up and drop them outside of the city.

>tfw can't do that

No, because all the homeless people in Oslo as Romanians.

There are a couple of white ones too, but they usually do something. Anything. I still don't give any money, because I've stopped carrying cash in the city, but I appreciate some effort other than the Romanian "gibe mone pls"

Yes I do
And yes, I know I'm being scammed.

Years ago I was in Baltimore city, dindu beggar asks me for "money to get something to eat". I gave him a box with a slice of hot pizza in it. He half-ass thanks me and as I'm walking around the corner, he throws it in the garbage. Fuckin' Bastard!! Never again! Same night, from across the bar one of his "homeless" buddies walks in and proceeds to put on my friend's coat, my sister's coat, and my coat and walks out wearing all three coats!! My sister went outside and starts to beat the living shit out of him (she's a big girl). She grabs the coats and his wallet and calls over a cop, who proceeds to arrest him. He had $18 in that wallet for us to buy drinks with. Thanks bum! I fucking hate the city.

are Romanians *

in china of course, rural men trying to make a living in the cities

>that's the beginning of the Spanish national anthem
typical, I guess

i dont give money to the homeless but i would if it was some old guy who looked down on his luck or something. A lot of these young guys just seem fucked up. If you are sitting around asking for money with a shit eating grin on your face i think something is wrong with you, i feel sorry for people who can do that but i wont give them any money.

I once had a native americanlady knock on my door and ask to use the phone and i said ok and gave it to her to talk while she sat on my doorstep. i went to check the stovetop then went right back and she was gone with the phone.
Never again.

Nah.fuck em.

There's a nice Chinese man who plays that word chink guitar thing in my city. I give him my change when I see him.

Fuck the homeless
They deserve to be poor especially if they Live in a first world country

I gave some change to a woman I used to see going to work in a pedestrian subway in Plymouth sometimes, but one day she flipped out when I didn't have any money on a really cold day. Was tempted to throw my drink at her and kick her in the face I was that angry.
But I realised she didn't really remember anyone, and there was a small network of them that were completely fucked.
It was on the way from when I bought my weekly shopping, so from the on I gave them food.
I knew she was angry more, because she was just a completely fucked up person, and it wasn't personal. They were harmless.

The last time I saw her she was hugging another homeless person and she'd gotten a job or something and was crying with happiness, so I'm glad for her.

I usually give people food, if I'm too busy to eat, I'll give them my sandwiches if I ever see a homeless person. We live in a world now where i rarely have change because everything is card now. Fucking banks.

I feel sorry for them, and I've seen how people can get into those situations through abuse and dead ends.
I guess it's because I'm a depressive person. If I didn't have a loving family, and had a nightmare childhood, I wonder if I'd be homeless.

A couple of times I told them to come with me to a nearby supermarket or a sandwich place, I'd buy them any food they want. Both times they refused and insisted on cash, didn't give them any.

Ah yes this is a great idea I will do this from now on.

"O Canada!
Our home and NATIVE land!"

>she's a big girl


Yes il give them a euro so they will go away if I have any on me. I also let them know that their socialist government has failed them as much as they have failed themselves.

FYI I'm an American living in Italy for my job.

Did Weedman ever fix the"from all thy sons" line to something more cucked?

to be fair, homeless people never accept food because people often poison it before giving it to them. Its a pretty common fact among the homeless people.

I nearly always buy a hot drink and a sandwich when I'm in the city, but no more than two beggars a day. I sometimes give change as well, and volunteered at a shelter for a few months teaching.

I only help out other white men.

Everyone else has a million hand outs and charities.


I live in a suburb right outside of Detroit, it's not uncommon to see people in decent clothes with good shoes sitting on a corner asking for money for a couple weeks and then change corners. Not to mention these people will text on their iPhones while they're waiting for the light to turn red.

one time my girlfriend at the time bought a guy on a corner of the freeway exit a meal from Wendys and he took it and went inside to the corner house he was standing 30-40 feet away from. These people are scum and make a killing off of gullible, well-intentioned people.

Fuck them.

We rarely have homeless in the classic sense, it's mostly just Romanians or gipsies who fake an injury or fake missing a limb.

Kek I pay my taxes and that's enough. I once had a close encounter with a panhandling crack head she-boon who appeared asking for a smoke while I was attempting to get laid in my car. I instinctively reacted by shouting
"what the fuck" and the nigger just sat there waiting for my response. After a few moments I just said "no I don't have a cigarette now fuck off" I didn't get laid that night.

tl;dr panhandling crack head nigger bitch cock blocked me

You shouldn't do that.

"General Delivery" is your address when you're homeless.

fuck no, a huge majority of them aren't even homeless. There are maybe 1-2 legitimate beggers on my daily commute, and they only last 2-3 weeks before being replaced by someone else clearly handicapped.

You'll get begged INSIDE businesses here. Cici's, mcdonalds, doesn't matter. They can be inside eating, and will ask for money.

You can always tell if someone is actually homeless by looking at their shoes. Real homeless people dont have nice shoes.

I was walking in downtown Detroit one time and as I'm walking by some nigger at a bus stop he says "hey man," and I replied "nope, sorry." apparently I triggered him because he started screeching some bullshit but I kept walking.

It's a pretty common delusion, you mean.

Hahahah oh damn

Don't forget the ones Reagan threw out of the nut houses in the 80's.

if you actually want to help them out dont give them money. i just buy them food, water and simple hygiene, thats it. sometimes i want to round up old clothes and blankets and give it to hobos but hobos are rare around here since im in country.

Lol no. They'll refuse it even if you buy it while they're standing next to you.

We have real starving beggars and homeless here. Not a single one of them will refuse you food.

I took a homeless white vet off the streets to live with me in my apartment. Took him a while to get a job, but whatever.

One time I was walking by the same nigger who always hangs out in his favorite spot grafting people who don't know any better, and I inadvertently looked at him as I was walking by. Boy howdy did he explode into a rage about how it was the cruelest thing you could do to look at somebody and not give them money.

I made sure to look at him every time after that I walked past his spot.

You should tell them to ask maduro

never see any homeless really, only romanians and other illegal immigrants littering the streets like garbage.

Free housing? Where? Sign me the fuck up.

>Free housing doesn't exist in America famm